Jewelry, some of which were over 500 years old, lay under the pieces of meat. Can you imagine how much they pulled?
It seems that Granny didn’t really want her grandchildren to find her inheritance. After all, she did not leave any instructions on where to look for values. Moreover, there was not even a hint that values exist in principle. However, the grandchildren of an elderly resident of British Wiltshire were not a miss. They were sure that there was some kind of treasure in my grandmother’s house. But where?
The same house where the treasure was kept
Break the house, the heirs themselves did not find anything, except for the usual things from the daily life of the deceased pensioner. But they were not going to give up: they hired auctioneers who knew how to professionally search for hidden treasures. And they did not disappoint.
“The family told us that they thought there was something of value in their grandmother’s house. They knew that in the 60s she led a secular life, often bought something from antique dealers and auctions. In our experience, many older people hide something in their home. Very often – under the mattress, where we looked first, ”says auctioneer Pippa Kidson-Trigg.
The house in the countryside did not at all look like a treasure was hidden inside: ancient furniture, wallpaper that had lagged behind the walls.
“The home was clearly in decline,” adds the auctioneer. Apparently, during her life, the grandmother was not interested in her grandchildren’s house as much as after her death.
The auctioneers searched the house from top to bottom. And finally we stumbled upon a cache located not in the most commonplace place.
In an old freezer, next to a frozen leg of lamb, a mysterious bundle was found. Unfolding it, the specialists were stunned: inside there were jewelry with precious stones, made during the Renaissance. Moreover, for each piece of jewelry there was a receipt and documents, which further increased their value. True, the papers were separate from the valuables – among the rubbish. Happiness that they were not thrown out.
One of the pendants – “Pelican in the Nest”
This is far from all that was in the cache.
“The cache contained jewelry made in the XNUMXth – XNUMXth centuries, the freezing process did not affect their condition in any way. They are perfectly preserved, ”says Pippa.
Gold pendants with pearls, diamonds, emeralds, sapphires and rubies, an enamel pendant, a diamond brooch – only 30 items, whose value was estimated at about 100 thousand pounds.
“Such things have a place in a safe or a safe deposit box, but not in a freezer,” says the specialist. Well, sometimes eccentricity is the best hiding place.
True, the predictions of Pippa Kidson-Trigg did not quite come true, the jewelry was sold for only 68 thousand pounds. That in terms of our money amounted to almost 5,7 million rubles. Not a bad legacy!