Lunules on your nails – when do they appear and what do they say about your health?

Ringlets on the nails (or lunules) are a very individual and variable feature. They are usually crescent-shaped and whitish in color. In some people, lunules are only visible on some nails, in others they are found on all of them. What does the change in their appearance show? What diseases are manifested by the lack of lunula on the nails? What are leukonychia and onycholysis?

  1. The appearance of the ringlets on the nails may indicate the condition and vitality of the body
  2. The lack of calluses on the nails is characteristic of, among others, anemia, vitiligo and kidney diseases
  3. Enlarged crescents on the nails may indicate dietary deficiencies or disorders in the functioning of the circulatory system
  4. Color changes of ringlets may indicate many serious systemic diseases, after observing them, consult a dermatologist as soon as possible
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

The nipples on the nails are a sign of the organism’s vitality

The nipples on the nails (also known as lunules) are located at the base of the visible part of the nail, the so-called tiles. They usually have a milky white color and take the shape of a crescent, and their size does not exceed 25%. the size of a fingernail. The lunules on the nails are most prominent on the thumbs, a structure that connects the nail plate to the matrix.

Since the nipples are the youngest, living part of the nail and the main place of its growth, their appearance provides clues about the condition and vitality of the body. Indeed, both the lack of rings and their unusual shape or color may indicate irregularities. In a healthy person, the crescents are white and well visible, and the nails – smooth, pink and even.

See also: Nail structure – elements, functions. What does a nail consist of?

The lack of bright crescents on the nails – what could it be?

The lack of ringlets on the nails may indicate a bad condition of the body, e.g. weakness, exhaustion or illness. One of the reasons for the loss of lunula are nutritional deficiencies resulting from a poorly balanced diet or malabsorption of food. In particular, vitamin B12 is important, which is responsible for the healthy color of the nail and its proper growth. With its deficiencies, you can observe not only poor visibility of the lunula, but also unsightly discoloration.

Anemia, i.e. anemia, may also be responsible for the lack of crescents on the nails. In the course of this disease, there are disturbances in the production of the number of red blood cells and, consequently, oxygen deficiency. As a result, the patient has pale skin and the rings on his nails disappear. In order to exclude or confirm anemia, it is worth performing a classic examination – blood count.

The atrophy of the calluses on the nails can also be caused by a chronic skin disease – vitiligo. The mechanism of this disease has not been fully elucidated. It is presumed that genetic and immunological factors play a significant role in its development. The main symptom of vitiligo is the presence of depigmentation spots in various parts of the body. The skin lesions can also affect the nails, resulting in a lack of lunula. The disease is diagnosed by a dermatologist.

The absence of white crescents on the nails may also be associated with renal failure. This feature was observed in patients undergoing dialysis. Indeed, kidney disease often manifests as changes to the skin and its appendages, including the nails. In people with chronic kidney disease, the so-called Lindsay’s nails; and other plaque lesions, e.g., onycholysis, koilonychia, or subungual linear hemorrhagic lesions.

Another possible cause of the disappearance of the ringlets on the nails is the so-called yellow nails syndrome, i.e. the yellow nail syndrome. In the course of this disease, the plaque turns yellow and the lunulae become blurred. Other telltale signs include slower plaque growth, thickening of the plaque and separation from the finger due to inflammation. Yellow nail syndrome is often seen in patients with chronic lung diseases and lymphatic circulation disorders. So far, no effective treatment for this condition has been developed.

Check: Diagnosis of the nails. What diseases can we learn about?

Clamp enlargement on nails – what does it mean?

Enlarged crescents on the nails can also be a sign of health problems. One of the possible causes is the deficiency of nicotinic acid, or vitamin PP or niacin. This vitamin plays an important role in the body, it is responsible, among others, for the proper functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system, and also participates in the synthesis of cortisol, thyroxine, insulin and sex hormones.

