Low levels of magnesium make vitamin D ineffective

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As reported in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, it is impossible to metabolize vitamin D without sufficient levels of magnesium. Which means it is actually non-digestible for as many as 50% of Americans.

Vitamin D – properties

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble steroid needed to maintain proper calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the body, as well as the proper structure and function of the skeleton. Vitamin D was usually considered (even by clinicians) to be an important group of vitamins, but above all for the young organism. Vitamin D is also a prohormone, i.e. it can transform into the right hormonally active substance.

Vitamin D supplements can lead to an increase in calcium and phosphate levels in the body, even if they cannot compensate for a deficiency of vitamin D alone. Excessive amounts of these elements can in turn lead to vascular calcification. The authors of these studies are scientists from Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine in Erie (USA). As they say, you should remember vitamin D supplementation at every stage of life, but with the reservation that you should also keep an eye on the correct level of magnesium in the body.

– People taking vitamin D supplements are not fully aware of how it metabolizes. Meanwhile, without magnesium, vitamin D is neither useful nor safe for us, says study co-author Dr. Mohammed S. Razzaque.

The scientist believes that people with optimal magnesium levels do not need to supplement vitamin D in large amounts to get the right amount in the body. Magnesium also reduces the risk of osteoporosis, which is correlated with low vitamin D levels. However, if you do not have enough magnesium in your body, start using adequate supplementation. At Medonet Market, buy Magnesium Citrate – Viridian Magnesium Powder. The offer also includes other preparations with magnesium. Find the product that suits you best.

While the recommended daily allowance of magnesium is 420 mg for men and 320 mg for women, the standard diet of a US citizen only contains about 50% of this amount. It is estimated that half of the entire population does not have enough magnesium in their diets, says Razzaque.

According to the researcher, the intake of magnesium with food has significantly decreased over the last several decades. This is due to industrialized agriculture and a change in eating habits. Magnesium levels are lowest in populations consuming large amounts of processed foods high in fat, sugar and phosphate, as well as refined grains.

Taking the optimal amount of magnesium helps to reduce the risk of vitamin D deficiency and reduce dependence on vitamin D supplements, says Razzaque.

Before starting any supplementation, it is worth consulting a doctor and performing basic tests. You can discuss any concerns with your online doctor who can issue an e-Referral and e-Prescription.

Often, young children are advised to feed them with foods or vitamin medications with a high dose of D3 or other minerals. Interestingly, it also improves the functioning of the circulatory system and the heart muscle and ensures a slim figure.

In summary, vitamin D3 has a positive effect on:

proper functioning of the muscular and nervous system,

  1. absorption of phosphorus and calcium,
  2. strengthening of teeth and bones,
  3. soothing skin inflammation,
  4. improving the body’s immunity.


Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body, as are sodium, potassium and calcium. Products particularly rich in magnesium are:

  1. almonds,
  2. bananas
  3. beans,
  4. broccoli
  5. Brown rice,
  6. cashew nuts,
  7. egg yolk,
  8. fish oil,
  9. Linseed,
  10. green vegetables,
  11. milk,
  12. mushrooms,
  13. other nuts,
  14. oat flakes,
  15. pumpkin seeds,
  16. sesame, soy and sunflower seeds,
  17. corn,
  18. tofu and whole grains.

Magnesium should also be supplemented in tablets. Their daily use will not only improve the body’s efficiency, but also support the heart and circulatory system.

Vitamin D3 for adults

Vitamin D3, taken by adults in appropriate amounts, has a beneficial effect on strengthening the teeth and bones. In addition, it improves the work of the circulatory system. What is the dosage of vitamin D3 in adults? The dose should always be adjusted to the body weight of the recipient. The period (climate) during which we want to use the supplement is also important. The dose of vitamin D3 in the summer period should be lower due to the presence of a large amount of sun, while in the autumn and winter period it should be higher.

You can try vitamin D in a convenient spray form, such as DLux – Vitamin D Spray 3000 IU BetterYou. We also recommend XeniVIT Vitamin D Forte Xenico in the form of capsules.

Dosage should always be consulted with a doctor, because both vitamin D3 deficiency and excess is harmful to the body. For example, an excess of vitamin D3 in adults causes calcium to build up in tissues such as the arteries and the heart. As a result, the nervous system and individual organs are disturbed.

Vitamin D3 for children and babies

Vitamin D3 is essential for the proper development of a child. Its deficiency in infants and children leads to osteoporosis and rickets. Natural amounts of provitamin D can be found in eggs, fish or milk, which in combination with sunlight lead to the production of vitamin D. Considering that vitamin D3 is absorbed very slowly, it is recommended to use a supplement during pregnancy and after giving birth to a child. The dose of vitamin should be determined together with the pediatrician, because it will be different for a child who is only breastfed and different for a child fed with modified milk, which often contains vitamin D. We recommend DLux – Vitamin D spray 400 IU BetterYou, which thanks to its form it is well absorbed into the body and is convenient to administer.

Dosage should be agreed with the pediatrician also in the case of older children. Then it depends on the food consumed by the child and his individual needs.

Supplementing vitamin D3 in children and infants on your own may do more harm than positive. In young children, vitamin D3 is usually supplemented in drops.

Vitamin D3 – the norm

The vitamin D3 norm in the laboratory relates to the level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3. The appropriate level in a blood test is in the range of 30-50 ng / ml (that is, 75-125 nmol / l). You can already check the level of vitamin D in your body on your own. A cassette test is available at Medonet Market – Home Vitamin D Level Test or Shipment Testing Vitamin D Metabolite Profile.

Vitamin D3- deficiency and excess

Usually deficiency Vitamin D3 appears in the body when the diet is very low in foods with this vitamin or when we do not go out regularly to fresh air, undergo sun exposure. Even 20 minutes a day outdoors is enough for the body to produce enough vitamin D3. That is why vitamin D3 reviews has the sunshine vitamin. For the same reason, many people may develop deficiencies of this vitamin – not all areas have the same degree of sunlight.

If your body does not have enough vitamin D3, try the Vitamin D3 4000 IU Intenson dietary supplement, which you can buy on Medonet Market at an attractive price. You can also use natural dietary supplements from SOLHERBS: Vitamin K2 + D3 or Vitamin D3 of the sun.

Vitamin D3 can also be used overdose. This is when it is taken intensively in all versions: in the form of going out into the sun, in a diet rich in foods with vitamin D, and also in dietary supplements or medications. Nevertheless, we are talking about a dose of at least 100.000 UI, where the standard daily dose for an adult is 8000 UI (although it is more precisely determined individually). Then the following may occur:

  1. weakness,
  2. lack of appetite
  3. nausea,
  4. disturbance in the work of the heart, kidneys, nervous system,
  5. cholecystolithiasis.

Too much vitamin D3 in adults can also lead to diarrhea and vomiting. A number of patients also have itching of the skin and headache, sometimes pain in the eyes.

Vitamin D3 – price

The price of vitamin D3 in tablets may be PLN 10, and it may be PLN 60. On the other hand, the price of vitamin D3 in drops ranges from PLN 10 to PLN 80.

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