Low weight affects growing up

In addition, people whose birth weight was less than one and a half kilograms have fewer sexual intercourses in general and get their first sexual experience much later than their peers of normal weight.

Scientists studied 162 people with low birth weight and 188 people who were of normal weight. All the subjects were in the age group from 18 to 27 years old. It turned out that those who were born with low birth weight were 29% less likely to have partners and 75% more often lived with their parents than their peers from the second group. Among the former, there was also a high probability of meeting girls who had never had sexual intercourse.

Dr. Eero Kajantie of the from the National Public Health Institute in Helsinki believes that while people with low infants have a harder time gaining independence from their parents and moving into adulthood, this is not necessarily a bad thing: In a way, there are many benefits to being careful, although you are missing out on many opportunities. “


materials from Reuters


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