To get beautiful, lush indoor and garden plants, you need to know about favorable days for caring for them. The grower’s calendar for May will help identify such cycles. In it you can find information about when to plant, feed, cut flowering crops. If you follow the schedule of favorable and unfavorable days, you can successfully plant and decorate not only the windowsill, balcony, but also the summer cottage.

Lunar sowing calendar for florist for May 2022

May lunar calendar

The movement of juice in plants largely depends on the lunar phases. This happens by analogy with the ebbs and flows. On favorable days (when the Earth’s satellite grows), flowers can be transplanted and cut. During this period, they become more hardy and tenacious.

Moon phases in May

In May, according to the lunar calendar, the celestial body will go through 4 main phases. It is believed that no gardening work can be scheduled on the Full Moon. It is good to have time to do them before the start of the period of decline.

The lunar phases will change in the following order:

1.New moonDuring this period (the day before the New Moon and the day after), it is possible to carry out work to combat weeds and pests, do sanitary pruning, watering, loosening the soil, sowing seeds, rooting bulbs.
2.first quarter (growing moon)During this period, cultures are rooted, planted, transferred to a new place, watered and fed.
3.Full moonThe day before and after, you can thin out dense plantings, uproot weeds, and take measures to combat pests, diseases, and weeds.
4.third quarter of the moon (celestial body is waning)During this period, bulbs can be planted, other species are not worth it. You can carry out activities for thinning, uprooting weeds, pest control.

With the growing moon, it is good to plant plants. With decreasing – their weeding, weed and pest control.

Lunar sowing calendar for florist for May 2022

Lunar sowing calendar for florist for May 2022

Important! 12 hours before and after the Full Moon, all work is stopped, they will not bring success.

Auspicious days

According to astrologers, on these days of the lunar calendar, any manipulations can be carried out in the garden and with apartment plants. Nothing will affect their growth and flowering in a negative way.

Lunar sowing calendar for florist for May 2022

During this period, sowing, transplanting, rooting are carried out. You can also fertilize and prune the plants. All procedures will favorably affect the growth and flowering of the crop.

Bad days

During these days of the lunar cycle, landing operations cannot be carried out. Flowering crops will take root poorly and may die.

Lunar sowing calendar for florist for May 2022

These days, only weeding and pruning of dry, unnecessary shoots can be carried out.

Florist calendar for May 2022: planting and caring for garden flowers

Works on planting, watering, fertilizing and loosening the soil are carried out in accordance with the lunar cycles. Sowing work is carried out on favorable days, on the rest – pruning and top dressing.

Sowing calendar for May 2022 for flower growers

Sowing seeds and rooting cold-resistant bulbous garden plants is carried out on the New Moon. At this time, the seeds of garden annuals are sown: poppy, bindweed, calendula, cornflowers. You can also sow garden chamomile, lupins, asters, gypsophila, matthiols. Large seeds should be soaked for several hours in warm water before planting. Small ones – mixed with sand to make them easier to sow.

Lunar sowing calendar for florist for May 2022

In the middle of the month, when it gets warmer, lavatera, marigolds, nasturtium, purslane are sown on the growing moon in open ground. Seedlings of horticultural crops are also rooted: godetia, snapdragon, chrysanthemum, ornamental cabbage, scabiosa.

At the end of May, daisies, amaranth, zinnia, brachicoma, gladiolus bulbs, dahlia tubers, and rudbeckia are sown.

Perennial Care

According to the lunar calendar of the grower for May 2022, during the period of the growing moon, it is possible to carry out work to care for garden perennial flowers. It is necessary to remove winter shelters, to ensure access of sunlight to perennial crops. On unfavorable days, you can clean the beds from the remnants of last year’s plants, cut off dry parts of flowers, unnecessary shoots.

In early May, before the start of the active growth phase, tuberous horticultural crops (aster, gelenium, lychnis, echinacea, dahlias) can be divided.

Lunar sowing calendar for florist for May 2022

Important! You can divide the rhizome and transplant garden flowers only on favorable days of the lunar calendar, on the growing moon.

