Lucid dreaming: what it is and how to manage it

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Lucid dreaming is something that most people experience at least once in their lives. However, few people practice them on an ongoing basis. Proponents of lucid dreaming practices argue that there are great benefits to using them.

It’s about reducing anxiety, increasing creativity, or helping to work on a specific problem. Lucid dreaming is also used to treat recurring nightmares, PTSD, and depression.

Lucid dream: what is it

A dream in which a person is aware that he is sleeping is called lucid dream. The numbers vary, but 51% to 82% of people report having had such dreams at least once. At the same time, many of them wake up at the moment of realization and do not understand what happened to them.

Experienced people can use certain techniques to influence their brain to solve a specific problem. Thus, you can train your mind to achieve your own goals while you sleep. For example, increasing self-confidence or athletic ability.

Let’s say a person with social anxiety can use sleep to act out different social situations, practicing with others, and see that nothing terrible is happening. After this practice, he can safely test the same techniques in the real world.

You can open your mind to become more creative and creative. By taking the lead and making proactive decisions in your sleep, you can create creative connections and test how things work.

Lucid dreaming occurs during REM sleep. During this period, most of our muscles are paralyzed so that we cannot harm ourselves. However, our eye muscles can still move.

In one study, participants reported that they slept by moving their eyes from left to right twice as they slept. Scientists were able to study the effects of this practice on brain waves and other biological functions while they were sleeping.

How to induce lucid sleep

This process takes time and practice to master. By practicing certain techniques regularly, train your brain to sleep lucidly. First, arrange your bedroom so that nothing interferes with your sleep.

Lucid dreaming: what it is and how to manage it

Provide fresh air all night, check your bed for rough folds that will interfere with quality relaxation.

Dreams occur during the REM phase, the last stage of your sleep cycle, which picks up steam in the second half of the night. To enjoy more dreams, you need peace.

To sleep better, practice good sleep hygiene. Keep your bedroom darker, cooler, and quieter. Use blackout curtains or an eye mask. Use earplugs (earplugs).

Finally, follow a calming routine before going to bed. Engage in quiet activities such as taking a warm bath, practicing aromatherapy, or meditation.

Keep a dream diary

The first step is to tune in to the perception of dreams. Keep a journal by your bed, and as soon as you wake up, write down everything you remember. If you are thinking faster than writing, try recording your memories as a voice memo on your phone.

Learn to recognize the signs of your sleep

Check your dream diary regularly and look for any specific signs that appear over and over again. They can provide insight into the types of problems your psyche is focused on. More importantly, they can help you begin to correctly recognize sleep.

The more you know about the signs of your sleep, the faster you can tell that you are sleeping. Only after that, you can engage in serious practice, choosing the one that is more to your liking.

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