The grower’s lunar calendar for November recommends which days the winter sowing of flowers in the garden is favorable and planting care. These tips are optional, but many agronomists, using them, note the good development of their favorite crops.

Lunar calendar for November 2022 for indoor flowers: planting, transplanting, care

Moon phases affect the development of plants

Lunar calendar of the grower for november 2022 of the year

In the last month of autumn, most crops go into a dormant period. Florists at this time are very attentive to their “pets”.

Moon phases

The satellite of the Earth affects all organisms in which sap flow is present, as it causes the rhythm of the tides in the oceans. The lunar calendar is based on these postulates of astrologers. They take into account the phases and passage of the celestial body closest to the earth relative to the signs of the zodiac. In November 2022, the change of the lunar phases occurs on the following dates:

Lunar calendar for November 2022 for indoor flowers: planting, transplanting, care

Folk observations took shape in valuable advice to flower growers:

  • on the day of the new moon and full moon in November, flowers are not processed, transplanted or cut;
  • the most successful specimens are cuttings and shoots planted during the growing moon;
  • on the days of the waning moon in November, the calendar recommends flower growers to cultivate the soil, shorten overgrown branches, fight diseases and pests.

Favorable and unfavorable days: table

The attention of flower growers is invited to a table for November, built on the basis of the lunar calendar in phases and the time of passage of the satellite in relation to the signs of the zodiac:

Lunar calendar for November 2022 for indoor flowers: planting, transplanting, care

Lunar calendar for November 2022 for indoor flowers: planting, transplanting, care


Attention! Flower growers are guided by the clues of the lunar calendar, having carefully studied the characteristics of grown indoor plants and their conditions in November.

Florist calendar for November: work in the flower garden

In most areas of the middle lane in November, flower growers cover all non-winter-hardy crops. A number of other works related to preparation for winter are also being carried out.

Reproduction of perennials in November

Seeds of many flowers of this category must be stratified – kept in the cold for 2-3 months. Therefore, planting before winter creates all the conditions for their reproduction. At the same time, flower growers take into account that only some fast-growing varieties of perennials will bloom next spring. It usually takes 2 to 4 years before flowering.

Referring to the lunar calendar, in the first days of November, grooves are prepared in advance for perennials in a designated area. And then, when the ground freezes a little, the seeds are sown on the sand and, in the same way, the grooves are covered from above with sand mixed with the soil.

After the snow melts in spring, the area with perennial crops is covered with a film, and the seeds germinate faster. Planting sprouts of perennials in the spring, flower growers dive the taproot and deepen it to the first leaves in the ground.

What flowers can be sown before winter?

Grower’s sowing calendar for November 2022

On the territory of the entire middle lane, annual flowers are sown before winter, like Drummond’s phlox, escholzia, callistefus (Chinese asters), dimorphoteka, self-seed poppy, cornflowers, godetia, sea alissum, snapdragon, lavatera and others – mignonette, mattiola, various carnations.

Flower growers in November spend winter crops and perennials, according to the lunar calendar – rock alissum, alpine arabis, New Belgian and Alpine aster, aquilegia, gypsophila, gaillardia, delphinium, oriental poppy, popovnik (large daisies), rudbeckia, pyrethrum and others.

Comment! Experienced flower growers are advised to plant gladiolus bulbs in early November, according to the recommendations of the lunar calendar, which deepen to 16-19 cm and cover with mulch. Such gladioli bloom earlier and surprise with strong arrows of inflorescences.

Caring for garden flowers

In November, guided by the lunar calendar or according to the real weather, all the stems of perennials are cut off, the last leaves are removed. On plantings of early spring flowers, poison is laid out for rodents that spoil the bulbs.

By the New Year holidays, flower growers are driving out bulbous ones. To do this, choose the largest bulbs and plant. The containers are placed in a cool place, and after the appearance of the seedlings, they are transferred to the light, they begin to water and feed, referring to the lunar calendar.

Flower growers leave agapanthus and hydrangeas in tubs until the first frost, then bring them into a room with a temperature not higher than + 10 ° C.

Advice! Before planting for distillation, flower bulbs should lie at a temperature of 5-8 ° C for 30-100 days.
Lunar calendar for November 2022 for indoor flowers: planting, transplanting, care

Tulips and hyacinths are plentifully watered and fed during distillation

Tips for preparing and sheltering flowers for the winter

In November, flower growers, in accordance with the dates of the lunar calendar, take care of those plants that are covered for the winter:

  • cut at the ground the stems of hardy frost-resistant perennials, like bush asters, popovnik, echinacea, pyrethrums, hosts, phloxes;
  • spud with humus or peat, cover with leaves or spruce branches;
  • cut roses and clematis, according to groups;
  • remove the whips from the supports and lay them on the ground, placing cardboard or boards from below;
  • trunk circles spud with garden soil, peat or humus;
  • frames are installed above large bushes, inside which dry leaves are placed, and on top they are covered with mats made of natural materials, traditional, non-polypropylene, burlap or dense agrofiber.

It is advised not to carry out all the procedures in one day, but at least within a week, so that the bushes gradually get used to the new state.

Calendar for the care of indoor flowers for November

In late autumn, indoor plants go into a dormant period. Therefore, it is important to carry out all work on dates indicated in the lunar calendar that are good for home crops.

Calendar for transplanting indoor flowers and plants for November

In the period of late autumn, transplanting of domestic plants is carried out only in emergency cases:

  • damage to the container or stem;
  • pests have been noticed, the soil needs to be changed.

When transplanting indoor flowers in November, pay special attention to the roots. During the dormant period, the shoots are especially fragile and difficult to transplant.

What houseplants can be propagated in November

In the long dormant phase, only the most unpretentious indoor plants propagate – pelargonium, petunia, tradescantia, kalanchoe, chlorophytum, sansevieria, asparagus, cyperus, spathiphyllum. Planted by cuttings or children.

Caring for indoor flowers and plants in November

When the plants have gone into a dormant period, they are provided with a stress-free state:

  • watering after 10-20 days;
  • temperature 16-20 ° C;
  • phytolamp lighting for 10-13 hours.

Plants are fenced off from electric radiators and central heating batteries with screens to avoid overdrying of the soil and leaves in November. In the room, flower growers install air humidifiers or place wide bowls of water next to the pots, which are regularly added. The water evaporates, increasing the humidity in the room. Leaves with a smooth surface are wiped with a damp cloth.

Days suitable for rest

Hard-working flower growers are favored by Aquarius, forbidding work with plants. Therefore, during the passage of the Moon through the sign, you can relax or check the necessary tools, go to the store, planning to purchase new flowers.


The grower’s lunar calendar for November will advise the dates of work on preparing perennials for cold weather, placing new seedlings, and favorable care for indoor plants. Experience shows that the reproduction of perennials by the winter sowing method is even more successful than in spring.

Winter sowing of perennials! Everything is simple!!!

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