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The crisis around Ukraine is getting worse. What’s worse, it takes place in the realities of the difficult situation of the COVID-19 epidemic. Ukraine still records a lot of illnesses, the number of deaths is increasing, and the degree of vaccination is one of the lowest in Europe. Worse still, “people forget to vaccinate against other infectious diseases because of the pandemic,” says the UNICEF document. Some Poles ask themselves if this can be dangerous for us. Infectious disease specialist MD. Lidia Stopyra explains.

  1. Ukraine is one of the least vaccinated countries in Europe against COVID-19. After primary vaccination, there are 35 percent. population. Few people have taken a booster dose
  2. In the UNICEF document on vaccination in Ukraine, we read that due to the pandemic, people forget to vaccinate against other infectious diseases. The Ukrainian Ministry of Health therefore urges adult citizens to remember about routine immunizations according to the vaccination schedule
  3. As UNICEF points out, in 2021, the vaccination rate of children in Ukraine was slow. In the first six months of last year, only 38 percent were vaccinated against polio. six-year-olds
  4. The contagious specialist: if we are vaccinated, we are really safe. This applies to all infectious diseases
  5. As the doctor points out, we, Poles, have a lot to catch up on when it comes to vaccinations. – Now we have a good epidemic situation, let’s use it – he emphasizes
  6. Check your health. Just answer these questions
  7. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

COVID-19. In Ukraine, after a complete vaccination course, only 35 percent. population

On February 15, WHO warned that a new wave of infections with the Omikron variant was coming to Eastern Europe. “As predicted, the Omikron wave is shifting eastwards”, said the WHO regional director for Europe, Dr. Hans Kluge, emphasizing that this variant has already been detected in 10 countries in the region (in Ukraine, the first case of Omikron was registered on December 18 last year). Epidemic data for Ukraine presented on the WHO website show that weekly levels of infection are very high, but compared to the first two weeks of February, they are falling. However, the increasing number of deaths from SARS-CoV-2 every week is worrying.


In addition, there is, unfortunately, a very weak vaccination of the Ukrainian society against COVID-19. After the full course of vaccination, there is less than 35 percent. population. This is one of the worst results in Europe.


In Ukraine, for a booster dose (at least six months after the last dose of the primary vaccination), you can choose a preparation from all registered COVID-19 vaccines. So far, 1,7 people per 100 inhabitants have received booster immunization (29,6 in Poland).

Do you want to test your immunity to COVID-19 after vaccination? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

«Vaccinations remain our best defense against severe disease and death from all current SARS-CoV-2 variants […]. I call on governments and health services to analyze at a local level the causes of lower vaccination rates, the lack of public acceptance thereof and, based on concrete data and context, to develop intervention methods to urgently increase vaccination levels, ”called the WHO Director on Europe.

Further part below the video.

Ukraine. The problem with vaccinations against other diseases

Unfortunately, the insufficient vaccination level in Ukraine does not only concern COVID-19. As we read in the September document “Vaccination is a superpower against disease” published on the UNICEF website (on vaccination in this country and the campaign promoting vaccination), due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people forget to vaccinate against other infectious diseases. Therefore, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine urges adult citizens to remember about routine immunizations according to the vaccination schedule.

  1. Read also: Novavax vaccine in Poland from March 1. What do we know about her?

In the aforementioned document, Igor Kuzin, Deputy Minister of Health and Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Ukraine, admits that not all adults know that they should be re-vaccinated against certain infectious diseases (including diphtheria and tetanus, which is contagious, but not contagious) . The vaccination rate in Ukraine has not yet reached the standard recommended by the World Health Organization. «We appeal to adult Ukrainians: check the vaccination status and get vaccinated on time or take the missed doses. Not only your health depends on it, but also your life ”.

James Hope, representative of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) involved in the vaccination campaign in Ukraine, notes: “While Ukraine has made significant progress in widening access to routine immunization in recent years, adult revaccination remains a pressing issue. Most adults are unaware of the need for revaccination, and now it is even more dangerous during COVID ».

Polio Cases in Ukraine. The head pediatrician of Ukraine translates

In Ukraine, the problem of insufficient vaccination against certain infectious diseases also affects children. As part of the National Calendar of Routine Vaccinations, the youngest are protected against: whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, tuberculosis, Hib infection, hepatitis B and polio.

As UNICEF points out, although the regional centers are fully stocked with the required number of preparations, the vaccination rate in 2021 was slow. According to the Ukrainian Center for Public Health, by the end of the first half of 2021, only 38 percent. six-year-olds were vaccinated against polio, and 31,6 percent. against diphtheria and tetanus.

In November 2021, it was reported that two cases of paralysis in children caused by polio were confirmed. Little patients were not vaccinated. The main pediatrician of Ukraine, Hanna Horbań, told Radio Swoboda that there is no deficit of polio vaccines in Ukraine, but there is opposition or uncertainty from parents. The doctor indicated that it was also influenced by large anti-vaccination campaigns.

The contagious doctor: if we are vaccinated, we are really safe

Information on polio cases in Ukraine raised questions as to whether the disease could also reach Poland. Similar concerns about the level of vaccination in Ukraine also arise today, due to the tense situation in that region. Therefore, it is worth recalling the words of the virologist prof. Włodzimierz Gut, who in November last year marked: – Residents of Ukraine can bring polio to Poland. However, as long as we have a compulsory vaccination system in Poland, we are not in danger of a polio epidemic (…). The expert recalled that “much depends on the resilience of our society. So this is not a problem for Ukrainians, but for our movements. Introducing the virus into a population that is immunized will do nothing ”.

Lidia Stopyra, a specialist in infectious diseases, and the head of the Infectious Diseases and Pediatrics Department of the Specialist Hospital in Warsaw, spoke in the same vein. S. Żeromski in Krakow. – We have experience from a few years ago, when people from Ukraine started coming to Poland. Measles appeared at the turn of 2018/2019, the doctor said. According to data for 2020, vaccination against this disease in Ukraine reached over 95%. the level needed to achieve herd immunity. – This is a good result – assesses Lidia Stopyra. – It will be worse if this level drops below 90 percent. – then the risk of an epidemic increases. What is most important is that if we are vaccinated, we are really safe. This applies not only to measles, but all infectious diseases, including COVID-19.

  1. Read also: How dangerous is Omicron BA.2 sub-variant? WHO took the floor

As the doctor points out, Poles themselves have a lot to make up for when it comes to vaccinations. – Especially when it comes to immunization against SARS-CoV-2 in the 5-11 year group. Only a dozen or so percent of children at this age have received vaccines. This is a very poor result. As for other infectious diseases, the level of vaccination has unfortunately dropped in the last year. We should make up for it as soon as possible, and this applies to both children and adults. Now we have a good epidemic situation, let’s use it – emphasizes the contagious doctor.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we talked about supplementation. What is their phenomenon? How to use it to help yourself and not to harm? What is worth paying attention to in supplementation with thyroid problems? Why you need to be careful with biotin? You will hear about this and many other things below.

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