Lubricant – properties, application, what to choose? [WE EXPLAIN]

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In the case of women, taking care of intimate areas is crucial and requires daily care. Taking good care of these delicate areas can make a significant contribution to a successful sex life. When caring for the vaginal area, it is worth monitoring its level of hydration. If a woman is struggling with vaginal dryness or insufficient hydration of the intimate areas, it is worth helping with a lubricant. What are lubricants? What is the best choice and where to buy it? Does using lubricants increase the satisfaction and sensation of sex?

What are lubricants?

Lubricants are substances whose task is to moisturize the vagina and the anus area. They are usually used as a “side effect” during intercourse. The use of lubricants does not have to be caused by problems with moisturizing the intimate areas. This preparation can be used to make the close-up as pleasant as possible for both sides. Lubricants have many benefits, one of which is anti-inflammatory. This substance protects against vaginal inflammation, which can be caused by the bacteria or by intercourse itself.

Lubricants are a great remedy for women who struggle with insufficient vaginal lubrication, but still want to have sex. What could be the reasons for this? Lack of mucus in the vagina can cause fatigue, stress, hormonal disorders, antidepressants, oral contraceptives, the use of inappropriate preparations for the hygiene of intimate parts, and even poorly chosen underwear. Insufficient moistening of the intimate areas may cause discomfort and pain during intercourse and impede penetration.

The use of lubricants for both women and men is often taboo. However, the necessity to use intimate gels should not be a cause for shame. If we want to enjoy intercourse and our partner is struggling with the above-mentioned problems, it is worth proposing or buying a suitable product that will improve her well-being and minimize discomfort during sex.

What are lubricants? Typically, the composition of these preparations is based on water, silicone and gelling agents such as xanthan gum, cellulose, glucan derivatives and inulin. Sometimes in the composition of lubricants we can find aloe gel with an admixture of hyaluronic acid, which has a strong moisturizing effect. Thanks to all these substances, the use of lubricants together with contraception in the form of a condom is safe and does not cause side effects after intercourse.

Lubricants, also known simply as intimate gels, in addition to moisturizing and general pleasure from sex, offer interesting sensations in terms of taste and aroma. Each of these effects additionally stimulates and makes intercourse more attractive. These preparations can also be used to moisturize sex toys such as a vibrator, butt plugs or balls. Thanks to this, sex can become an interesting and unforgettable adventure.

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Lubricant – types and properties

There are three main types of lubricants. How are they different? Their characteristics and properties depend on the basis on which they were created. We belong to the first group water-based lubricants. It is worth mentioning that the main property of the gel should be that its pH resembles the mucus naturally secreted by the female body as much as possible. We mainly attribute these characteristics to water-based lubricants. These types of preparations are most often recommended by gynecologists.

Why? The answer is simple: water provides the best hydration, does not irritate and does not expose the vagina to changes in its natural bacterial flora. The only disadvantage of a water-based lubricant is that it absorbs very quickly and requires re-application during intercourse. Such gels can be used in conjunction with a condom without any problems. In this case, we recommend the Aqua Pjur water lubricant.

One of the interesting facts is that water-based lubricants are often hypoallergenic, i.e. they do not cause allergies or allergic reactions. These types of lubricants are usually undyed, tasteless, odorless and devoid of any harmful chemical ingredients. Water-based intimate gels are somewhat similar to the preparations used in the daily care of delicate women’s zones.

We belong to the second group silicone based lubricants. Their main feature is that they definitely enhance the glide force during intercourse, compared to water-based gels. In addition, lubricants with silicone in the composition are much more durable and can be used when bathing in a bathtub or in a swimming pool. Just use a small amount of the preparation to feel the difference. Silicone lubricants are especially recommended for anal intercourse, because the anus does not produce mucus that facilitates penetration.

A silicone-based lubricant can safely be used with condoms. One of the disadvantages of this substance is that it does not work well with silicone accessories. The lubricant can permanently damage them. Another negative aspect is the density and stickiness of the substance – this type of lubricant is difficult to remove from the intimate areas and hands.

An example of a product in this group is the odorless and odorless Überlube silicone lubricant in a glass bottle.

Third in line from available on the market lubricants there are gels based on oil. These types of products are less and less often chosen by consumers. Why? One of the reasons is that the oily substances can damage the condom and you may become pregnant. Another downside is that specialists do not recommend oil substances for internal use. Due to their greasy content, the body may not be able to cope with their expulsion. A residual substance in a woman’s reproductive tract can lead to inflammation or other complications.

