Lung cancer causes one in five cancer deaths in Europe

Every fifth cancer death in Europe is caused by lung cancer – this is the main conclusion of the “Breathing in a new era” report prepared by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) published by PAP. Attention is drawn to the high mortality rate due to lung cancer in Poland.

Lung cancer is killing more and more people

The report prepared by the EIU is part of the starting EU consultation on the European plan to fight cancer. Experts emphasize in the report that lung cancer is currently the biggest challenge. More Europeans die from it each year than from prostate cancer, breast cancer and colorectal cancer combined.

Unfortunately, Poland fared very unfavorably in the report. Lung cancer mortality is 39 people per 100. inhabitants and is higher than in the Netherlands (36 people), Belgium (32 people) and Great Britain (30 people). The lowest death rate from lung cancer is in Sweden, at 19 people per 100. residents.

The global incidence of lung cancer is increasing – in 2018 there were 2 million new cases of lung cancer. For comparison, in 2012, there were 1,8 million new cases of lung cancer. Cancer is more common in men. In women, lung cancer is the third most common cancer.

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The report also found that 11 countries do not have a fast diagnostic pathway for patients who suspect they have lung cancer, and 15 countries do not provide quick access to specialist or highly specialized healthcare after lung cancer diagnosis.

The report covers 27 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Federation, Serbia, Slovakia , Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Great Britain.

Poles die of lung cancer too often

According to the data of the National Cancer Registry, over 23 people die of lung cancer in Poland each year. sick. In our country, as in other European countries, mortality from lung cancer is very high. It is estimated that five-year survival is achieved in only 13-17 percent. sick. Szymon Chrostowski, President of the Wygrajmy Zdrowie Foundation, quoted by, said that lung cancer is responsible for 24 percent. all deaths caused by cancer in Poland. That’s 1 in 4 deaths, which is more often than in Europe, where the rate is 1 in 5.

In an interview with, Mary Bussell, Associate at The Economist Intelligence Unit, said that Poland faces many challenges when it comes to lung cancer treatment:

– As for Poland, it is worth noting that the national plan to combat lung cancer has not been updated for a long time. I know that something is happening in this direction, but it is worth taking an official dimension. The second point is screening and early detection – improvement in this area is one of the conditions for increasing the chance of patients. More attention should also be paid to psychological assistance, which is very important for patients suffering from oncological diseases.

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