Lower body workouts

Lower body – this is the name of a group workout, which makes it possible to pump the lower body. Buttocks, thighs and abs will be toned, without a hint of fat. Exercises allow you to work out the quadriceps and biceps muscles of the thigh, oblique and rectus abdominis, lower back, gluteus maximus.

Difficulty level: For beginners

Lower body classes include strength training and aerobics, which allows you not only to give your legs and stomach the desired relief, but also to lose weight. Regular lower body workouts will help:

  • strengthen the body, increase its endurance, get rid of shortness of breath while climbing stairs or jogging;
  • learn the basic exercises in order to be able to practice independently in the future;
  • improve metabolism, speed up its processes;
  • to acquire discipline skills that will be useful in life and will form character;
  • normalize sleep;
  • strengthen the nervous system;
  • increase blood circulation in the cells of the whole body.

If you purposefully work out problem areas, then soon the results will impress you. Training will allow you to put in order flabby muscles – a consequence of hypodynamia, and also strengthen the immune system. See also: strength training

Where to start training for the lower body

Lower body exercises are suitable for everyone, even beginners. But keep in mind that at first, the loads can seem very difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to consult with the trainer what optimal loads to choose for yourself. It is important to start training with stretches and a general warm-up to prepare the body for aerobic exercise and protect yourself from injury.

For classes, you will need high-top sneakers that fix the ankle. The sole should be rigid, and there should be air shock absorbers on the heel to soften the blows to the joints during jumps and other sudden movements. Also Read: Core Workouts

From clothes it is better to choose a loose cotton T-shirt, leggings or sports trousers made of elastic fabric. Shorts with a classic slimming top are also suitable. Exercises are performed not only with their own weight, but also with dumbbells, bodybars, steppes. These devices are available in every gym.

Top reasons to start lower body workouts

Here are some reasons to attend training:

  1. Acquisition of endurance – After intensive training, you will easily climb the stairs without feeling tired. Your heart will be greatly strengthened, and this is the prevention of many deadly diseases.
  2. A powerful blow to hypodynamia – If you sit at the computer a lot, work in the office, do other routine work, the muscles of the body can stagnate and become unusable. Hypodynamia negatively affects the work of the heart, general well-being and tone. Training will help get rid of all negative symptoms, improve sleep, improve the body.
  3. Safe sport – Self-training can be unsafe if you do not know the technique or do not adhere to the basic rules. In group classes, the coach will always correct you, give you the basics of technique so that you do not get injured.
  4. Beautiful figure – Exercises will help to tidy up the waist, make the legs slim and toned, and the buttocks – elastic. Workouts include diverse exercises for all parts of the body, which will allow you to get tremendous results.
  5. Character discipline – Regularly exercising, you will gain willpower, learn how to achieve your goals, and begin to overcome various difficulties without much effort and stress. In addition to tightening your body, improving your figure, you will also learn many useful things that will come in handy in life.

If you regularly perform lower body exercises, you can achieve tremendous results. Also Read: Upper Body Workouts

Basic exercises for pumping the lower body

  1. Plie squats – This is one of the most effective and popular exercises for pumping the buttocks and developing the leg muscles. Plies are aimed at tightening the inner surface of the thigh – the problem area. In addition, they help to make the buttocks elastic.
  2. Lunges on one leg – This is a basic exercise that allows you to use all the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. Suitable for men who want to acquire powerful, sculpted quadriceps. But it can also be used by women, only with a smaller load, so that the pumping of the muscles does not make the figure square. Lateral lunges give a load on the gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, quadriceps, triceps calf and biceps femoris.
  3. Deadlift – Performed on straightened legs. It is strictly forbidden to bend your knees. This craving does not apply to weightlifting exercises. It is most often used by women, as the exercise helps to develop the hamstrings and tighten the buttocks. The quadriceps do not pump up, so there is no danger of getting too pronounced relief of the legs.
  4. Buttock bridge It is performed on the shoulder blades with the buttocks off the floor. The bridge is aimed at working out the hips, buttocks, as well as the abdomen and back. It has a complex effect on the main muscles of the body.

Recommendations for Lower body workouts

Training is necessary for women who have a pear shape with a massive lower body. They help to get rid of fat deposits on the thighs. Also, classes are shown to people from 20 to 40 years old. For girls who are younger than the specified age, dance aerobics is more suitable. And older women are better off doing breathing exercises and other, more gentle sports. See also: barbell workout


  • joint diseases;
  • varicosity;
  • increased blood pressure.

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