The lunar calendar of houseplants for January 2022 tells how to propagate and care for houseplants in accordance with the best periods of the month. This is a real step by step guide to care for orchids, violets, garden flowers.

Lunar calendar for indoor plants for January 2022

In winter, plants need additional lighting and air humidification.

Moon phases in January 2022

The beginning of the month takes place in the growing lunar phase. Astrologers emphasize that this is the most successful period for growing indoor plants. In addition to those moments when the night luminary passes through unfavorable zodiac periods:

  • most often it is the fiery dry sign of Leo;
  • the air houses Aquarius and Gemini, which are not conducive to the proper development of cultures.

The waning lunar phase is the 1st and from the 19th to the 31st, when it is advised not to sow, but only to care for the plants.

Lunar calendar for indoor plants for January 2022

The full moon of 2022 occurs on January 18, and the new moon is on January 2. On these days, important work with green pets is avoided.

Table of favorable and unfavorable days

Astrologers suggest a significant influence of the movement of the night star on the processes occurring in plants. As for the special periods of the new moon and full moon of 2022, it is recommended not to deal with plants 20-24 hours before the indicated time, as well as after, which, in general, is 2,5-3 days.

Lunar calendar for indoor plants for January 2022

Lunar calendar for indoor plants for January 2022

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for January 2022

Experiencing stress in winter conditions, home plants need proper care. The astrological calendar of 2022 for flower growers displays the periods of lunar energy and indicates when and what procedures to carry out with green pets. Given the astrological features of January 2022, flower growers are effectively caring for home crops.

Comment! Indoor crops also develop well under conditions of winter stress – from a lack of sun and dry apartment air, if they are looked after according to the lunar rhythms of 2022.

Lunar calendar for january 2022 for violets

The culture is not touched in winter, because the calendar is not quite suitable for working with a delicate plant. But if a special situation has been created, the best days fall on such dates, according to the lunar rhythms of 2022.

Warning! When transplanting violets, special care is taken not to damage the delicate leaves and roots.
Lunar calendar for indoor plants for January 2022

Violets transplanted on the day of Capricorn according to the calendar will develop a root system and will be resistant to temperature changes on winter windowsills

Lunar calendar for orchids for January 2022

During this period, many types of orchids “rest” and do not grow. Such specimens do not need elevated temperatures and sufficient lighting, they can not be watered in January and not fertilized at all. And some species, on the contrary, form or open buds. Such plants are watered and fed 1 time in 30 days, guided by the astrological calendar of 2022. Orchids that are in the dry air of the apartment need to be sprayed. At the same time, special attention is paid to ensure that water does not accumulate in the leaf axils. They take care of orchids on the favorable lunar day of January, according to the table.

Lunar calendar for indoor plants for January 2022

In January, orchids are sprayed in the afternoon, referring to the lunar rhythms.

Flower transplant according to the lunar calendar in January 2022

The cold season is a deep dormant phase for most crops. In winter, home plants are transplanted only in case of urgent need – the pot has broken, the soil is deteriorating due to overflow, newly acquired specimens need urgent transshipment.

Attention! Winter transplanting requires careful attention to flowers, checking the roots for rot, and careful preparation of the substrate.

Florist’s lunar calendar for January 2022: care tips

Many cultures will make a gift to their masters in the first month of 2022, as they will not require close attention while in the rest phase. Care experienced growers carry out according to the calendar of lunar rhythms:

  • watering 1 or 2 times in 7 days if the apartment is hot;
  • no top dressing until the beginning of the 2-3 weeks of February;
  • daily or every other day spraying the airspace around the home greenhouse;
  • installing a humidifier or placing several bowls of water in the area where the plants are located;
  • if there is not enough light from the windows, the installation of fitolamps;
  • protection against a breath of cold, especially frosty air, through the glass.

It is advisable not to perform any significant work with green pets on such dates in January: January 2, 3, 10, 25, 31. Plants will thank you with violent development if they are looked after on favorable dates according to the table.

Florist’s lunar calendar for January: garden flowers

In the middle of winter, the seeds of those perennial and annual crops that develop slowly and for a long time are sown. January is the time of sowing Shabo carnation, eustoma, pansies, aquilegia, lavender, pelargonium, verbena, primrose, delphinium, lobelia and other crops. Seeds are sown according to the lunar rhythm, referring to the calendar.

Planting flowers in January according to the lunar calendar

Some garden flowers have already sprouted after the December planting. Seedlings that have grown 2-3 true leaves require picking and moving to individual containers based on the same substrate that was used for sowing. Get all-purpose mixes from gardening stores or mix the parts yourself:

  • 1 part of garden soil, humus or peat;
  • 0,5 parts of river sand or rotted, caked sawdust.

Lunar calendar for January for flower seedlings

Preserving the natural characteristics of the development of crops, all sprouts are provided with long-term illumination, which can only be guaranteed by special phytolamps or luminescent devices. Ordinary household lamps do not provide plants with the required amount of light.

The second important feature of the propagation of early seedlings in an apartment is the installation of devices that humidify dry air due to the operation of central heating batteries. If flower growers regularly spray large houseplants, seedlings will have to be handled delicately and, in the absence of humidifiers, place bowls of water near the containers. The liquid gradually evaporates and refreshes the air.

Reproduction of flowers according to the lunar calendar for January 2022

In the middle of winter, a good period is suitable, which is chosen in accordance with the lunar energy, for cutting the preserved mother liquors of Chinese carnation, ampelous and hybrid petunias. The tops of young shoots, which have 2-3 internodes, are cut off and rooted in peat. Experienced flower growers emphasize that petunia cuttings are not placed in a solution with growth stimulants.

A Chinese carnation transplanted in autumn produces many shoots by the end of January, which take root a month after planting. For culture, a substrate is prepared from equal parts of garden soil and sand.

In January, bulbous crops intended for forcing by the beginning of spring develop violently – tulips, daffodils, crocuses, hyacinths, muscari and others. They have good development if large bulbs were taken, for tulips, at least 4 cm in diameter, and for hyacinths – 5 cm.

Forcing tulips monitor the soil in the container:

  • pour the substrate, if the tops of the bulbs are visible, with a layer of up to 1-2 cm;
  • make sure that the soil is always moderately moist;
  • when sprouts appear, reduce the room temperature to 2-4 ° C.

It is better to plant bulbous flowers in January 2022 according to the lunar calendar.

Days suitable for rest

There are days on the grower’s calendar when it is better to avoid working with home crops. In January 2022, these are the dates: 2, 3, 10, 25, 31. They check the quality of inventory, buy seeds, prepare containers.


The lunar calendar of indoor plants for January 2022 allows you to grow well-developed and beautiful specimens of your favorite crops. Winter seedlings are capricious, but care is rewarded with amazing summer flowering.

houseplants in january 2020

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