Lung cancer has the potential to become a chronic disease

Lung cancer is the most common solid cancer diagnosed in Poland. It is also a common cause of death. A few years ago, his diagnosis was a sentence for Polish patients. The situation is slowly changing. The breakthrough we are witnessing will soon allow us to talk about lung cancer as a chronic disease. Experts emphasize the importance of self-control and observation of your health condition. The educational campaign “Healthy Breath”, under the patronage of MedTvoiLokony, is to help in this.

The 4th edition of the “Zdrowy Oddech” campaign, organized by the Medical Media Solutions publishing house, has just started. The publication was created with the support of many eminent experts. Its aim is to draw attention to important topics such as prevention, diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary diseases. We want to emphasize the importance of self-control and observation of one’s health, as well as the influence of the environment in which we live on our health.

The main topic of the issue is non-small cell lung cancer, which, despite the noticeable decline in tobacco smoking in society, is still the most commonly diagnosed cancer. Until recently, the chances of survival with lung cancer were negligible. Currently, thanks to faster diagnostics, detailed tests for mutations and properly selected therapies, it becomes a chronic disease. What the individual stages look like and why lung cancer is no longer synonymous with a death sentence are answered by prof. Joanna Chorostowska-Wynimko, head of the Department of Genetics and Clinical Immunotherapy of the Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases in Warsaw, prof. Renata Langfort, head of the Department of Pathomorphology at the Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases in Warsaw and Dr. Adam Płużański, head of the Department of Pathomorphology at the Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases in Warsaw.

The publication of “Zdrowy Oddech” opens with a statement by prof. dr hab. n. med. Władysława Pierzchała, President of the Elect of the Polish Society of Lung Diseases, on the life of COPD patients, treatment options and the importance of early disease detection.

On the cover of the campaign we host Dr. Piotr Dąbrowiecki, chairman of the Polish Federation of Asthma, Allergy and COPD Patients, for which we are especially grateful. Dr. Dąbrowiecki speaks extensively on allergies, incl. on risk groups and methods of supporting allergy sufferers in alleviating symptoms.

Allergy is a complex area that can manifest itself in more than one way. Moreover, having an inhalation allergy, we cannot rule out a connection with a food allergy. About the so-called cross-allergy and its dependencies says prof. Zbigniew Bartuzi, President of the Polish Society of Allergology.

In the publication, in the words of prof. Ewa Jassem, Medical University of Gdańsk, the topic of asthma was discussed. This is an extremely interesting article about building awareness, prevention and modification of the threat and risk associated with this disease.

To support the campaign, we invited Emilia Piotrowska from the Warsaw Smog Alert, which actively works to improve air quality in Warsaw and Poland. This text raises a very important issue of smog in the summer.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the extended on-line version of the publication!

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