Lower abdomen: how to lose fat? Videos for women
How to remove the lower abdomen – one of the problem areas in the female figure? Excess body fat and weak abdominal muscles make the lower abdomen too bulky and saggy, which harms not only appearance, but also health. A balanced diet and a set of exercises will help you to put your figure in order. Particular attention should be paid to the lower abdomen: it is it that is the most difficult to work out.
Exercises for the press: how to remove the lower abdomen?
If fat is deposited in the lower abdomen, you can remove it with a low-calorie diet. Eat more protein: lean fish, poultry, dairy products. Limit your intake of “fast” carbohydrates such as sweets, wheat bread and baked goods. Give preference to complex carbohydrates: cereals, grain bread, durum wheat pasta.
Avoid bloating foods such as sodas, legumes, and sugary fruits. It is better to replace raw vegetables with boiled ones, they are easier to digest. Limit your intake of coffee, which retains water in the body. Instead of coffee and drinks containing caffeine, drink green tea with lemon, clear still water, fruit drinks without sugar and fresh juices, half diluted with water.
Eat small meals more often
Don’t forget to drink more: dehydration slows down your metabolism and has a detrimental effect on your skin. Don’t try to lose weight as soon as possible. Instead of a rounded belly, you can end up with an ugly drooping fold of skin that is unlikely to beautify you. Lose weight gradually, accompanying dietary restrictions with increased motor activity.
Learn self-massage techniques. Apply a caffeinated gel or cream to your abdomen twice a day to tighten and plump the skin. Rub the cream in a clockwise direction and then pinch the skin, trying to grab the layer of fat. Finish the mini massage by rubbing your waist: wrap your palms around it and do a few quick back and forth movements.
Do not knead your stomach too much, it can be harmful to internal organs.
Daily program for a flat lower abdomen
To quickly tighten your stomach, you will have to perform a mini-program of several exercises daily. It is better to do it on an empty stomach, in the morning or in the evening. Perform each movement 10-14 times. Start with one set, and after 1-2 weeks, increase the number of sets to three.
For classes you will need:
- gymnastic mat
- chair
- dumbbells
- small pillow
Start the complex with a warm-up. Perform several options for bending and swinging your legs at a fast pace, rotate your body, arms and head. The warm-up should take at least 3-4 minutes.
Sit on a chair, cross your legs at the ankles. Slowly pull your knees up to your chest, and then straighten your legs, trying to support the weight. Tighten your abs and glutes. Straighten the body, holding the seat of the chair with your hands, then you can swing your body back and forth. Bend your legs again and lower them to the floor. Repeat the exercise 10-14 times, watching your breathing.
Lie on your back next to a chair with your knees bent on the seat. Cross your arms at the back of your head. Raise your body, trying to reach your knees, then slowly return to the starting position.
You can use any free minute for training. Pull in the abdominal wall 10-20 times several times a day, this perfectly strengthens the abs
Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. As you inhale, reach your toes with your hands, straining your abdominal muscles. Lower your head, do not arch your back. Feel the tension in your abdominal muscles, and then slowly straighten up. Do 10-12 movements at a calm pace.
Lying on your stomach, lean on your elbows, put your palms in front of you. Put your feet on your toes, tighten your pelvis and buttocks. As you inhale, lift your pelvis up so that a straight line is created from the heels to the crown of the head. Do not raise your head high or hunch your back. Hold this position for 1 minute, then, as you exhale, lower yourself to the starting position.
If you are bored of exercising alone, sign up for a fitness club. Aerobics in the water, yoga, Pilates or body flex will help you get rid of the belly.
Roll over onto your back, squeeze the pillow between your legs, pull your socks out. Place your palms under the buttocks. Raise your legs 35–45 cm above the floor, hold for 30 seconds, then lower your legs. Do not arch your back, only the abdominal muscles should work.
Lower abdominal exercises are done while lying down
Lying on your back, bend your knees and lock your feet. Without helping yourself with your hands, sit down slowly, touching your knees with your chest, and lower yourself. Repeat the movement 10 times. Then lie on your back, legs bent at the knees, put on the floor, keeping your feet together. Raise your knees to your chin and lower them back to the floor.
This exercise works great for all abdominal muscles.
Pick up dumbbells, stand up straight. Lean forward slowly, trying to reach the floor, then slowly straighten up. Do not make sudden movements so as not to injure your back.
Finish with a stretch. Stand up straight, raise your arms and pull your palms upward with all your strength, contracting all the muscles in your body. Repeat the exercise 5 times. Then sit on the floor, spread your straight legs wide and lower your body between them, stretching your arms out in front of you. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds, and then very slowly return to the starting position.
Read also an interesting article about Dr. Gavrilov’s diet.