Eczema of the lower limbs are eczema lesions located on the lower legs, which occur in people with impaired venous circulation in the lower extremities. The ailment appears in mature or adults, usually after the age of 50 (more often in women). Leg rash is usually accompanied by varicose leg ulcers.
Where does leg eczema come from?
Lower leg eczema is the most important complication of chronic venous insufficiency. Inflammatory changes in the skin of the lower limbs are caused by impaired venous circulation in the lower extremities. Primary leg eczema may be associated with blood stagnation due to venous insufficiency, hypoxia, and non-immune release of inflammatory factors. The causative factors can be injuries and microtrauma as well as bacterial infections. Very often, inflammation around the ulcers occurs as a result of secondary allergy, mainly to external medications, as well as to textile dyes and fragrances.
Eczema of the legs – symptoms
The location of the ailments, as the name suggests, is the lower leg, especially their inner surface. Occurring foci of inflammation affect one or both limbs, are of different extent and with varying degrees of inflammation, quite clearly demarcated from the environment. If leg eczema persists for a long time, generalized blood-borne allergic reactions may occur as a result of contact allergens entering the circulation. Generalized outbreaks of such lesions are characterized by small lumps rash, sometimes confluent and acutely inflammatory, affecting the face, trunk and limbs.
Skin lesions are often accompanied by troublesome itching, and in the case of exacerbation of the disease – also burning and pain. Some patients develop oozing lesions, which are very often bacterial superinfection and lingering, characterized by the spread of yellow scabs that dry over time.
Diagnosis and treatment of lower leg eczema
Histopathological examination reveals skin inflammation, and epidermal tests are also performed. Crimped eczema is a condition that should be differentiated from psoriasis and mycosis of smooth skin, as they have similar symptoms. For this purpose, a mycological examination is performed, which shows the presence of a fungus in skin lesions.
In the general treatment of eczema of the lower limbs, preparations improving the blood supply to the lower limbs and antiallergic drugs are implemented. In turn, local management depends on the severity of the inflammation. Therefore, in the period of exacerbation of lesions, compresses containing tannin are recommended to limit the exudate. Later – aerosols, ointments and creams containing steroids. In the subacute period of leg eczema, antihistamines are recommended to be adjusted.
In chronic leg eczema, doctors recommend the use of lubricating ointments and pastes, e.g. zinc paste, which protect the skin against the irritating effect of the exudate from the ulcer and maceration. Sometimes weak corticosteroids are also implemented.
DIG. W-32. Shin eczema.
DIG. W-33. Eczema of the lower legs.
DIG. W-34. Eczema of the lower legs.
DIG. W-35. Eczema of the lower legs.
Lit .: [1] Rudzki E., Rebandel P., Parapura K .: Allergens in lower leg eczema. Przegl Dermatol 2004, 91; 127-30. [2] Jankićević J., Vesić S., Vukićević J. et al: Contact sensitivity in patients with venous leg ulcers in Serbia: comparison with contact dermatitis patients and relationship to ulcer duration. Contact Dermatitis 2008, 58; 32-36.
Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski: “Lexicon of dermatology”; XNUMXst edition, Czelej Publishing House