Lumbago – causes and treatment

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Nowadays, the most common ailment affecting people around the world is back pain. The spine manifests with pain that it is burdened with injuries, an unhealthy lifestyle and diseases. What if the pain comes on suddenly and interferes with normal functioning? Get to know lumbago and learn how to deal with it and how to treat it.

Lumbago – what is it?

Lumbago is a sudden, shooting pain in the sacrum and lumbar region of the spine, caused by a muscle contracture. It radiates to the buttocks and legs, making everyday activities difficult. Due to its unpredictability and the scale of the pain, lumbago is called a gunshot.

Lumbago can appear after light exertion as well as sudden, rapid, rapid movement. This ailment is often associated with degeneration of the spine, such as discopathy or degeneration of the joints. Back pain worsens when bending, lifting, and walking. Lumbago can bother you for hours, days or even weeks. It most often affects people between 30 and 50 years of age.

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Lumbago – causes

The causes of lumbago are:

  1. slight spine injuries in the lumbosacral part,
  2. obesity,
  3. lack of physical activity,
  4. increased muscle tension,
  5. uncomfortable position during work,
  6. inadequate posture when lifting, carrying and carrying objects,
  7. prolonged sitting or standing,
  8. overload of the spine,
  9. bad body posture,
  10. scoliosis (curvature) of the spine,
  11. some diseases of the skeletal system discopathy,
  12. osteoarthritis.

Lumbago – symptoms

The symptoms of lumbago vary, depending on what factors cause them.

The most common symptoms are:

  1. sharp, burning pain that occurs suddenly, on its own or with various activities, usually bending, walking and lifting
  2. pain radiating to the legs and buttocks,
  3. pain often occurs at night, making it difficult to sleep and rest,
  4. stiffness of the spine muscles, muscle contractures, muscle weakness including atrophy in the lower back,
  5. difficulties in choosing a comfortable position when standing or sitting
  6. difficulty moving
  7. discomfort when standing and sitting,
  8. numbness and tingling in the limbs, including impaired sensation

Lumbago – treatment

Painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs and antispasmodics are used in lumbago therapy. Treatment of the acute phase of lumbago involves rest. This allows the muscles to be relaxed and the spine to be relieved. In every case when we have difficulties with everyday activities, physiotherapeutic treatments and rehabilitation are recommended. Methods such as: cryotherapy (treatment with cold), laser therapy, magnetotherapy and classic massage turn out to be effective. These treatments relax tissues and muscles, make them more flexible and strengthen. Necessary to improve the quality of life is, first of all, to change the lifestyle. Moderate physical activity is important, and adequate rest for balance. A well-chosen exercise plan by a physiotherapist will help to strengthen the muscles of the spine, improve the stabilization of the spine and reduce pain.

Herbs may be used adjunctively in the treatment of lumbago, e.g. in the form of tea. At Medonet Market you can buy Lumbago – EKO anti-rheumatic tea, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling properties. An acupressure mat can also provide relief.

Lumbago – profilaktyka

In the prevention of lumbago, an important role is played by maintaining the correct body position during everyday activities. It is important not to overload the spine. Do not bend down sharply on straight legs. When you pick up something from the floor, crouch first and then safely get up from there. Do not make sudden torso twists and swings. Let’s also take care of the spine and proper position during sleep and rest. Let’s take care of physical activity tailored to our abilities. And in the event of lumbago – you should immediately see a doctor or physiotherapist.

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