Low water in pregnant women: what is it and how is it dangerous

Low water in pregnant women: what is it and how is it dangerous

Carrying a child is a responsible business. And although they say that all women are different and that pregnancy is not at all the same for everyone, there are still some general norms.

The amniotic fluid is a living active environment in which the fetus is located. Normally, they should be from 500 grams to a liter, but if there are less or more of them, then doctors talk about pathology. Fortunately, almost any pathology can be stopped if you go to the doctor on time.

“If during the movement of the baby you experience painful sensations, you have constant weakness, nausea and dry mouth, despite the fact that it is not yet time for the control examination, be sure to visit the doctor, because self-medication is inappropriate here.”

What threatens lack of water

It is possible to diagnose oligohydramnios in any trimester. In the first 16 weeks, it is not dangerous and is quickly corrected with medication, but after the 26th week it is already a dangerous diagnosis that can lead to premature, difficult or long childbirth.

With such a development of events, adverse consequences for the child cannot be avoided. For him, this can result in limb deformity, hypotrophy, amniotic constrictions or hecephaly.

With low water, the physical activity of the fetus is disrupted and there is a possibility of compression of its organs, which is fraught, for example, with clubfoot or curvature of the spine.

At the same time, there is a likelihood of fusion of the fetus with the fetal membrane, and the lack of oxygen affects the development of the nervous system.

The causes of low water can be:

– water leakage;

– infection;

– aging of the placenta – if this occurs prematurely, it can no longer perform its functions properly. A very dangerous situation arises.

Treat? Sure!

If you suspect oligohydramnios, the doctor will definitely write you directions for: ultrasound, CTG of the fetus, tests, smears to identify bacteria or sexually transmitted diseases, Doppler ultrasonography.

Only after receiving the results, the doctor will be able to prescribe the right treatment.

Most often it is vitamin therapy, medicines to improve metabolism in the placenta, building a proper diet and daily regimen and, of course, treatment of the underlying disease that caused oligohydramnios.

“Is it possible to prevent such a development of pregnancy? Can. The main thing is to comply with all the doctor’s prescriptions, to have some rest and to burden yourself with physical labor, to walk more, not to overeat, not to be nervous and to monitor your general health, ”explains Anna Drumova.

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