The grower’s lunar calendar for July will be useful for those who seek to fully comply with all agrotechnical rules and give plants care that takes into account the phases of the moon.

The lunar calendar determines good and inappropriate days for planting, pruning and feeding plants, all of its recommendations must be taken into account.

Lunar calendar florist for july 2022

In the hottest month of the year, the bulk of garden and indoor flowers have long been planted in the ground. However, some of them are still waiting for planting or transplanting, and those that are rooted in the soil require competent and regular care.

The lunar calendar allows watering, fertilizing and other plant care measures in accordance with the phases of the moon. It has been scientifically proven that the celestial body closest to the Earth has a strong influence not only on the oceans, but also on all life on the planet. If you take into account the state of the night luminary in the sky, you can achieve even more abundant and beautiful flowering in the garden.

Moon phases in July

In the middle of summer 2022, the night luminary will have time to visit all the main phases.

Lunar calendar for july 2022

During each phase, it is recommended to adhere to some general agrotechnical principles:

  1. Waxing Moon – from 1 to 12 and from 20 to 31. On those days when a young month is visible in the sky, gradually increasing in size, special attention should be paid to caring for plants with an active aerial part. While the night luminary is growing, you can plant fast-growing flowers with a normal root system, carry out active watering and plant nutrition.
  2. Full moon is the 13th. On the full moon in floriculture, it is customary mainly to fight pests, arrange weeding and loosening the soil, and also apply fertilizers. On a full moon day, you can collect seeds for the subsequent propagation of garden crops.
  3. Waning Moon – from 14 to 27. On those days when the night luminary begins to visually decrease in volume, special attention should be paid to the bulbous and tuberous, the so-called “roots”. Unlike the “tops”, they develop very actively on the waning moon, therefore, during the phase, the plants can be fed and watered, weeds removed and the soil is weeded. According to the lunar calendar, the period is well suited for pruning – the aerial part of the flowers is at rest and tolerates formation well.
  4. The new moon is the 28th. On the days of the new moon, flower growers are advised to suspend any efforts to care for plantings. Plants are going through the most calm period, so transplants, loosening and top dressing are prohibited, they can cause more harm.

Lunar calendar for july 2022

Important! Adhering to the moon phase calendar is not as difficult as it seems, there are enough suitable days in each month for any gardening work.

Auspicious days

The lunar calendar highlights several days favorable for gardening.

Lunar calendar for july 2022

Specific work in the garden should be carried out based on a more detailed calendar of the lunar phases.

Bad days

Along with favorable periods in July of this year, there are days in which it is better to postpone most garden work altogether. These days are 7,8, 11-13, 21 and 22.

Lunar calendar for july 2022


July florist calendar: care for garden flowers

Some lunar days are ideal for watering and fertilizing, while others should be transplanted and pruned flowering plants. The lunar calendar helps to correctly schedule the care of annuals and perennials:

  1. In the hottest month of summer, flower beds especially often need watering. You can water the plants without fear as the soil dries.
  2. You can feed the plantings on the site on the 1-5, 21-31 numbers.
  3. It is recommended to cut off the overgrown plantings on the growing moon, on this day the plants will favorably perceive the formation of the silhouette.
  4. The best days for loosening the soil and removing weeds will be the days of the new moon and full moon, when a short dormant phase occurs.
Advice! It is recommended to carry out pest control on the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 8th, 11-13th, 16-20th, and also the 29th-31st. Sprays from insects give a good effect on the waning moon.

Lunar calendar for july 2022

When can flowers be propagated in July

In the middle of summer, most of the garden plants have long been planted in the ground. However, during this period, the time comes for the reproduction of horticultural crops.

For example, cuttings in July are recommended for:

  • roses and clematis;
  • phlox and carnations;
  • hydrangeas and stonecrops;
  • gypsophila.

In the middle of summer, violets and primroses, irises and chrysanthemums, geraniums and dicentres reproduce well with layering and basal children.

Planting and propagation is a particularly important stage of cultivation. The lunar calendar advises propagating flowers with perennial layering or cuttings on certain days.

Attention! 1-4, 9, 10, 14, 15, 25-28 and 31 are ideal for planting cuttings on the windowsill, young shoots will quickly take root and will soon be ready to be transferred to the ground.

Lunar calendar for july 2022

Lunar calendar for july 2022: care for indoor flowers

Indoor flowers grow in special conditions and are much less dependent on the weather. However, the lunar calendar also affects them – on certain lunar days, plants perceive the care of the grower better.

Lunar calendar for july 2022

What days can you plant and transplant indoor flowers

Usually planting and transplanting indoor plants is carried out in the spring or autumn. However, if such a need arose in the middle of summer, and it is impossible to postpone the procedure, then you should refer to the calendar of the lunar phases.

Tips for caring for indoor flowers in July

In July, care for indoor flowers comes down to the implementation of several measures:

  1. Flowers need to be watered frequently and plentifully, most plants with abundant flowering do not tolerate drying out of the soil. The soil in pots and containers should always be slightly damp. It is useful to spray the crowns of flowering plants, however, both watering and spraying should be done early in the morning or after sunset, otherwise the flowers will get burned.
  2. Although indoor flowers love sunlight, it is better to shade them from direct rays. You can rearrange the pots in a shaded place on the windowsill or build a protective canopy from translucent fabric or gauze.
  3. Pruning can be done, it is especially recommended for climbing and growing flowers, hibiscus and ficus, passionflower and abutilons.

Plants with abundant flowering can be fed with bird droppings or complex mineral fertilizers. Dormant flowers do not need to be fertilized, they do not need nutrients.

Lunar calendar for july 2022


The grower’s lunar calendar for July allows you to provide the flowers with the highest quality care. If you stick to the schedule of favorable and unfavorable days, the plants will delight you with lush flowering and rapid growth.

On what lunar day should indoor flowers be transplanted?

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