Lullabies and nursery rhymes for babies: why sing?

Lullabies and nursery rhymes for babies: why sing?

What if singing was the miracle cure for soothing baby and ending her constant crying? According to several studies, lullabies are beneficial for the health and development of the child, so it’s time to review your classics!

Sing to soothe the child

It appears that humming a little lullaby in the hollow of his little one’s ear could not only calm and reassure him, but would also be very good for his health. Indeed, by soothing him and lowering his heart rate, the lullaby would improve his general condition and could even relieve his pain.

If your lullaby is also accompanied by a musical instrument, the effects will be increased tenfold. On the other hand, you will have to sing and not count on a classic CD of lullabies. Sound recordings don’t have much of an impact on baby. The latter is much more sensitive to the voices of his parents whom he knows and knows how to recognize most of all, than to the voices of unknown singers, however pleasant they may be. Finally, do not hesitate to add a few facial expressions, grimaces and smiles to which your child will be more or less sensitive depending on his mood at the time.

In slightly older children, it may also be interesting to have them participate in musical awakening workshops in groups or alone with you. So the next lullaby you sing to him, he can participate and be happy.

Which lullaby for my child?

Baby is very sensitive to the sound of your voice and needs to hear you speak and hum to feel reassured and confident. It does not matter, therefore, whether you sing your nursery rhymes and lullabies from your childhood or the news that you discover with him. For the child, the main thing is that you sing, so vary the pleasures and choose to revisit whatever comes to mind. Edit the lyrics and don’t be afraid to make it up if you are unfamiliar with the original lyrics, for baby the main thing is just to hear yourself.

If singing does not make you comfortable, isolate yourself with the child and hum only for him or her. It doesn’t matter whether you sing out of tune or not, for him nothing matters more than sharing this moment with you. He is like “hypnotized” by the sound of your voice.

On the other hand, avoid singing anything other than lullabies or nursery rhymes intended for children. Babies and children alike are sensitive to slow and soft melodies, so it is better not to choose music that is too loud and / or rhythmic that would excite him instead of soothing him.

Why do lullabies calm children down?

From birth, and even in utero, infants are very sensitive to sounds, music and melodies and feel their effects and emotions. They love the softness that emanates from a lullaby and are reassured by repetitive sounds and monosyllabic lyrics that can make one think of heartbeat rhythms.

What they also appreciate above all else are the emotions and love that show through in the tone and voice of the singing parent. Indeed, to hum a lullaby, the voice becomes thinner, more acute and always remains very soft when an adult sings for his baby.

Finally, the lullaby, magic on the child, is also on the parent. In fact, by singing softly and with love, adults also calm down and reduce their stress and the fatigue of their day. So he shares these feelings of appeasement with his baby and therefore allows the little one to relax even more.

Perfect lullaby lyrics to develop children’s creativity

Who has never wondered about the relevance of the lyrics of children’s songs? Often seeming silly to parents, these rhymes are nevertheless formidable tools to help the little one develop his imagination and his vocabulary. Poetic, but also easy to understand and remember for children, including the youngest, they allow them to escape and dream of an extraordinary world. Language is punished here and draws the child into a universe of words and sounds that he discovers with pleasure. The words used are often simple, as is the context which is easy to understand in most cases. By learning these sung stories, the child develops his memory while enriching his vocabulary.

If the bedtime story ritual is still popular, the fact remains that the sweet little song hummed to help the child close their eyes is more necessary than ever. With very important benefits for the child and his well-being, it is really not to be neglected.

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