If the spring is long, at the beginning of May, according to the favorable days of the lunar calendar, the tubers of frost-resistant perennials are divided, after which they are seated and rooted in a new place. Such garden flowers include small-flowered chrysanthemum, phlox, garden buttercup. Each separated plant must have at least 3 buds. The baby is cut off with a sharp garden knife, the cut is treated with activated charcoal.

Young garden flowers are transplanted into the soil previously dug up with humus. If the threat of night frost persists, the seedlings are covered with a film for the night. During the day for a week or two garden flowers shade.

In the evening, if there are no frosts in May, garden plants are watered. The procedure can be carried out on favorable and unfavorable days.

All garden non-flowering perennials need sanitary pruning. May is the right time for this. Pruning of dry shoots is carried out only on unfavorable days of the calendar. Shortening of long shoots, in order to get good side branches, is done on favorable days in May, according to the lunar calendar.

Top dressing and watering can be carried out on all days of the lunar cycle. If a garden plant needs additional fertilizer after an unsuccessful planting, it is applied only on the growing moon on favorable days of the calendar.

Lunar calendar for May 2022: care for indoor flowers

On favorable days, the internal juices of plants flow to the leaves, on unfavorable days – to the roots. When the rhizome is saturated with moisture, it is not manipulated. The transplant will not be successful, the survival rate of the culture will be reduced.

When can I transplant indoor flowers

On favorable dates for transplanting indoor crops, internal juices from the root enter the foliage. The root is less injured, and the survival rate of the culture in a new place is higher. This process occurs during the growth of the moon. On the waning moon, indoor flowers are not recommended to be disturbed. Juices from the leaves enter the root, when transplanted, it is injured, the survival rate of the culture is reduced.

Important! In emergency situations, when the pot is damaged, the stem of the plant, the flower suffers from pests, transplantation can be done on any day of the lunar calendar.

Lunar sowing calendar for florist for May 2022

If the culture has bloomed, it is also not worth disturbing. Even on a favorable day of the lunar calendar, the transplant will not be successful.

Tips for caring for indoor flowers in May

If indoor crops were not transplanted in April, this is done in May, but not during the flowering period. A layer of drainage is laid at the bottom of the flower pot, a fertile soil mixture is poured on top, the houseplant is rooted. In about 14 days, the flower will take root with proper care.

In order for an indoor transplanted flower to quickly take root, do the following:

  1. Flowers on the windowsills from 11 o’clock in the afternoon until 14:00 shade from the first May sunshine. They are especially destructive for orchids, geraniums, begonias, ferns, violets.
  2. Watering indoor plants is carried out in the morning or in the evening. Every day, until the flower takes root, it is sprayed. After transplantation, moistening of indoor flowers should be regular, but moderate.
  3. On favorable days of the month, in order to achieve abundant flowering in jasmines, fuchsias, pelargoniums, pinch the top.
  4. If 14 days have not passed after transplantation, indoor plants should not be taken out to the balcony. After this time, if there are no frosts, the flowers can be taken out into the air for hardening.

Houseplants are fed in the spring 1 time, in May. Choose an auspicious day of the lunar calendar when the celestial body grows. Any ready-made substrate corresponding to a particular flower is chosen as a fertilizer. It is convenient for indoor crops to use liquid fertilizers. They are brought in according to the instructions.

Lunar sowing calendar for florist for May 2022

It is important to inspect the flowers once a week for the presence of dry shoot leaves, pests. Damaged stems and leaves are cut off on unfavorable days of the lunar calendar, on the waning moon. In the same period, pest control is carried out. This also applies to indoor trees: lemon, ficus, dracaena, palm trees.

In the last spring month, balcony indoor flowers are sown: petunias, lobelias, violas.

Important! The soil in flower pots and flower pots for balcony flowers is loosened regularly, regardless of the lunar calendar. One procedure per week is enough.

Cyclamens, amaryllis, gloxinia and hyacinths are removed after flowering in a dark, cool place. Watered once every 1 weeks until the next season.


The grower’s calendar for May will tell you what time to carry out this or that procedure for caring for indoor and garden plants. Their growth and flowering are not always affected only by weather conditions, timely transplantation, and pruning. The phases of the moon also contribute to this process. If you focus on the phases of the moon when caring for flowers, you can increase the survival rate of plants, encourage them to lush flowering.

Indoor plants – seasonal work in May!

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