Lunar sowing calendar gardener gardener for june 2022

When growing plants on your land, you need to focus not only on varietal characteristics, but also on the lunar calendar. Every year it allows you to determine the optimal time for work. What the gardener’s lunar calendar for June 2022 includes, we will consider in this article.

Main activities in June

June is the first month of summer and at this time a lot of work in the garden and in the garden is already done. However, the gardener still has a lot of work to do, as this month is a great time to plant low-growing and early-ripening varieties of tomatoes, potatoes, or other vegetable varieties (for example, radishes, herbs, cucumbers or zucchini) into the ground.

Lunar sowing calendar gardener gardener for june 2022

At this time, cuttings of shrubs such as barberry, gooseberry, currant, honeysuckle, sea buckthorn, etc. are carried out. The month is suitable for planting trees and bushes with a closed root system.

In the first month of summer, gardeners usually fertilize fruit crops, since by this period they have almost used up their supply of organic matter. To replenish it, bird droppings or fermented manure are often used. It is necessary to dilute these fertilizers before applying to the soil in water at a concentration of 1:20 and 1:10, respectively. After breeding, top dressing is evenly distributed throughout the near-trunk circle. Fertilizer consumption depends on the type of crop.

At this time, it is recommended to spray plantings (for example, cucumbers) with a solution of honey or sugar. This will attract pollinating insects, thereby increasing the yield of vegetables. In addition, many plants during this period can be sprayed with prophylactic agents against various ailments (for example, tomatoes from late blight).

It is worth noting that the lunar calendar for each year has a detailed description of what and on what day in this month should be performed.

Moon calendar

Lunar sowing calendar gardener gardener for june 2022

The lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for June 2018 has the following recommendations for gardening:

  • 1-12 number (waning moon). The force of attraction of the moon, which is in this phase, has an effect on the flora, as a result of which the juice of plants gradually returns back to the roots. Therefore, the root system during this period will be more sensitive to various kinds of manipulations. In this case, tree branches will become less sensitive. Because of this, in the phase of the waning moon, it is recommended to fertilize various root crops, as well as plant them in the ground. This is a good time to prune fruit trees. From the 1st to the 12th, you can harvest vegetables or carry out preventive treatments for plantings;
  • 2–12 number. According to the lunar type of the calendar, this is an excellent period for planting plants in the ground that form a crop in their underground part;
  • 1-2 numbers, as well as the period from the 23rd to the 30th, is an excellent time to harvest from plants that form fruits in their above-ground part;
  • June 8–18 – this time is suitable for harvesting fruits from the aerial parts of horticultural crops;

Lunar sowing calendar gardener gardener for june 2022

  • June 13 (new moon). During this period, it is not recommended to carry out those types of work in the garden that are directly related to the ground. At this time, you can not sow and plant plants, as well as loosen the soil. During the new moon, all types of work that can lead to injury to the root system should be avoided: weeding, combating pathogenic microflora and parasitic insects. During the full moon, root crops can be harvested from the underground parts of plants (for example, beets, potatoes and onions);
  • June 14–30. This period can be conditionally divided into two phases of 7 and 8 days. In plantations, there is a gradual increase in sap flow from roots to shoots and leaves. During this time, it is recommended to plant flowers, various shrubs and fruit trees in the ground. Grafting of species is also permitted. These are favorable days for planting species that form a crop in their aerial part (for example, strawberries, lettuces, etc.). It is possible to carry out sowing of melons and green crops, planting seedlings of fruit trees. Transplantation of shrub species and trees is allowed. These days, watering and fertilizing plantings and various types of tillage should also be carried out. An excellent time for pre-harvesting cuttings and grafting;
  • The 17th–27th is an excellent time for planting species that form a crop on the aerial part;
  • June 28 (full moon). The moon, which is in this phase, contributes to the rise of plant juice from the root system to the aerial part. Therefore, this is a favorable time for harvesting fruits from part of the plants located above the ground. This period is suitable for harvesting ripe seeds. It is forbidden to pinch crops and pruning fruit trees and berry bushes.

Lunar sowing calendar gardener gardener for june 2022

As you can see, this month the gardener has a lot of work. At the same time, the first summer month is rich in favorable days for many types of garden work. Therefore, the gardener should take this calendar into service.

Gardener’s tips for June

It is worth noting that the gardener, in his work on his land plot, must rely not only on the recommendations of the lunar calendar, but also know the signs. They were formed over the centuries by observing our ancestors of nature. Each period of the year has its own signs. This month there are the following signs:

  • warm nights – a bountiful harvest;
  • in the morning fog over the water – to sunny weather;
  • stuffy sunrise – to be bad weather;
  • strong dew – an abundance of harvest;
  • frequent fogs – an excellent mushroom harvest.

Lunar sowing calendar gardener gardener for june 2022

As you can see, the lunar sowing calendar for June contains a detailed description of what should be done during the first month of summer. The lunar calendar for the gardener is the best assistant in growing any kind of vegetable, fruit and berry crops.

Video “Seasonal work in the garden in June”

From this video you will learn what garden work is recommended for June.

Seasonal gardening in June. 16

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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