The grower’s lunar calendar for April will help you choose the right days to work with flowers. It is important to consider the cycle of the moon when transplanting and caring for plants, because each phase of the night star has a special effect.

April 2022 florist calendar

With the advent of spring, gardeners have an active time. You need to start cleaning the garden, dive the grown seedlings and take care of perennials that are moving away from hibernation. However, indoor flowers also require care: timely feeding, watering and preparation for flowering. There is a lot of work, and to draw up a plan for the care and planting of flowers for April, you should follow the recommendations of the lunar calendar.

Moon phases in April

April begins and ends with the new moon.

Lunar calendar florist for April 2022

Note! In the fourth phase of the lunar cycle, the development of the ground part of the plant slows down. It is better to plan pruning of stems and leaves for these days.
  • On April 1, the first phase of the moon will come – the most calm period in the life of plants. The right time to remove dry, diseased shoots and branches. Moderate watering and loosening of the soil is also allowed;
  • From April 2 to April 15, the second phase of the lunar cycle begins – the growth of the month. This is the time of development of the ground part of the flower: stems and leaves are stretched, a bud is formed. The root system is at rest, and getting used to a new place will be difficult. Therefore, you should not engage in pruning and transplanting home flora. In addition, during this period it is better to refrain from planting garden perennials;
  • The arrival of the full moon (April 16) marks the beginning of the third phase of the lunar cycle. A good day for thinning dense plantings and collecting seeds, as well as pest and weed control. However, any work on pruning garden and indoor plants is prohibited.

Auspicious days

Lunar calendar florist for April 2022


Good days for planting garden and indoor flowers, according to the lunar calendar, fall on April 1, 2, 7-10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 24, 28 and 29 April. 

Bad days

April 3, 4, 15-17, 20-22 and 30 April are marked in the lunar calendar as unfavorable days for gardening. It is worth abandoning plans for working with flowers and devoting time to other important things.

Lunar calendar florist for April 2022

Florist calendar for April 2022: planting and caring for garden flowers

April is the month when new sprouts appear on garden flowers, and fresh plantings give the first shoots. High-quality care, carried out on certain days according to the recommendations of the lunar calendar, will help them grow and develop better.

Sowing calendar for April 2022 for flower growers

Planting garden flowers on the right day is an important condition for good and confident growth. The lunar calendar for the grower for April 2022 will tell you which days you need to sow and care for outdoor plants.

Sowing annuals

Mid-spring is the perfect time to plant annual garden flowers. They are grown through seedlings or sown directly into the ground if the weather is warm enough.

Lunar calendar florist for April 2022

In April, they continue sowing garden flowers, which should have been planted in the second half of March. Basically, these are the so-called Autumn Stars: Chinese asters, helichrysum, annual dahlias, cineraria, amaranth.

Important! It is necessary to refrain from sowing, dividing and transplanting perennials on April 3, 4, 15-17, 20-22 and 30 April.

Lunar calendar for April 2022: care for indoor flowers

With the onset of spring, under the bright April sun, home flowers begin to actively grow and gain foliage. But gardeners need to be careful and take care that intense sunlight does not damage young leaves. To do this, you can shade the room with curtains or make a sliding shadow on the window using a piece of paper.

When can you transplant houseplants?

Regular transplanting of indoor plants is a necessary procedure. The life of flowers depends on the condition of the roots. And if the root does not have enough space in the pot, then it will gradually begin to die off. Fast-growing and young flowers need to be transplanted at least once a year. And if a flower or tree develops slowly, then a transplant is needed every 2 years. In addition, several other reasons indicate the need for a transplant:

  • the plant has “grown” out of the pot, and the earth has risen, which makes watering much more difficult;
  • the earth has compacted, and less oxygen is supplied to the roots;
  • the soil in the pot is depleted and cannot provide the flower with the necessary substances.

The ideal time to transplant is September-October or March-April. When preparing for a transplant, you need to pay attention to the condition of the flower. It is important that it is healthy and not in the flowering phase.

Lunar calendar florist for April 2022

Tips for caring for indoor flowers in April

Feeding indoor plants according to the lunar calendar is best done on the 1st, 2nd, 5-7th, 23rd-30th. Flowers can be fertilized with additives containing a specific element. For foliage growth, it is better to give nitrogen fertilizers, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise, the stems will be too tall and the leaves too weak. Supplements containing potassium help the growth of the stems, and the leaves acquire a rich color. Phosphorus is needed for lush flowering, but an excess of this element leads to ripening. Therefore, it is ideal to feed indoor flowers with a balanced fertilizer for decorative foliage or flowering plants.

Basic rules for caring for indoor plants

Protected from snow and rain, the leaves of indoor plants accumulate a lot of dust during the winter. It is necessary to help the flowers get rid of it. To do this, it is recommended to arrange a warm cleansing shower. This procedure is perfect for large-leaved flowers: palms, ficuses and ferns. Small-leaved leaves are best moistened with a spray bottle, and pubescent leaves, such as violets, should be cleaned with a soft, dry brush.

Important! When washing the leaves in the shower, you need to cover the soil with a film to avoid waterlogging.

Lunar calendar florist for April 2022

Spring is the time when insect pests begin to become more active. Gardeners should regularly inspect the leaves for parasites. And if they are found, then immediately treat the infected flower and other plants that were next to it. 

In March-April, the growing season begins, this is the ideal time for sanitary or anti-aging pruning of indoor flowers. However, before picking up scissors, you need to make sure that the plant has come out of dormancy and prepare the event, taking into account the basic pruning rules:

  1. Work with sharp and suitable tools.
  2. It is important to follow the rules of hygiene (start working with clean hands, treat the work surface and tools) so as not to harm the flower and yourself.
  3. It is impossible to carry out pruning and transplanting at the same time. Between these procedures there should be a sufficient period for the adaptation of the plant.
  4. After trimming, be sure to process the slices. To do this, gardeners use special powders or balms for processing. This will help the plant recover faster.


The lunar calendar of the florist for April is a good helper for gardening. If you take care of indoor and garden flowers on favorable days for this, then the plants will more easily endure the stress of pruning or transplanting. And the benefits of fertilizing and watering will increase significantly.

Lunar calendar of the florist for April 2019 |

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