Lower abdominal pain – causes, diagnosis, treatment

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Lower abdominal pain is a very common complaint reported in a doctor’s office. It is a non-specific symptom, which makes it a diagnostic challenge for doctors. Lower abdominal pain can have different types and causes, including diseases of the digestive, urinary and sexual systems. In women, it can also be associated with the menstrual cycle.

A few words about lower abdominal pain …

Many people go to their family doctor with a problem of lower abdominal pain. Although this ailment is more common in women, it can also be found in men. Sometimes pain is a natural situation, and sometimes it indicates more serious health problems. It may be radiant (then the problem lies elsewhere than we feel it), and at other times it may be changeable in nature and seemingly disappear or become stronger under the influence of nervousness, stress or physical exertion. Considering the fact that lower abdominal pain is a non-specific symptom, doctors often find it difficult to make a proper diagnosis, as it may indicate ailments of the abdominal organs as well as those located outside of it. Due to the fact that there can be a lot of causes of lower abdominal pain, it is worth having at least basic knowledge about what causes pain in a specific part of the abdomen. Thanks to this, we are able to independently take appropriate actions to mitigate it. Nevertheless, you should always consult a specialist.

The causes of lower abdominal pain

The lower abdomen is the area below the transverse line at the level of the navel; it may also include the groin and suprapubic area. His pain may be a nonspecific symptom of many ailments. Determining the cause of lower abdominal pain determines the choice of treatment. The most common causes of lower abdominal pain include:

  1. appendicitis: lower abdominal pain is usually on the right side with nausea and fever; at first the patient has a slight ache which gets worse with time. Characteristic for the appendix is ​​the intensification of pain when the lower limb is raised in the supine position. If this ailment is suspected, it is necessary to visit the hospital as soon as possible in order to perform the necessary tests and confirm or rule out the suspicions.
  2. intestinal diverticulitis,
  3. non-specific inflammatory bowel diseases,
  4. urinary tract infection, kidney stones,
  5. gynecological diseases in women (adnexitis, cyst torsion or rupture, ectopic pregnancy),
  6. pelvic abscesses,
  7. uterine fibroids,
  8. endometriosis,
  9. hernias,
  10. irritable bowel syndrome,
  11. acute intestinal ischemia,
  12. obstruction, intestinal twist,
  13. menstruation in women,
  14. ovarian cancer
  15. inflammation of the bladder
  16. infectious diseases of the digestive system.

The most common cause of lower abdominal pain is menstruation. Pain occurs as a result of uterine muscle contractions, which, in order for the mucosa to peel off, contract. In addition, hormonal changes during menstruation additionally sensitize the tissues to pain stimuli. Pain is most acute on days 2 and 3 of menstrual bleeding, especially when a woman uses stimulants and her diet is inadequate.

A certain group of women also experience pain related to ovulation. It usually occurs around the 14th day of the cycle and is caused by the rupture of a Graaf follicle in the ovary and the release of an egg. Ovulatory pain is sudden and short-lived of a stinging nature. Maybe they cover the lower abdomen on the left or on the right side.

Other gynecological ailments causing abdominal pain (mentioned above) should be diagnosed as soon as possible, e.g. ovarian cyst or ectopic pregnancy rupture.

Gynecological problems and pain in the lower abdomen

You do not need a referral to a gynecologist, so it should not be an excuse for women who neglect checkups. Every woman should visit the gynecological office at least once a year and check that everything is in order. This is very important because conditions such as endometriosis leading to infertility or life-threatening cervical cancer are asymptomatic for a long time. Therefore, only systematic medical visits are able to protect a woman from serious consequences.

Gynecological pains in the lower abdomen may be a natural state of affairs, as mentioned above. They occur, for example, during ovulation or menstruation. Also, women during menopause complain of pain in the lower abdomen, which is associated with menstrual disorders.

Pain in the lower abdomen in diseases of the digestive system

Lower abdominal pain accompanied by other general symptoms, e.g. high temperature, should be differentiated from more serious ailments, such as infectious diseases of the intestines or diverticulitis. In people who additionally notice blood in the urine and other urinary disorders, it is necessary to consult a urologist, because pyelonephritis or bladder inflammation may have occurred. In the course of urinary tract diseases, the Goldflam symptom is characteristic, i.e. severe pain after an impact on the lumbar region.

Irritable bowel syndrome may also be another condition indicated by lower abdominal pain. Then the pain occurs after eating certain foods. In addition, patients complain of constipation and diarrhea. Diseases of the digestive system (gastroenteritis) are usually caused by bacterial and viral infections (food intolerance is much less common). Vomiting and high temperature appear, and the patient clearly feels bloating and overflow in the intestines.

Lower abdominal pain in prostatitis

This problem occurs mainly in men. In the course of prostate diseases, the pain in the lower abdomen is not very intense, it is migratory and is felt in the scrotum and around the anus. Patients also experience discomfort during micturition, pollakiuria (also at night) and problems with erection and premature ejaculation. Men, like women, should undergo regular preventive examinations, because the disease may not give any warning signals. First you need to visit your GP who will then write a referral to a urologist.

Note: Gentlemen should remember to test the testicles!

Lower abdominal pain diagnosis

The most important task facing the doctor is the location of abdominal pain, because it is then possible to determine which organs are responsible for the occurrence of this unpleasant ailment. The second place is the degree and intensity of lower abdominal pain, which also provide answers to the doctor’s questions. In addition, it should be determined whether the pain is sudden or chronic, and if it feels dull or sharp. Sometimes the pain can radiate:

  1. in the groin area (then it indicates renal colic);
  2. under the right shoulder blade (possible gallstone disease);
  3. be girdle (pancreatitis).

Lower abdominal pain is sometimes accompanied by other symptoms, such as constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, blood in the stools, gas, discoloration of the urine, high temperature and jaundice. Thanks to them, it is possible to better diagnose and determine the cause of lower abdominal pain.

Discuss symptoms with your doctor. You can make an e-appointment, after which you will receive an e-Prescription, e-Referral and e-Release. The online doctor is available at any time of the day or night.

How to treat lower abdominal pain?

Most of the pains in the lower abdomen pass spontaneously and there is no need for a doctor’s intervention. However, there are warning signals that should be an immediate indication for consultation with a doctor, they are:

  1. fainting
  2. weight loss (slight)
  3. vomiting,
  4. diarrhea,
  5. bloody stools
  6. lower abdominal pain waking up from sleep,
  7. a tumor palpable in the lower abdomen,
  8. rectal bleeding
  9. high temperature,
  10. a hard, tense stomach like a board.

If lower abdominal pains are not accompanied by the aforementioned symptoms, it is suspected that their cause may be mild renal colic or minor disturbances in intestinal peristalsis. Then it is enough to reach for over-the-counter diastolic and analgesic preparations (no-spa, pyralgina). Another home method is to apply warm compresses to the lower abdomen and rest lying down with the legs contracted. During an attack of lower abdominal pain, it is worth giving up hard-to-digest products.

However, when pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by disturbing symptoms, you should immediately visit a doctor who will look for the cause of the symptoms. For this purpose, a detailed medical interview is carried out with the patient and the necessary tests (laboratory and imaging) are performed.

In order to find out the cause of the pain, it is worth doing an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, which will allow you to make a diagnosis, start treatment and eliminate symptoms that do not allow you to function.

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