Lukhovitsky cucumbers: variety description
Lukhovitsky cucumbers, known throughout Russia, come from the Moscow region, namely from the Lukhovitsky district. That is why the variety has such a name. This species matures earlier than its other “relatives” – already in late May or early June.
Description of the variety of Lukhovitsky cucumbers
The term “Lukhovitsky cucumber” does not mean one specific type of cucumber, but several varieties of this simple vegetable.
An example of Lukhovitsky cucumbers
The most popular varieties of Lukhovitsky cucumbers:
- “Elegant”;
- “Murom”;
- Libella;
- “Man”;
- “Solinas”.
Most varieties are quite resistant to diseases and changes in temperature. They are not afraid of diseases inherent in members of the pumpkin family, for example, olive spot, powdery mildew or cucumber mosaic. It is allowed to grow cucumbers both in protected and in open ground with a special film cover.
The bushes have an average climbing capacity and are formed in 2-4 ovaries. The first fruits begin to appear after 1,5 – 2 months from the moment of planting. The most common type of flowering is female.
Most often, seedlings begin to be planted at the end of April in order to get an early harvest of cucumbers. It is necessary to transplant seedlings to a permanent place at the moment when the phase of 4 leaves overtakes. It is better to do this in mid-May, when the air temperature has more or less stabilized. During planting, a 50 × 50 distance between plants should be adhered to.
Subject to all the rules for growing cucumbers and caring for them from one bush, you can get from 7 kg to 9 kg of harvest.
Characteristics of lukhovitsky cucumber
The most distinctive feature of this type of cucumber is the small size of the vegetable. That is why it is perfect for both early spring salad and preservation.
The main characteristics of these varieties:
- length – from 7 to 9 cm;
- diameter – from 2 to 3,5 cm;
- weight – up to 150 g;
- shape – oval;
- the peel is thin;
- color – from light green to dark green.
Each fruit has small bumps with thorns. There is no bitterness in the fruits and there is a pronounced cucumber aroma. This type of cucumber is distinguished by a sonorous crunch.
The main advantages of this type of cucumber:
- versatile in use;
- perfectly tolerate long-term transportation;
- can keep their presentation for a long time;
- ripen early.
It is for their characteristics and advantages that cucumbers of this type have received recognition throughout the territory of our country.