Ludwigia creeping plant
Ludwigia is often found in aquariums. The reason for this is the variety of species and easy care.
Ludwigia plant in the aquarium
This alga lives on many continents. She is known in America, Africa and Asia. Some species have found their use as fodder plants or in the textile production cycle in the form of a dye.
Ludwigia planted with a bush in the background will get enough light
The plant has a long stem and leaves of different shapes and colors. Colors can range from green to burgundy. And the shape can be lanceolate, oval and diamond-shaped. Some species, and there are about 75 of them, change the shape of the leaves depending on the degree of illumination. Algae feels better with partial immersion, while it is widely used in aquarium compositions.
Some species belong to the genus Jussiea. These are floating plants that stay on the surface due to air bubbles – floats on the roots. These types include:
- arcuate;
- creeping;
- swampy;
- hybrid of marsh and creeping.
The latter type has gained great popularity due to its rapid growth and the formation of numerous branches when pinched.
This plant is native to the swamps of the United States and Mexico. The underwater part is directed upwards, and the surface part spreads over the surface. Root shoots extend from stems 30-40 cm high. The elliptical leaves have a pointed nose. The length of the leaves is from 2 to 3,5 cm, and the width is 1,4 cm. The color of the upper leaf cover is olive and dark green, and the lower one is green or deep red. There are several creeping forms, but they do not stand out as a separate species.
The water for this plant can be either soft or medium hard. Optimum conditions are slightly acidic or neutral water with a hardness of 5-6º. In a slightly alkaline environment, the plant will also continue to develop. The temperature is preferably high – from 20 to 26 ° C. The lighting needs to be bright, but not excessive, otherwise blue-green algae will form. The length of daylight hours is 12 hours. Changing a quarter of the water once a week will help the algae avoid dirt build-up on the leaves.
The roots of the plant are weak, so it must be planted in finely dispersed soil – coarse sand. The plant needs nutrition:
- If you plant in an old inhabited aquarium, then the soil will already be sufficiently fertilized, and you do not need to add anything to it.
- If you are starting a new aquarium, you need to put a piece of clay under the shoot as a top dressing.
You can propagate the algae by cuttings, for this you need the tip of the shoot 10-12 cm long. Another way is the side shoots.
The plant is convenient for its undemanding and easy care. It is beautiful, besides, it grows rapidly. The variety of colors allows you to saturate the aquarium palette.