Lumbar massage for adults
If pain occurs, lower back massage can help adults. But is it worth doing it at home, what benefits and harms to the human body are possible with massage of this area

If you have ever suffered from low back pain, you know how debilitating it can be. Simple everyday things like tying your shoes, sitting in a chair, sleeping in bed, and climbing stairs can become major problems.

Approximately 80% of adults experience back pain at some point in their lives. Older people who are overweight are at greater risk. In fact, 54% of Russians with back pain spend most of their working day sitting. A sedentary lifestyle can cause chronic back pain.

In addition to physical pain, back problems have serious economic consequences. Low back pain is the second most common cause of disability in adults and the leading cause of missed work days. In addition, medications, doctor visits, and lengthy rehabilitation procedures may be required. But one of the available methods to eliminate back pain can be massage.

Fortunately, today there are many treatment options for back and lower back pain. Common treatments include hot compresses, stretching and strengthening exercises, physical therapy, acupuncture, traction, epidural steroid injections, medications, spinal manipulation, nerve block therapy, and surgery. And massage is becoming more and more popular in the medical community. It relaxes and makes you feel good. But does it help with lower back pain?

A study published in the journal Pain Medicine by researchers at the University of Kentucky and Indiana suggests that massage may help people with lower back pain. The study involved 104 people with persistent pain. Each person was referred to a professional massage therapist and provided with 10 massage sessions over 12 weeks. More than 50% of the participants noted an improvement. Of these, 75% noted that they still feel better after 24 weeks.

A 2011 study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine concluded that massage can be effective in treating chronic back pain, with benefits lasting for at least 6 months. Doctors examined 401 people who reported chronic back pain. People were divided into 3 treatment groups: relaxing massage, structural massage and regular physiotherapy and pain medication. Patients in the massage groups received 1 hour of weekly therapy for 10 weeks. Both types of massage had a significantly greater effect than conventional physical therapy. There were no clinical differences between the two types of massage.

Benefits of back massage for adults

Massage is the least sparing method of treatment that does not carry much risk for the patient. At the very least, this is what doctors and physical therapists should try in terms of treatment before recommending surgery, which should only be used after other treatments have failed. In addition, massage has many potential benefits beyond reducing back pain.

The growing popularity of massage therapy is drawing the attention of many people suffering from chronic back pain. After all, almost any patient can get a massage.

Why does back pain occur

For many, low back pain is associated with soft tissue damage. Soft tissues include skin, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and connective tissue. Typically, strain or sprains result from improper lifting, falls, long periods of bad posture, or sports injuries. Stress includes damage to the muscle when it is overstretched and micro-tears. Sprains occur when the ligaments that connect bone to bone are overstretched or torn.

In many cases, these factors, as well as muscle spasms, are the cause of sharp lower back pain. However, people with chronic low back pain may have more serious conditions. Some causes of chronic back pain include:

  • Herniated disc. Between each vertebrae is a formation of cartilage that helps absorb shock and protect the spine. A thick outer layer of fibrous tissue surrounds the gel-filled center. When the center of the gel breaks through the outer layer, the pressure can cause a pinched nerve.
  • Degenerative disc disease. As we age, our discs’ ability to retain fluid decreases. Lack of hydration makes it even more difficult to absorb shock from everyday movements. This causes more stress on the outer layer of the disc, resulting in pain and muscle weakness.
  • Osteoarthritis. This is a condition that occurs as a result of the aging process. Osteoarthritis causes the slow destruction of the cartilage that cushions our discs and joints.
  • Dysfunction of the sacroiliac joint. It occurs when the joint that connects the hips to the lower spine becomes inflamed. This can happen after a fall or during an event such as pregnancy that puts additional stress on the hips.
  • Back injury. A car accident or an unfortunate fall can cause a dislocation or fracture of the spine, resulting in back pain.

Masseurs perform therapeutic massage for lower back pain. They manipulate the soft tissues of your body using varying levels of pressure and movement using proven massage techniques. Their knowledge of human anatomy and musculoskeletal function helps to relieve the patient of pain.

How massage helps

Life in the modern era also affects how the body works. Chronic stress and anxiety cause additional muscle tension. The use of gadgets affects our posture. In addition, many modern workplaces are not ergonomic or people are engaged in other inactive activities. No wonder more and more people are experiencing neck and back pain. Massage offers many benefits for reducing short-term and chronic pain, especially in the back and neck. Some of these benefits include:

  • stress management – massage relieves muscle tension often caused by stress, in addition, it provides a short period of “time out” when you can relax and unwind from your daily routine;
  • improved overall health – massage promotes soft tissue health;
  • chronic pain relief – massage aims to relieve pain in the body by relieving muscle tension and increasing flexibility, which can help reduce the need for painkillers;
  • mood improvement – ​​endorphins released during massage quickly elevate mood, which can help with anxiety, depression and chronic stress;
  • faster recovery – if you have experienced a back strain, lower back injury, massage will help speed up the recovery process;
  • injury prevention – when muscles are healthy and flexible, there is less chance of injury;
  • improved blood circulation – the pressure used during the massage stimulates blood flow through congested or damaged areas and helps to remove metabolic waste from the muscles;
  • improved range of motion – you will experience better joint mobility by reducing muscle tension.

Harm of back massage for adults

Of course, before getting a massage or starting any therapy or treatment, talk to your doctor or nurse. Make sure there are no restrictions on the type or duration of massage you can get. Keep in mind that massage therapy is not for everyone. Talk to your doctor if massage doesn’t help relieve pain or worsens discomfort.

Contraindications for lumbar massage for adults

Lumbar massage should not be done in the following cases:

  • with saddle anesthesia (loss of sensation in the buttocks and perineum) and bladder weakness, if the doctor did not allow or recommend massage;
  • if you can not find a comfortable position, there is a sharp discomfort when lying down;
  • if massage aggravates symptoms.

It is also impossible to mobilize hypermobile joints, in case of acute hernia, it is impossible to remove the protective muscle spasm, to apply pressure on the area of ​​atrophy.

How to massage the lower back for adults at home

As mentioned earlier, muscle strain and spasm damage is the most common source of back pain. Massage is an excellent treatment option for these conditions. Not only does it relieve muscle tension, but it also helps reduce spasms and inflammation in the affected area. The massage therapist can also identify the source of your pain and work to address it. But it is impossible to do a professional massage on your own. Therefore, even at home, it is worth using the services of a professional.

For those who suffer from osteoarthritis (OA) of the spine, massage can also help. It relieves OA pain by reducing tension and stress while improving circulation. Massage is a relatively safe treatment. But you should consult your doctor to decide if it is right for your condition.

If you don’t like the idea of ​​being massaged, don’t have time to see a specialist, or it’s too expensive, you can gently massage yourself. There are many types of hand massagers that can help increase blood flow and relieve pain. Just a few minutes of exposure to the muscles can relieve pain.

Popular questions and answers

We asked you to answer questions about lumbar massage professional massage therapist with 14 years of experience Alexander Kholmogorov.

How effective is back massage for adults?

Our entire mass hangs on the lumbar hotel. And so this department is very tense by the end of the day, especially for those who have a standing job or an incorrect sitting position. Therefore, lumbar massage is useful for everyone. With the right approach, it can significantly relieve pain and relieve muscle tension.

Is it possible to do back massage at home?

He also practices at home. You can use a massage jar, which is placed directly on these muscles through oil and is carried along the spine – this relaxes the muscles of the lower back very well.

Who is forbidden to massage the lower back?

Contraindications to massage are the same as for all other types of massage. In women, an additional period of menstruation, because bleeding can increase due to massage movements.

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