Lunar sowing calendar for January 2019: a detailed diagram for gardeners and gardeners + table

It has long been known that the Moon affects gravity, which is why the tides depend on it. This dependence extends to all liquids of the Earth, including plant juices. Thus, in preparation for the new gardening season, the lunar sowing calendar for January 2019 should be taken into account.

Work at the beginning of the month

It would seem that winter is in the yard – it’s time to relax, forgetting about all agricultural concerns. However, for those who want to get an early harvest, who are worried about their gardens, greenhouses, there will still be work. Moreover, the lunar calendar of the florist, gardener and gardener for January can be applied to indoor flowers, to everything that is grown in greenhouses or winter gardens. That is, we are talking about all plants, and not just vegetables and fruit trees.

Lunar sowing calendar for January 2019: a detailed diagram for gardeners and gardeners + table

January begins with a waning moon, the 1th, 2th, 24th lunar days fall on the 25st or 26nd, when the Earth’s satellite passes the constellation Scorpio. These days, it’s good to do the preparation of seeds – they are recommended to be taken out of storage, sorted out, soaked for germination. You can sow the seeds of nightshade, herbs and vegetables.

So, it would be nice to sow seedlings for growing in greenhouses or greenhouses in demanded crops: eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic, lettuce, dill, parsley, cilantro, horseradish, sorrel. These days should be devoted to the preparation of the land, which must be taken out of the cellar, organic fertilizers applied, watered, loosened, transferred to a warm room, fully prepared for subsequent crops.

The first days of the new year can be devoted to grafting trees and shrubs that grow at home, in greenhouses, and also in winter gardens.

January 3-4, the waning moon passes the constellation Sagittarius. These days should be devoted to cultivating the land. In addition, from the 1st to the 4th day, you can sow seedlings of annual and perennial flowers.

On January 5–6, 28, 29, 1 and 2 lunar days fall. This is a good time to work on preparing and fertilizing the soil, and you can also soak and germinate the seeds.

From January 3 to January 6, it is recommended to disinfect the land of indoor plants. This time is convenient for pest control and various diseases.

Under the sign of Aquarius – January 7-9 – you can engage in sanitary or formative pruning. Affected shoots or twigs will quickly return to normal, plants will receive a new stimulus to grow. On January 8–9, you can continue work on preparing the soil.

Video “Gardening work in January”

From this video you will learn what garden work you need to do in January.

Tasks for mid-January

In the second decade of the month, the Earth’s satellite will reach the full moon. At this time, on the growing moon, it is recommended to continue the same work. So, on the 10-11th, you can sow eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, germinate annual and perennial flowers, dive or replant what has already sprouted earlier.

January 12-14 – under the sign of Aries, there will be a successful fight against pests or diseases, pruning of shoots.

15-16 – under the sign of Taurus, it is desirable to continue the preparation and sowing of seeds, in particular perennial flowers.

January 17-18 (12, 13, 14 lunar days) the Moon will spend in the constellation Gemini. This is a good time for carrying out disinfecting measures, weeding, loosening, digging, active preparation of the soil for planting, sowing. You can continue cutting branches.

19-20 – the last days of the growing moon, when she visits the constellation Cancer. You can apply organic fertilizers for indoor flowers, transplant or swoop young seedlings, and also carry out work on grafting plants. These days are recommended for sowing nightshade, herbs, annual and perennial flowers.

Tips for gardeners at the end of the month

Lunar sowing calendar for January 2019: a detailed diagram for gardeners and gardeners + table

January 21-22 – under the sign of Leo there will be a full moon. These days it is worth leaving the plants alone, and you can do the transfer of seeds to heat, preparing them for sowing.

On January 23-24, you can fertilize, dive, transplant seedlings, sow annual flowers while the Moon passes Virgo.

25-26 – you will need to do pruning, sowing onions, garlic, horseradish, lettuce, sorrel, dill and parsley.

On January 27-29, the Moon will again enter the sign of Scorpio, as at the beginning of the month. This is a convenient time for sowing seedlings of nightshade, spicy vegetables and herbs, annual and perennial flowers. It is advisable to continue work on grafting plants. It is necessary to prepare the soil for planting (make organic fertilizers), seeds.

January will end on 24-26 lunar days under the sign of Sagittarius. These days are advised to give for the fight against diseases, pests of crops, soil cultivation.

The lunar-sowing calendar contains recommendations for working with all the plants that we grow, but you need to use it in relation to your situation, climate. Not everyone spends January in the chores of preparing seedlings. Those who do not have a heated greenhouse should only start preparing the land and seeds. Summer residents will need to check the condition of trees, drive rodents, renew protection against them, throw snow on flower beds, as well as sheltered perennial crops.

The first month of the year is a great time to get the seeds, check them for germination, buy the missing ones, prepare the soil and dishes for seedlings.

It is necessary to purchase growth stimulants, fertilizers, protective preparations, covering materials for seedlings, and plan all your affairs for the beginning of the season. Experienced summer residents are advised to draw up a detailed plan of the site, mark the landing zones on it, their order, which will help save time and nerves in the spring, when there will be too much work.

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