The main principle of the treatment of a cancerous tumor today is the removal of tissues of a malignant neoplasm of the lung, if possible in a larger volume.
An operation to remove lung cancer is an extremely important measure, because only in this way it is possible not only to neutralize the tumor itself, but also to prevent its negative impact on the organ. Also, with the help of surgical intervention, there is a chance to prevent the appearance of metastases.
Even when the discovery of the focus occurred at the last stage (which sometimes happens), surgery can save the patient from severe pain.
There is also a problem, which is that in some cases, due to the localization of the tumor and its anatomical features, it is considered impractical or simply impossible.
What is lung surgery for cancer?
In oncology, surgical operations can be of two types:
Radical, when the lung tumor is completely removed. It is considered a highly effective method;
Palliative (symptomatic). They are used when, for some reason, it is impossible to use the radical removal of a cancerous tumor. It is impossible to cure the patient with the help of such operations, but it is possible to improve well-being and alleviate the symptoms of the disease.
For the surgical treatment of lung cancer, various instruments are used, on which the quality of the surgeon’s work depends:
Traditional scalpel;
Ultrasonic scalpel;
RF knife.
Of the variety of morphological types of cancer, some of its types are difficult to treat and lead to a tragic ending. However, surgery still gives many a chance for healing, even if it is partial. The result of the operation depends on the characteristics of the neoplasms – their number, size, stage of the disease. And if the tumor is without distant metastases, then the hope for success increases.
Consequences of lung cancer surgery
As you know, it is possible to distinguish the following, the most characteristic conditions of the patient after a surgical operation:
Violation of the rhythm of breathing;
Rapid heartbeat;
The appearance of a bronchial fistula.
After the operation, the patient begins a recovery period, which can take a long time. Doctors try to speed up this process, and start it with active movement. Even in bed, you should try to perform simple exercises – moving your arms and legs to stimulate blood circulation.
The patient must comply with the following conditions:
Strictly follow the physical therapy program;
Constantly perform breathing exercises;
Strictly follow a healthy diet.
What does lung cancer surgery do?
Patients who have undergone surgical treatment of cancer most often ask themselves the question: “How long do they live after lung cancer surgery?” No one will give an unequivocal answer, the life expectancy after the operation is individual for each patient, and the statistical data – 5 years, do not say anything at all.