Lush breasts: photo

A beautiful figure is the pride of any girl. But a rare man will say that big breasts are not included in his concept of beauty. Woman’s Day asked the owners of a magnificent bust how they live with such a figure.

Valeria Cheboksarova, 24 years old, administrator

Does the figure help in life? Helps and hinders at the same time. The pluses, rather, are in attracting the attention of the interlocutor, his location. However, focusing solely on physical dignity is a minus for me.

What do you consider the most beautiful in yourself? I can’t name anything specific. It seems to me that beauty is a subjective phenomenon and is determined by the harmony of all components.

How do you keep track of your figure? I try to keep my figure with the help of a healthy diet and regular gym visits.

How do you emphasize your dignity? At work, I don’t focus on cutouts. In my free time I like cleavage and tight clothes, my boyfriend also likes my figure.

An idol star with big breasts. I won’t name an idol, because I don’t really follow celebrities and try not to be equal to anyone.

Alena Kolomoitseva, 27 years old, director of a travel agency

Does the figure help in life? I don’t remember such cases. They pay more attention to me – yes.

What do you consider the most beautiful in yourself? Legs and hair.

How do you keep track of your figure? I have been doing yoga and Pilates for four years. I try to control my nutrition, I don’t allow too much.

How do you emphasize your dignity? This is not required.

An idol star with big breasts. I have no such. I have been the owner of a large breast since 16 years old, so I never considered it to be something special or a great dignity. On the contrary, in my youth I was even a little shy.

Alina Silver, 21, beautician, model

Does the figure help in life? Yes, of course it does. This is my distinguishing feature from everyone else.

What do you consider the most beautiful in yourself? My chest is my pride.

How do you keep track of your figure? Gym, push-ups.

How do you emphasize your dignity? A tight-fitting T-shirt, rarely dresses with a neckline.

An idol star with big breasts. One of the commandments says: “Do not make yourself an idol.”

Anastasia Lanko, 23 years old, student

Does the figure help in life? Yes, it helps, because extra glances raise my self-esteem and mood!

What do you consider the most beautiful in yourself? The most beautiful thing in myself is the ability to remain myself.

How do you keep track of your figure? I like to run very much, and also go to the gym 3-4 times a week, for the figure the most effective is “iron”, and do not forget about nutrition – three times a day at a certain time and nothing harmful.

How do you emphasize your dignity? The figure is emphasized by my mood, and it is always excellent.

An idol star with big breasts. There is no such.

Valeria Kustova, 26 years old, HR manager

Does the figure help in life? In real life, my dignity helps. Any woman is pleased with attention, but in my case there is more than enough of it. It raises self-esteem. Although someone is sick of this kind of attention, but if you do not dwell on it very seriously, you can just catch a good mood. From a smile, as they say, it will become brighter for everyone.

What do you consider the most beautiful in yourself? Eyes, lips and chest.

How do you keep track of your figure? This is a constant struggle. I try to stick to proper nutrition, but to be honest, it doesn’t always work out.

How do you emphasize your dignity? I love corsets, necklines, tight things, but everything should be in place. At work – only business style.

An idol star with big breasts. Monica Bellucci. She is a hunter!

Lyubov Shubina, 21 years old, student

Does the figure help in life? To be honest, in everyday life I try to wear more concealed clothes, so many, when they see me in revealing outfits, are surprised and think that I have enlarged my breasts. So far in my life this has not helped me in any way, but, on the contrary, made me feel uncomfortable.

What do you consider the most beautiful in yourself? An extraordinary cut of the eyes makes almost all interlocutors think about my nationality.

How do you keep track of your figure? I try to protect myself from junk food, and I also work out in the gym and, if possible, go to the pool.

How do you emphasize your dignity? In business life, I prefer closed clothes in order not to distract the interlocutor. But for evening outings, I prefer open dresses with a maximum length, as well as short tops. Speaking of jewelry, I like the absolute absence of them on the neck.

An idol star with big breasts. Probably Marilyn Monroe. She is an incredibly attractive girl. Cities conquered her charm, and her style put the actress on the pedestal of the fashion industry.

Anastasia Karpacheva, 21 years old, journalist

Does the figure help in life? I don’t think my breasts are exceptional. But the outstanding forms attract male attention. And it’s always nice. Attractive appearance gives an advantage in communication with the opposite sex in any area. I remember there was a case when I asked to take a joint photo with one of the athletes, and in the end, in the photo, his face was drawn to my chest. It was a funny shot.

