Lung Disease – Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Lung Disease – Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Etymologically, pneumonia characterizes an “infection of the lungs”. However, this term is more widely used to indicate an infection in the respiratory system.

Pneumopathy, what is it?

The different forms of pneumonia

  • la infectious lung disease, defined by an infection of the respiratory tract by a virus, a bacterium, a parasite or even a fungus;
  • la aspiration pneumonia, which is characterized by inhalation of gastric contents (from the stomach) or oropharyngeal (from the pharynx). This liquid is then deposited in the larynx or even in the lower airways (trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, etc.);
  • la interstitial lung disease, which is an infection of the interstitial tissue (membrane covering the lungs);
  • la pneumonia, term used in the context of an infection in the pulmonary alveoli;
  • la bronchitis, as the name suggests, this is an infection in the bronchi;
  • la bronchiolitis, an infection this time, of the bronchioles;
  • la bronchopneumonia, affecting both the bronchi as well as the alveoli.

All of these forms of pneumonia can be acute ou chronic. The acute form then testifies to obvious, brutal signs, the evolution of which is both known and curable. The chronicity of a given pathology relates to signs that appear insidiously, a progressive development of symptoms, an unpredictable course and episodic pain.

Causes of pneumonia

Pneumopathy can be of different origins: infectious, interstitial or even immunological. The causes of the disease can then be viruses, bacteria, parasites or even fungi.

The bacterium mainly responsible for pneumonia is pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae). But we can also quote: staphylococcus aureus, klebsiella, Legionella, Chlamydiae, etc.

Pneumopathies of viral origin are very numerous and often recorded in the winter period, at the time of the flu peak. the flu virus is then one of the viruses responsible for this type of pathology.

Other origins of the disease are also known. This is, for example, pneumopathy resulting from irradiation (often of therapeutic origin). Particularly in the treatment of cancer, by the use of X-rays. But also the development of pneumopathy by intoxication by inhalation of oil or other toxic substances. In the latter case, people who are hypersensitive to inhaling dust, cigarette smoke, etc. (immunological pneumopathies) are more concerned.

The oral route is therefore the main route of entry for infectious agents responsible for pneumonia.

Symptoms and treatments for Pneumopathy.

Symptoms of pneumonia

Depending on the contaminating agent, the symptoms may be different. In addition, depending on the characteristics of the patient and his general state of health, the clinical aspects may turn out to be more or less serious.

Nevertheless, among the main symptoms of the disease we can mention:

  • un feverish state, with relatively high fever (39-41 ° C);
  • of the chills, often a consequence of an underlying fever;
  • an cough (dry or oily depending on the type of contamination);
  • a Rwheezing breath and shortness of breath ;
  • of the chest pain ;
  • a increased heart rate ;
  • of the nausea and vomiting.

Risk factors and contagion of pneumonia

The risk factors relating to the development of pneumonia are mainly due to exposure to the infectious agent (virus, bacteria, parasite, fungus). But also to chronic exposure to dust, toxic substances for the respiratory tract (sulfur dioxide, fine particles, ozone, etc.), to air pollution, or even to cigarette smoke.

Certain categories of people are more at risk of developing this kind of disease. Among these, we can cite:

  • infants and young children, for whom the development of the respiratory system is sometimes not completely finished and whose immune system (making it possible to fight against infectious agents) is not fully developed;
  • old people, for which the general physiological state has deteriorated over time and for whom the immune system is weakened;
  • immuno-deficient people (with underlying pathologies, such as SIDA boat), whose immune system is deficient;
  • smokers, exposed to a greater extent in view of tobacco consumption and contact with cigarette smoke.

Diagnose pneumonia:

The diagnosis of the pathology is based on the clinical examination of the patient beforehand: questioning, study of the respiratory tract and the symptoms experienced. An X-ray of the airways may also be of interest and necessary in confirming the diagnosis of the general practitioner.

Bacteriological analysis, for example from a mucus sample, may be prescribed in the suspicion of a bacterial infection. The blood test also provides more information on the origin of the symptoms as well as the validation of the prognosis.

Other examinations may also be prescribed in this context: computed tomography, spirometry, bronchoscopy, etc.

Treatments and prevention

In the context of a pulmonary infection, by a well-identified bacterium, the treatment is generally identified with antibiotic therapy.

In the context of a viral infection, taking antibiotics is, in the majority of cases, unsuitable.

Other drugs can also be used to treat pneumonia, in particular corticosteroids to limit inflammation or certain drugs that reduce symptoms.

Oxygen therapy or mechanical ventilation can also be prescribed for more serious cases, where respiratory damage is significant.

Finally, hospitalization is often the last resort, when the clinical signs worsen and the X-ray shows significant damage to the respiratory tract.

The prevention of the disease is delayed by a lifestyle limiting the risks (limiting exposure to tobacco, avoiding physical and / or sporting activities during periods of pollution peaks, wearing a mask as part of an activity with exposure to toxic agents or dust, etc.)

The flu shot can also prevent lung disease. In fact, the influenza virus is one of the agents at the origin of the development of this pathology.

It is also advisable to consult your doctor as soon as possible as soon as you notice significant signs of pneumopathy and the sensation of breathing difficulties.

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