Lublin: patients after cataract surgery infected with staphylococcus

Cataract surgery for five patients from Lublin ended with staphylococcal infection. With a serious infection, they were taken to another hospital. Another surgical intervention was necessary.

Staphylococcus in a hospital in Lublin

RMF FM reports that five patients were infected with staphylococcus during cataract surgery, which they underwent in the hospital. Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński in Lublin. All of them were transferred to the Lublin Clinic of Retinal and Vitreous Surgery, Clinical Hospital No. 1.

Head of the clinic, prof. Jerzy Mackiewicz said in an interview with RMF that patients were admitted from inflammation of the eyeballthat you risked losing your eye. It was necessary to urgently perform a vitrectomy, which is an operation that saves the eyesight. It consists in removing the vitreous body and then protecting the eye with silicone oil. Inflammation has been brought under control. Only after three months will it be possible to assess how the infection will affect the quality of the patients’ vision.

A spokesman for the Provincial Hospital Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński in Lublin confirmed that all patients infected with staphylococcus were operated on one day. Nine treatments were then performed. In an interview with RMF FM, the hospital spokesman assured that after detecting the infection in patients at the facility cataract surgery has been suspended. The source of the infection is being searched for. As reported by the station, the Sanitary Inspectorate appeared in the facility yesterday.

Source: RMF FM

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