Low-residual diet – rules, recommendations, recipes

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Although fiber has been one of the most popular hits of healthy eating in recent years and it is usually recommended to eat a lot of it, a low-residue diet keeps its presence in the body to a minimum. This is because it is a diet used in diseases of the digestive system, i.e. in a pathological situation, when the organs are burdened with the recovery process. Fiber is irritating to the intestinal mucosa, which stimulates peristalsis, accelerating the metabolism in the body. However, in the case of diseases related to inflammation of the intestinal mucosa (including ulcerative enteritis), additional irritation of this area is undesirable. It is therefore essential to follow a lean diet, also known as a low-fiber diet.

Low-residual diet before colonoscopy

Patients who need a colon examination should refrain from consuming seeds for a week before the planned medical procedure – both sunflower seeds, sesame and poppy seeds, as well as those contained in fruits, even small ones, such as kiwi, strawberries or tomatoes. However, three days before the colonoscopy is due, strictly follow the instructions lean diet. Permitted and prohibited products are determined in this case by the amount, type and quality of the fiber they contain. Easily digestible dishes with rice, veal or turkey, lean broth and soft-boiled eggs will be recommended. It is forbidden to eat raw, especially unpeeled vegetables and fruits, as well as dark bread and coarse grains. Low-residual diet it cleans the intestines of food debris that could disturb the test, distorting the image obtained. Two days before the examination, it is worth switching to a semi-liquid diet – the recommended meals are gruel, carrot, blueberry infusion and weak tea. The day before the test, you can eat an easily digestible breakfast, but later only liquids remain on the menu, excluding fruit juices and carbonated drinks. In the afternoon you take a laxative prescribed by your doctor. From now on, it is recommended to hydrate the body with still mineral water or weak tea.

Low-fiber diet – recipes

In the case of lean diet actually “how” matters more than “what”. Example: a carrot – raw, even scalded, is a very bad idea, but it is enough to cook and mix it to make it almost the basis a low-fiber diet. The recipes consist mainly of cooking, baking and stewing (without the use of fat – that’s important!), As well as rubbing and blending. Heavily chopped food is better absorbed, leaving residual amounts of food residues, which would irritate the intestinal mucosa. It will also be advisable to eat smaller amounts of food more often – this way the body will be able to put less effort into digesting each serving.

Good for lean diet The recipe will definitely be aromatic cod prepared in the oven, served with dill and lemon, and carrot and potato puree. As you can see, despite its restrictiveness – after all, it is a medical diet, the use of which is to help our body fight the disease – low-residual diet it does not have to mean meals with a mushy consistency and completely tasteless.

Cod fillet – lean diet recipe

  1. 1 cod fillet, necessarily from a good source,
  2. 2 medium potatoes,
  3. 1 bunch of dill,
  4. 3 carrots,
  5. 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
  6. 1/2 lemon juice,
  7. 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil,
  8. 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of salt.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Wash the fish, dry it with a paper towel, sprinkle it with lemon juice mixed with olive oil and lightly salt it (a pinch or the tip of a teaspoon – cod is a sea fish, it does not need many additives). Then put the fillet in foil, add 2 sprigs of dill and wrap it tightly in a package. Place in a preheated oven for approx. 30 minutes. During this time, wash, peel and cut vegetables into 1 cm cubes. Pour the carrots in a small pot with salted water in such an amount to cover it – do the same with potatoes. Cook until tender, covered. Season the soft carrots with cinnamon and lemon with olive oil, potatoes – finely chopped dill. Then, with the help of a mixer, prepare both types of puree and serve with baked cod.

Breakfasts lean diet should be light: a soft-boiled egg, a wheat sirloin sandwich or lean ham, and tea or juice. It is important to avoid both raw and fried meat and seeds, so all variations of cooked food are allowed. A roll with jam is also on the menu lean dietas well as, for example, a banana cocktail, which can be enriched with spinach or blueberries if you like. By following the basic recommendations, which include: eliminating grains, grinding food thoroughly, cooking and stewing instead of frying, avoiding raw products, you can create a rich and not at all boring menu for lean diet.


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns.

When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. low in particular nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and mono-diets can be debilitating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and can also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

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