Lower abdominal pain when walking: causes and treatment
If there is pain in the lower abdomen while walking, this can be a symptom of a serious illness. However, do not self-medicate. An urgent need to go to the hospital, where an experienced doctor will prescribe medications based on the diagnosis received.
Why does the stomach hurt when walking?
There are many reasons for the occurrence of such sensations:
- diseases of the lungs, heart, kidneys and other internal organs;
- hematomas and other soft tissue injuries;
- fractures of the pelvic bones;
- blockage of the vessels of the peritoneum;
- hernia;
- diseases of the spine.
In women, similar problems may be associated with gynecology or menstrual irregularities. During pregnancy lower abdominal pain when walking can be considered quite normal, since the expectant mother is experiencing additional stress while carrying a fetus.
The abdominal cavity contains a mass of internal organs that are in close proximity to each other. This makes it difficult to diagnose pain.
How to determine the true cause?
Before going to a specialist, you can do a little independent research. Use this technique if the pain is mild and only slightly uncomfortable. It is necessary to lie on your back and gently press on various parts of the abdomen, determining the degree of pain.
Having found the source, determine the type of pain: pulling, squeezing, aching, and so on.
Check for additional symptoms: cough, nausea, diarrhea, fever, etc.
Remember if the pain is the result of physical strain or sudden movement. All this will help the doctor make an accurate diagnosis.
If the lower abdomen hurts when walking, you must immediately go to a medical institution for qualified help. Only a specialist can identify the cause, prescribe the correct treatment and prescribe medications. Taking medications on their own will aggravate the patient’s condition and may hide important symptoms from the doctor.
Lower abdominal pain when walking: algomenorrheic pain
Algomenorrhea is pain associated with the menstrual cycle. At this time, a woman may experience discomfort, severe pulling pain, irritability and other symptoms. The state of health improves on the second or third day after the onset of menstruation. In order not to experience painful sensations that interfere with normal life, you can take analgin or another pain reliever.
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One of the causes of abdominal pain is appendicitis, an inflammation of the womb-like process of the intestine. It occurs acutely, requires urgent surgical intervention. The patient complains of sharp abdominal pain, nausea, and may be vomiting. The pains are relieved by lying on the right side, at first the pain appears near the navel. If you do not provide assistance in time, a lethal outcome is possible.
Appendicitis can be confused with stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction, renal colic, ruptured ovary, and ectopic pregnancy. Naturally, the doctor must make the diagnosis. In all cases it is necessary to call an ambulance. Before their arrival, you should:
1. Do not feed or drink.
2. Do not anesthetize the abdomen until a doctor is examined – this can smear the picture. That is, do not give analgin, ketorol, nurofen and others.
3. Do not use heating pad, dry heat, abdominal compresses.
4. Do not give laxatives and antimicrobial agents, do not give enemas.
It is worth remembering that appendicitis is always inflamed after a heavy meal, this is a “well-fed” disease. The attack occurs in the evening or at night, very rarely – early in the morning. Treatment is only surgical, hospitalization is always required.