Lunar gardener calendar for April 2022: the best days for planting and working in the garden

The influence of the moon on the growth rate of plants, their degree of fertility and general condition has long been noted. For many years, lunar calendars compiled by specialists have helped rural workers and summer residents to plan work on the ground. Next, your attention is invited to the lunar calendar of the gardener for April 2020.

Favorable phases of the moon

The moon’s gravity has a direct effect on fluids, not just ebbs and flows.

Lunar gardener calendar for April 2022: the best days for planting and working in the garden

During the period of the new moon and the growing month, gardeners and gardeners are advised to think about the details of future projects, to put their thoughts in order. In the first lunar quarter, those who work on earth will be full of strength. Any business will be a joy, and the results will be positive. The full moon is fraught with quarrels, even prolonged conflicts. Care must be taken in all matters. During the waning moon, the time will come for the completion of projects, moral satisfaction and generous rewards await you.

Video “Seasonal work in the garden in April”

From this video you will find out what work is being done in the garden in April.

Seasonal work in the garden. April

Work Schedule

Next, you will find out which days of the month are best for working on the ground.

The beginning of the month

On April 1, 2020, inspect the garden tools, buy new ones if necessary. It is better not to engage in plants on this day.

The next day is perfect for sowing seeds and planting various crops, fertilizing, spraying drugs against pests and a number of diseases.

On the third day of the month, you can not uproot stumps and trees, it is forbidden to break anything.

The fourth day of the cycle is difficult, devote it to thinking about the eternal instead of breaking or uprooting something.

5 the waning moon is replaced by a new moon. Harvest root crops and seed material for later planting.

6 a new lunar phase begins. The growing moon contributes to planting crops, watering and making the necessary fertilizers for plants, and collecting a generous harvest of vegetables and fruits.

On the seventh day of the month, it is allowed to plant, weed, water, feed and root crops, as well as carry out planned pruning of green parts.

April 8 marks the significant influence of the gravitational forces of the Moon on the Earth. Sowing and transplanting, watering and fertilizing are favorable, prepare and loosen the land.

9 continues the rise of water and minerals to the tops of plants. The new moon promotes sowing, transplanting crops, thinning seedlings, watering and fertilizing, collecting ground fruits, cuttings and pinching.

10 take care of planting and transplanting seedlings and seedlings, watering, weeding and feeding. Collection of seed material, vegetables and root crops is allowed.

Works in the middle

11 take care of transplanting young seedlings, carry out moderate watering, feed the earth with the necessary fertilizers. You can collect fruits.

For April 12, plan to water crops and fertilize, as well as pruning and cleaning in the backyard.

On the 13th, events for the collection of seeds, fruits and vegetables will be successfully held. Engage in planting and transplanting seedlings and seeds, feed crops and water them.

On April 14, you should plant seeds for seedlings, dive seedlings and apply the recommended top dressing.

The fifteenth day is good for starting any business related to digging, sowing seeds and transplanting crops. Collect seeds, appreciate the taste and aroma of the collected berries, fruits and vegetables.

16 carry out leisurely preparation of the land, planting, sowing, as well as transplanting seedlings of plants and watering it. Do not cut trees and shrubs.

April 17 will be successful work on planting and transplanting plants, watering and fertilizing, in particular mineral. We advise you to collect terrestrial fruits and seed material, to inoculate shoots.

18 carry out digging of the soil and weeding of plantings, loosening and hilling, other work favorable for the growth and development of crops. It is allowed to collect root crops, fruits and greens.

On April 19, prepare the land and fertilize, remove weeds, water and spray plants.

20 we recommend planting and digging up root crops, picking grapes and preparing wine.

Last things to do

Lunar gardener calendar for April 2022: the best days for planting and working in the garden

On the twenty-first day, plant bulbous plants, you can irrigate and apply organic fertilizers. Take care of transplanting, grafting and pruning.

On April 22, water, apply the recommended fertilizers. Also successful will be the collection of delicious root crops.

For April 23, plan cuttings, pruning and grafting crops. We recommend replanting fruit trees.

24 collect root crops and medicinal plants, cut off unnecessary shoots in order to form a neat crown. Do not forget about the introduction of dressings.

The next day, you need to water and feed the seedlings, remove weeds and foliage from the site, and start collecting bulbs and root crops.

On April 26, it is good to loosen and weed, spray against pests, fertilize, plant and collect root crops, as well as bulbous crops.

27 continue to remove excess shoots and form a crown, weeding and loosening, planting and collecting root crops and bulbous plants.

On April 28, take care of planting and transplanting plants, carry out planned pruning, and feed the land.

29 you can sow seeds and plant various root crops. The harvest will be rich and will delight gardeners.

On the last day of the month, we advise you to put the seedlings in order, cultivate the soil, fertilize it, carry out pest control, and clean up the garden.

If you focus on the monthly lunar sowing calendar, you can count on a successful planting of crops and a rich harvest.

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