What do you consider the most beautiful in yourself? The most beautiful part of the body, according to others, my eyes are the mirror of the soul. In general, as A.P. Chekhov, everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts …

How do you keep track of your figure? Pool, gym, massages and good mood.

How do you emphasize your dignity? I try to dress according to the situation. If this is a club, then there might be cutouts, ornaments, and tight dresses. If it is a business meeting, then it is not at all necessary to emphasize the forms with tight-fitting outfits. You can be a woman of mystery and even benefit from it. Everything that is hidden from view attracts the eyes of men. I love women with natural breasts like mine. But I have nothing against plastic surgery, if they do not disfigure natural beauty.

An idol star with big breasts. Among the stars, I consider Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Monica Bellucci to be sexy and charming.

Does the figure help in life? I cannot say that my breasts are the main advantage of my image. But I get a lot of compliments from men and incriminating questions from girls on the topic “my own – not my own”.

What do you consider the most beautiful in yourself? I think the most beautiful in myself are the eyes. First of all, a girl should be beautiful in face, and then a figure.

How do you keep track of your figure? I don’t really follow the figure. I have an active lifestyle, especially in the summer – a lot of tours and performances. Concerts replace cardio workouts in the gym for me.

How do you emphasize your dignity? I think my figure is ideal, I like to emphasize it with light short dresses that bare the shoulders – I think it’s feminine and sexy.

An idol star with big breasts. Of the stars in figure and not only I admire Monica Bellucci. In my opinion, she has ideal body proportions: chest, waist, hips.

Yulia Pivovarova, 28 years old, pop and jazz singer

Does the figure help in life? It probably helps. The figure looks more colorful and advantageous on stage. But in life it’s hard. Often you have to visit the manual operator and it is difficult to pick up clothes or a swimsuit.

What do you consider the most beautiful in yourself? First of all, the soul must be beautiful. I try very hard to keep it that way.

How do you keep track of your figure? I am engaged in dancing, performing on stage is already physical activity in its own way.

How do you emphasize your dignity? With my specific hourglass figure, I have to choose a certain style of clothing that will accentuate the chest, it is difficult to hide it. I love to wear knitwear, they fit well and fit perfectly.

An idol star with big breasts. Now the stars often enlarge this part of the body, but I am more interested in their professional achievements.

Alina Koroleva, 21 years old, student

Does the figure help in life? To be honest, it does not help in any way, except for the constant attention of the male representatives.

What do you consider the most beautiful in yourself? Blue eyes and legs.

How do you keep track of your figure? I go to the gym trying to keep track of my diet.

How do you emphasize your dignity? No way. But if there is a dress, for example, with a beautiful deep neckline, why not?

An idol star with big breasts. Anna Semenovich.

Lyubov Sazonova, 24 years old, economist

Does the figure help in life? Yes, especially when working with male clients. For example, resolving conflicts is easier.

How are you following her? I tend to be overweight, so I regularly go in for sports, swimming, eat right, and periodically go on diets.

How do you emphasize your dignity? I try to wear things with a cutout. If the shirt or dress is without a cutout, then it should be tight.

Does the figure help in life? I am sure that good forms are always a plus. It helps both in work and in communicating with people. After all, everyone wants to spend time with a pleasant and well-groomed girl. Suggestions are coming in for filming for advertising.

How are you following her? Of course, it is very difficult to follow the figure as a student. You don’t always get to the gym, but you can always eat right. I try to use products of natural origin, raw plant foods.

How do you emphasize your dignity? I always try to emphasize dignity and hide flaws by choosing the right clothes.

An idol star with big breasts. My idol is Monica Bellucci. I consider her a wonderful actress and a wonderful woman. Despite her far from young age, she has excellent forms.

Voting is over!

Congratulations to the winners Valery Cheboksarov и Alina Silver! Girls receive certificates from the Hitchcock beauty studio: Valeria – for 3000 rubles, and Alina – for 1000 rubles. Both participants become the owners of Woman’s Day diplomas.

Which girl’s breasts do you think are the most attractive?

  • Valeria Cheboksarova

  • Alena Kolomoitseva

  • Alina Silver

  • Anastasia Lanko

  • Valeria Kustova

  • Lyubov Shubina

  • Anastasia Karpacheva

  • Yulia Ryabtseva

  • Julia Pivovarova

  • Alina Koroleva

  • Lyubov Sazonova

  • Yulia Kudinova

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