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How to use lubricants?

The lubricant should be squeezed onto your hand and spread over your intimate area and your partner. The more we apply it, the more intense the sensations will be. Depending on the selected type of lubricant, read the instructions on the packaging in advance. In the case of water-based lubricants, you need to act quickly and agile because they absorb quickly. Silicone and oil lubricants last longer – here we can afford a longer foreplay.

Massaging the intimate areas with each lubricant increases the sensation and feeling of pleasure. At the beginning of using lubricants, it is worth talking to your partner and feeling each other’s individual needs. If the lubricant is cool, you can warm it up in your hands for a while before spreading it over your intimate area. After applying lubricants, it is worth taking a shower to get rid of the remnants of the preparation.

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Which lubricant to choose?

When buying a lubricant, you should follow your own needs and composition. Consider what experiences you want the most, whether the lubricant should be warming or cooling, what flavor or smell it should have. Whether or not it works during intercourse depends on all of this. When choosing lubricants, it is worth taking a closer look at what is in their composition. There are several types of substances that should be avoided as they increase the risk of irritation.

One such chemical is spermicide nonoxynol-9, its action can lead to severe irritation of the intimate and anus areas. Microdamages caused by this agent increase the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases such as venereal ulcer, herpes or bacterial dysentery. This substance also has a spermicidal effect, therefore it is not recommended for women planning a pregnancy.

The second substance to avoid in lubricants is glycerine. Due to its heavy, oily texture, it can be hard to remove from the vagina. Glycerin residues in the vagina can contribute to a bladder infection or yeast infection. The next ones on the list are oily ingredients that, in direct contact with the condom, can damage it and reduce its effectiveness. Oils in lubricants are the most common cause of allergies in intimate places.

The last substance to avoid is sugar. Reading the composition of the intimate gel, we may be surprised that sugar is on the list, but thanks to it, the gels have a sweet taste. It is most often found in massage and stimulating lubricants. The only downside to sugar is that when it enters the vaginal wall, it provides an ideal environment for fungi and bacteria to grow. If we care about taste sensations, when choosing a lubricant, it is worth reaching for the one with artificial sweeteners in the composition.

There are also lubricants containing substances that, firstly, do not harm, and secondly, they strongly moisturize and have a soothing effect on the intimate areas. These are usually herbal ingredients, a good example is chamomile (fights inflammation) and linen (soothes irritations). In lubricants, it is also worth looking for aloe, which has a regenerating, antifungal and antibacterial effect, and panthenol that supports the healing of vaginal mucous membranes.

Before buying a lubricant, it is worth considering what we care about the most. Due to the way they work, we distinguish lubricants stimulating, soothing and magnifying. The first of them – stimulating, we divide into two groups: warming up and cooling. These lubricants contain active ingredients that cause, among others: tingling of the skin (which should intensify the sensations and sensitize the intimate zone) and a feeling similar to skin contact with a menthol-based agent.

Intimate gels from the soothing group are used when one of the partners has a particularly sensitive intimate zone. The use of soothing lubricants works very well for people struggling with dry, sensitive skin and prevents various types of abrasions and micro-damage to the vaginal wall. In this situation, the previously mentioned hypoallergenic gels, i.e. those based on water, will be perfect because they have a simple and short composition.

The third lubricant on the list is a magnifying lubricant, its task is to stimulate the microcirculation of the skin, which causes faster blood flow to the penis tissues. These types of lubricants are most often used on the penis. The advantages of enlarging intimate gels include a stimulating effect and the possibility of prolonging and strengthening erections in men.

When deciding on lubricants, we can also choose those enriched with substances flavored i aromatic. The most common are intimate gels with a hint of fruit, with a flavor of passion fruit, strawberry or cherry. Consuming this type of substance in small amounts does not endanger your health. Due to the more complicated and longer composition, they can be partially irritating. They are an interesting product hybrid lubricantswhich are also suitable for erotic massage and moisturizing of intimate places.

A good proposition for couples who are planning to become pregnant can be lubricants to aid fertilization. What distinguishes them from regular intimate gels? This formula combines ingredients (including magnesium and calcium ions) that extend the life of sperm and increase their mobility. After using the gel, the likelihood of pregnancy increases.

