The lupine flower belongs to legumes, it can be annual and perennial. Grows in the form of shrubs and semi-shrubs.
In nature, there are about 700 species of this plant. It is found in different parts of the planet. The flower can grow in the most inappropriate and harsh climatic conditions, assimilating nutrients from the soil. Let’s consider some of its types.
The lupine flower grows in many parts of the world
The annual plant is up to 1 m high and is cross-pollinated. The flowers are yellow, the leaves are narrow, forming a rosette. Stems are drooping and strongly branched from top to bottom. The inflorescence is elongated, cyst-like, 6-22 cm in length. Bracts are small, silky, easily falling off. The beans have a flattened elongated shape, densely hairy, color from pink to dark brown.
Lupins have a powerful and branched root system, with the help of which they lift nutrients to the surface. This plant is usually used to trap snow so that the soil does not freeze quickly. Serves as food for worms, thereby saving other plants from pests.
Lupine is used to decorate the site, as a green fertilizer, and also as feed
This flower reduces the acidity of the soil. Increases the fertility of poor, sandy and clay soils. Can completely replace manure. By the content of high-quality and easily digestible protein, it surpasses other leguminous crops. The green component contains many useful microelements, and the grains are rich in fat.
It belongs to perennial plants, it is cross-pollinated, 85-125 cm in height. Stems are almost glabrous, firm and erect, leaves are petiolate, palmate. Inflorescences are casteiform, candle-shaped, 31-34 cm, with numerous moth flowers. Blooms for about a month in early summer, may still bloom in August. The beans are flat and elongated.
This type is decorative, used to decorate the garden, flower beds and mixborders. A varied color palette, from bright white to deep purple, allows you to create beautiful compositions. The plant also enriches the soil with nitrogen and purifies the polluted air.
In comparison with other species, this is the most cold-resistant and not demanding on the soil.
Lupins are unpretentious, but, like any plants, they require attention. If you provide proper care of flowers, then they will give not only aesthetic pleasure, but will also be of great benefit.