Lugol COEN fluid

Lugol’s solution is a disinfecting fluid used in dermatology and venereology. The preparation has a bactericidal effect and is available without a prescription. The fluid is used for abrasions, minor wounds and skin irritations.

Lugol COEN liquid, Producer: COEN

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
liquid; 20 g over-the-counter drug an aqueous solution of iodine

Lugola liquid

Lugol’s solution is simply an aqueous solution of iodine and potassium iodide. It was invented by a French doctor Jean Lugol in 1829, but in Poland this specificity became more widely known only in 1986. Lugol’s fluid was spread due to the famous disaster of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which took place in 1986. At that time, it was recommended to drink liquid (especially for children) to prevent the thyroid from absorbing the radioactive iodine isotope. In fact, Lugol’s solution had a positive effect in some, but in others it caused the development of numerous diseases, such as thyroid cancer.

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Lugol’s fluid – application

Lugol’s solution for drinking is an aqueous solution of iodine that is used to disinfect undamaged skin surfaces, minor scrapes and abrasions. The drug is taken by washing the wound with a gauze pad. Lugola is intended for children, adolescents and adults, but cannot be used in infants.

Lugol’s fluids in low concentration can be used to rinse the throat. A properly developed dose of food Lugol’s liquid also allows to inhibit or increase the secretion of thyroid hormones (Wolff-Chaikoff effect)

Lugol’s solution – dosage

Dosage: Use undiluted solution to disinfect intact skin. The affected area should be brushed or washed with a sterile gauze pad soaked in the solution.

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Lugol’s fluid – contraindications

Contraindications to the use of Lugol’s solution are:

  1. hypersensitivity to iodine;
  2. pulmonary tuberculosis,
  3. lung diseases,
  4. hyperthyroidism;
  5. absolutely the preparation with iodine should not be used with mercury compounds;
  6. pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Lugol’s fluid – composition

Lugol’s solution consists of iodine (10 mg) and potassium iodide solution (20 mg). Considering that iodine is a component that is sparingly soluble in water, Lugol’s solution is obtained only after using solubilizers, i.e. dissolving directors. Does Lugol’s solution contain alcohol? Not.

Lugol’s solution is stored in glass bottles, protected from light.

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Lugol’s solution – dosage

Dosage of Lugol’s solution: dissolve about 10 drops of the liquid in 200 ml of water. If, on the other hand, you want to use a liquid to remove plaque from the tonsils, dissolve 10 drops in 50 ml of glycerin. The internal dosage of the preparation should always be consulted with a physician who has knowledge and determines the dosage according to the individual needs of the patient.

Lugol’s solution is usually dissolved in water, juice or milk to prevent stomach irritation.

Lugol’s fluid – price

The price of Lugol’s fluid ranges from PLN 5-10. You can get it in virtually any pharmacy. Edible liquid may be drunk by the patient only with the consent of the doctor! In addition, you must not buy iodine yourself and make Lugol’s liquid, and then give it to children, it can lead to dangerous complications.

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Lugol’s fluid – side effects

Taking Lugol’s solution unnecessarily may have side effects. As with all medications, the recommended dose must not be exceeded as this may result in hyperthyroidism (the main side effect). In addition, it should be remembered that an overactive thyroid gland can be life threatening, for example in people who have problems with the circulatory system.

In addition, the use of Lugol’s can lead to:

  1. allergies (local or general),
  2. ice acne,
  3. too much thyroid hormone in the body (thyrotoxicosis).

In people allergic to iodine, the use of Lugol’s solution may cause:

  1. rash
  2. itching
  3. high temperature,
  4. enlargement of the lymph nodes,
  5. inflammatory vesicles on the skin,
  6. irritation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa,
  7. shock dangerous to health.

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health.

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