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Where to buy a lubricant?

Lubricant can be obtained from many places, ranging from drugstores to online stores. Choosing the best lubricant for your needs can be difficult because the choice is huge. The best way to do this is to go to the pharmacy – this is the safest form of purchase. Why? The pharmacy assortment is full of products that have been tested for hypoallergenic properties, are odorless and safe to use. Besides, we can always consult a pharmacist on this matter.

If we want to be more anonymous, we can buy the lubricant at any supermarket. Unfortunately, in stationary stores, we have less choice, and the composition of the products may be, to put it mildly, suspicious. If there is a message in the lubricant description: avoid contact with your eyes, put it back in its place immediately! Intimate gels are also available in shops with erotic accessories. Online stores that offer products not available in stationary sales are a way to completely anonymize lubricant. Then we can buy organic lubricants and lubricants not tested on animals.

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Lubricant allergy

If you get a rash, redness or inflammation in your intimate area after using the lubricant, you may be allergic to one of the ingredients. To prevent this from happening, you should read the ingredients of the products and choose the least complicated one. Health complications after using the lubricant may endanger your health and lead to serious gynecological ailments. The most common cause of allergy are strong chemicals that theoretically enrich the composition of the lubricant, and in many cases irritate the skin.


The intimate area is as sensitive as the eye mucosa, so be careful when using lubricants.

A lubricant for vaginal dryness

Vaginal dryness is a condition that affects women of all ages. The occurrence of dryness in the intimate areas may be the first symptoms of a fungal or bacterial infection. Vaginal dryness usually affects menopausal women. Then the vaginal walls are thin and flexible. This ailment also affects women during pregnancy, after childbirth and before menstruation. Problems with the vaginal mucosa can also arise from too frequent visits to the swimming pool or from being on a slimming diet.

How to deal with a dry vaginal membrane? The first step is to see your gynecologist, find the cause of vaginal dryness and start treatment. The second step is to use lubricants indicated by a specialist. Such preparations are recommended for women with this condition during intercourse. They effectively moisturize the vaginal walls and give a sense of comfort. Sometimes vaginal dryness is not caused by an infection, menopause, or other bacterial infection.

Then what is the cause of this ailment? Perhaps before intercourse begins, a woman needs a little more time for her organs to create the ideal conditions for penetration. A long foreplay, petting, massage, and lubrication can be a solution. Every woman should inform her partner in advance about the scale of the problem. Thanks to this, it will ensure psychological comfort, and the other half will be able to look for ways to stimulate sexual stimulation.

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Lubricant – can it be replaced?

A lubricant is a moisturizing product that nowadays has become very diverse and has many versions. How to get it without having to purchase it in the store first? You should definitely not replace intimate gels with cooking oils or body oil. Using any oily substance of this type may contribute to unwanted infections. The natural lubricant that everyone has at their disposal is saliva, but if the vagina is very dry, it may not work.

For savings, but also for ecological reasons, as a lubricant you can use (in exceptional circumstances) oil of natural origin, e.g. grape or coconut. During intercourse, be careful and use it in very small amounts. Unrefined coconut oil is a good replacement for people who will not use a condom or sex toys during sex.

Aloe vera gel is also a good way to make a homemade lubricant, but making it can be a bit of a problem. Slightly easier to prepare is a paste made of boiled water and a banana. The ingredients of such a mass do not affect the properties of the condom. This lubricant can be made with a blender and used as soon as possible after preparation.

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Natural lubricants – how to stimulate the body before intercourse?

There are several ways that can naturally stimulate a woman’s body to produce mucus in the vagina. The effect of the so-called A wet vagina is the primary physiological phenomenon that occurs as a result of sexual arousal. Moisturizing the vaginal walls should start after about 10-30 seconds from the beginning of foreplay. The excitement can occur just at the sight of a naked partner, his words or a touch. If that doesn’t work, keep trying.

One of the ways to stimulate the vagina is to stimulate the labia and clitoris, warm them with the breath and penetrate the tongue. Another idea is a massage with essential oils. Such substances are not suitable for penetration, but are excellent for use on the outer parts of the body. Ice cubes alternate with hot mint tea are an interesting way to stimulate the vaginal mucosa. Ice cubes cool down the intimate areas, while drinking mint and penetrating the tongue will warm them up immediately.

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