Lack of niacin in the diet can lead to the induction of pellagra, a disease that manifests itself in, among other things, dermatitis. Pellagra is often associated with onycholysis, i.e. the separation of the plate from the placenta, its symptoms also include leukonychia, i.e. the presence of white spots on the nails and, as a result, enlargement of the ringlets of the nails. The effects of niacin deficiency can be eliminated by introducing nuts and whole grains into the diet.

Too much nipple on the nail may also suggest disorders in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In the case of many congenital heart diseases, the fingers and nails have a so-called peripheral cyanosis. The cause of this type of changes in the distal parts of the limbs is the narrowing of the blood vessels and, consequently, reduced peripheral blood flow.

White spots on the nails – what is this symptom?

White spots on the nails are otherwise leukonychia. The exact causes of this phenomenon are unknown, but numerous links have been noted with zinc deficiency and diseases such as cirrhosis, psoriasis, alopecia areata, and pellagra. The presence of small white spots may also result from microtrauma that occurs during cosmetic procedures or as a result of prolonged compression of the nail plate.

Thyroid diseases, diseases related to circulatory insufficiency and diabetes can also manifest themselves through the white coating on the nails. The so-called Terry’s nails are a common symptom in the course of these diseases. These changes are also associated with hypoalbuminaemia, cirrhosis of the liver, in patients undergoing dialysis and after kidney transplants, and in people infected with HIV. Their characteristic feature is pallor of the entire nail plates, except for the distal edge.

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Onycholysis – what is it?

Discoloration on the nails and, as a result, changes in the appearance of the wedding rings may appear in the course of numerous systemic diseases and infections. The so-called onycholysis, i.e. a disorder in the growth of the nail plate with the separation of the plate from the placenta, is typical, for example, for hyperthyroidism. Research by recognized dermatologists – dr. Thomas Nakatsui and Dr. Andrew N. Lin – suggest that all patients with this symptom should be screened for asymptomatic thyroid disease.

Onycholysis is also associated with nail psoriasis. In the course of the disease, abnormalities in the keratinization process occur, which lead to the formation of point pits within the plaque. Other characteristic symptoms are the separation of the nail plate from the bed and a yellowish discoloration. Since in severe cases the nail may be completely detached, the suspicion of psoriasis should be consulted with a dermatologist as soon as possible.

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Other possible causes of onycholysis include:

  1. injuries – e.g. as a result of being hit with something heavy or as a result of growing nails too long and prying their plate too often in order to remove dirt
  2. bacterial, fungal and viral infections
  3. skin diseases: lichen planus and alopecia areata.

The health problem in the form of detachment of the nail plate from the bed also occurs as a result of exposure to harmful chemicals, e.g. contained in nail preparations. It may also be caused by taking certain medications, such as thiazide diuretics.

Red wedding rings – what diseases can you suspect on their basis?

A red nipple can also be a sign of disease. This type of crescent color on the nails is mentioned, among others, as a symptom of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and diseases related to the circulatory system. It is also a common symptom in patients suffering from alopecia areata, chronic urticaria, psoriasis and cirrhosis of the liver. In the course of the last of these diseases, there are also additional changes in the distal parts of the limbs, such as club fingers, skin ecchymosis, excessive pigmentation or palmar erythema.

  1. Take care of your liver today and reach for one of the preparations for liver health available at

See: Split nails – causes, diet, care

Blue nostrils – what diseases can you suspect on their basis?

When blue lunules appear on the nails (in various shades, from silver-blue, through blue, to navy blue), it may indicate argyria, i.e. silver poisoning or Wilson’s disease. Blue callus also occurs in cancer patients and those who are taking drugs used in the treatment of HIV infections. These types of symptoms may be caused by taking azidothymidine or 5-fluorouracil.

  1. The Oncoria One Oncoria advanced nail serum allows you to regenerate a damaged nail plate. You can order the serum at

Nails are a good source of knowledge about the health and condition of the body. Based on their appearance, it is possible to conclude about eating disorders as well as disease states in the body. Since changes in the nail plates can be a manifestation of many different diseases, they should be recognized by a specialist as soon as possible and then treated. Therefore, do not delay visiting a dermatologist.

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