Pepper is a very delicate and capricious culture. It’s all because of its extremely sensitive root system, which reacts to even the slightest change in care conditions. This is especially true for newly emerging seedlings and young seedlings. Therefore, the use of the lunar calendar when growing this crop can significantly increase the chances of getting healthy and strong seedlings of pepper. Moreover, the coming year 2022 will provide a lot of opportunities for this. We will tell you about when it is better to sow pepper for seedlings according to the lunar calendar in 2022, as well as about favorable days for caring for young plants in this article.

Lunar calendar for planting pepper seedlings in 2022 

What is a lunar calendar and why is it needed

Of all the celestial bodies, the Moon, the only satellite of our planet, is closest to us. It is she who, in all phases of her cycle, often looks into our window. It’s no secret that it has an impact on the Earth and its inhabitants. We can observe this influence during high and low tides. In addition, it also affects plants, causing them to grow better, or, conversely, slow down their growth. Ancient farmers knew about this feature, who sowed various crops depending on the phases of the Earth’s satellite.

Lunar calendar for planting pepper seedlings in 2022 

For the first time, the lunar calendar began to be used by the ancient priests of Babylon. It was they who noticed the constantly repeating periods of changing lunar phases. Observing the movements of the earth’s satellite, they developed the first lunar calendar and based it on a lunar month, consisting of a lunar day.

Each cycle or month of the lunar calendar begins on the new moon, the period when the sun and moon are conjunct. But this calendar is not tied to the Sun, and the lunar day does not correspond to the length of a normal day. The shortest of them can last from 6 to 12 hours. In total, a lunar month can have from 29 to 30 days.

The modern lunar calendar is not just observations of the phases of the earth’s satellite. This is a whole science, which also includes the periods when the Moon is in one of the 12 signs of the zodiac.

Lunar calendar for planting pepper seedlings in 2022 

Important! In 2017, the 13th sign of the zodiac was introduced, called Ophiuchus. But he was not included in the zodiac circle.

Therefore, 12 signs of the zodiac circle continue to be used in this calendar.

So what is the use of this calendar for gardeners? Natural rhythms are directly related to the phase of the earth’s satellite. For example, the growing moon contributes to the early emergence of seedlings. The waning moon, on the contrary, helps to build up the root system. In addition, the features of the zodiac signs through which the earth satellite passes in certain phases are also important. Using this data correctly, you can grow strong and healthy plants that can bring a good harvest.

The influence of the lunar phases and zodiac signs on pepper seedlings

In one lunar month, the earth satellite goes through 4 cycles:

  • I quarter;
  • II quarter;
  • III quarter;
  • IV quarter.

Lunar calendar for planting pepper seedlings in 2022 

In the first two quarters, the Moon grows, and in the III and IV quarters it decreases. It was this feature that was the basis of the lunar calendar used by gardeners. It is believed that along with the growth of the earth’s satellite, plants that bear fruit above the ground also grow. But the waning moon affects the roots and root crops. That is why it is recommended to plant pepper for seedlings during the period of growth of the earth’s satellite.

Important! Seedlings planted on the waning moon can also turn out to be quite strong, but they will not be able to please with high yields.

But not only its phases affect pepper seedlings. The sign of the zodiac in which she is also matters. As you know, the signs of the zodiac are divided into 4 groups:

  • fiery, which includes Sagittarius, Aries and Leo;
  • earthly, including Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo;
  • air, which includes Aquarius, Gemini and Libra;
  • aquatic, namely Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio.

Each of these zodiacal groups has its own special influence on plants.

Fire signs are able to influence the ground part of plants, improving its growth and fruit formation. Especially when the young moon is in these signs. It is at this time that it is recommended to plant peppers for seedlings.

Lunar calendar for planting pepper seedlings in 2022 

Now consider the signs of the earth. Who better than them to influence the underground part of plants. It is the roots and fruits hidden in the earth that will grow during the passage of the earthly satellite through Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. And since the pepper plant bears fruit on the ground part, planting it on seedlings during the period when the Moon is in these signs is not the best idea. But this time is great for fertilizing the ground.

Lunar calendar for planting pepper seedlings in 2022 

The time of passage of the Earth’s satellite through the signs of the air element is also not very suitable for sowing pepper. At this time, all exposure is directed to flowers, to which pepper does not apply. Also, this period is not suitable for watering flowering peppers. They will become more susceptible to disease and pest attacks.

The moon in water signs is the best period for watering and fertilizing, especially if it is growing. Plants watered at this time will be able to grow strong bushes, and their fruits will be large. But from planting seeds while the earth satellite is in these signs, you still need to refrain.

Lunar calendar for planting pepper seedlings in 2022 

And now let’s summarize, when is it better to plant pepper for seedlings and take care of it:

  • on the days of the new and full moon, as well as on the days of its eclipse, any garden work should not be carried out;
  • the best opportunity to plant, transplant and fertilize plants comes when the earth satellite passes through Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio;
  • not all seeds will sprout if you plant pepper seedlings while the Earth’s satellite is in Virgo, Sagittarius and Aries;
  • almost zero germination will be when sowing seeds with the Moon in Gemini, Aquarius, Leo and Libra, but this time will be the best for weeding a pepper bed.
  • a favorable time for watering comes when the Moon is in the signs of the water element, namely in Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio;
  • it is better to fertilize with minerals during the period of growth of the earth satellite, and it is better to apply organic fertilizers only during the III and IV quarters of the Moon;

All these recommendations are valid from year to year. After all, it is not for nothing that many gardeners, before the start of the sowing season, purposefully check with the lunar calendar, determining the most suitable days for planting and caring for crops.

Important! These recommendations do not give a 100% guarantee of obtaining high-quality and healthy seedlings.

Without proper care for this crop, even landing on the most favorable day will not bring good results.

Growing peppers for seedlings according to the lunar calendar in 2022

Lunar calendar for planting pepper seedlings in 2022 


The lunar calendar for 2022 is very favorable to gardeners. He will give them quite a few days when you can plant pepper seedlings and take care of him.

Sowing peppers for seedlings in 2022

Given that the seeds of this crop germinate for a rather long time, they should be planted in February or March. Moreover, in February there are much more days when it is best to plant seedlings of pepper than in March.

Lunar calendar for planting pepper seedlings in 2022 

Advice! When planting seeds in April, preference should be given to ultra-early, early or mid-early varieties.

Late varieties planted in April may not have time to form their fruits.

Picking and transplanting seedlings of peppers in 2022

Picking and transplanting young plants is a very important procedure for this crop. She has a very weak root system, so she can rather badly endure a change in her usual place of growth. In order to minimize the consequences of these procedures, it is recommended to look into the lunar calendar before starting them.

Lunar calendar for planting pepper seedlings in 2022 

As a rule, picking and transplanting young plants is carried out until June inclusive:

Fertilizing seedlings of peppers in 2022

Fertilization of both young and already adult seedlings is also best done according to the lunar calendar. This will allow the roots to fully assimilate all the beneficial substances from the earth.

Planting pepper according to the lunar calendar, as well as caring for seedlings, does not exempt the gardener from carrying out a full and comprehensive care of this crop. But by referring to this calendar, you can significantly improve the result of certain procedures, and increase the chances of getting a bountiful harvest. Therefore, we recommend watching a video about the rules for caring for young plants of this capricious Solanaceae representative:

Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for 2019! When to plant seedlings in 2019?

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