Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Low-growing tomatoes for open ground are in great demand today, because they are less troublesome than tall ones. Bush tomato initially – the plant is quite tall. Some specimens reach 3 meters in height. With such bushes, the gardener has a rather difficult time, a garter is required, the removal of a large number of stepchildren. The work becomes more difficult due to the height of the plant. Let’s talk about this topic in more detail and bring to the attention of readers the best low-growing tomatoes for open ground.

Tall or short?

All tomatoes can be strictly divided according to such an indicator as the type of growth into two groups:

  • determinant;
  • indeterminate.

These are terms from botany, they divide plants into tall and short (see photo below).

Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground

The fact is that the tomato tends to stop growing when several flower-bearing brushes are thrown out. This type of growth is called determinant and includes a large group of undersized varieties. Such plants have a number of features:

  • they form a small number of stepchildren (that is, additional branches);
  • they reach a height of about 1-1,5 meters (but can be truly dwarf);
  • the plant spends maximum energy on the formation and ripening of fruits.
Important! Most often, undersized varieties of tomatoes differ in the speed of ripening. This quality is extremely important for growing tomatoes in open ground in Our Country.

Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground

What justifies such a love of gardeners for undersized tomatoes in our country? The answer to this question is simple, and we have already indirectly touched on it. There are, perhaps, two serious reasons:

  • precocity (summer in many regions is short, and not all indeterminate varieties have time to ripen);
  • less demanding in terms of garters and removal of stepchildren.

If we talk about indeterminate varieties, then they are good for growing in greenhouse conditions. They have a long fruiting period, from each bush you can collect about a bucket of tomatoes per season. There are also quite interesting varieties, for example, the variety “White Giant”, “De Barao Black” two meters high, mid-season “Chernomor”, large-fruited “Black Elephant”.

A good video about the difference between tomatoes by type of growth is presented below:

Determinant and indeterminate tomato varieties.

Low-growing varieties for open ground

Before you buy tomato seeds, be sure to think about the purpose for which they are grown:

  • to eat as a family;
  • for sale;
  • for long term storage and so on.

The choice of a gardener largely depends on this, as well as on the conditions on the plot.

Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground

We present to your attention the best undersized varieties of tomatoes for open ground. A huge selection is not only a big plus. Some gardeners are confused in varieties and do not know how to make the right choice in the end.


Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground

One of the best undersized tomatoes on the market today. A bush with limited growth up to 60 centimeters high tends to bear fruit abundantly. The yield is very high despite the fact that the fruits are medium in size. From one square meter you can collect up to 15 kilograms of tomatoes. Fruits weighing 80-150 grams are red, fleshy with excellent taste. The use is universal. A nice addition for those gardeners who live in central Our Country: the ripening speed is incredible (78-85 days). Cold snap does not interfere with fruiting, the Sanka variety can produce a crop up to frost. That is why its seeds are sold so well in Siberia and the Urals.

Video about tomato variety “San’ka”:

tomatoes variety-Sanka! month of October

Yablonka of Our Country

Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Perhaps this is the best variety for those who prefer conservation and preparation of blanks for the winter. The fruits of the variety “Yablonka Rossii” are small, ripen in 85-100 days. Fruits are well stored, perfectly transported. The variety has a high yield. The minimum number of tomatoes harvested from one square meter is 7 kilograms. The taste is excellent, so you can grow them for sale and for fresh consumption. The skin is dense and the tomatoes do not crack.


Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Another good variety known throughout the country. It is bred for cultivation exclusively in open ground. The ripening period will please summer residents (only 84-93 days). At the same time, the bush is undersized. Its average height reaches 35-40 centimeters. Tying is necessary only because a large number of fruits become heavier when ripe and can break branches. The mass of one tomato is small and amounts to 60-80 grams. This allows the fruit to be used for canning. The variety is resistant to TMV. Fruiting is long.

Hybrid “Solerosso”

Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground

The hybrid of Italian breeders is intended exclusively for cultivation in open ground. The fruits are small and very tasty. Their use is universal. Some gardeners refuse to grow small tomatoes, because they believe that the overall yield will be low. As for the hybrid “Solerosso”, this rule does not apply to him: the yield per square is 7-10 kilograms. The ripening period is 80-85 days, the hybrid is resistant to verticillium, as well as to bacterial spotting. The fruits are aligned, the return of the crop is friendly. In general, hybrids are famous for their high vigor.

Advice! Do not collect seeds from hybrid tomatoes. If on the package next to the name you see the alphanumeric designation F1, then this is a hybrid plant.

It has nothing to do with GMOs, as many believe, such tomatoes are crossed by hand, they are resistant. Harvest can only be obtained once.

Hybrid “Prima Donna”

Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Despite the fact that the bush of this wonderful hybrid cannot be called truly undersized, it has a determinant type of growth and is not subject to stepping. Its height in open ground reaches 1,2-1,3 meters. This hybrid is very loved by many who grow tomatoes. It is early ripening (matures in 90-95 days), has excellent taste, is resistant to Fusarium, TMV and Alternaria. The fruits are fleshy, medium in size (weight of one tomato is about 130 grams). On one brush, 5-7 fruits are formed, as can be seen in the photo. The foliage of the hybrid is soft, drooping, which allows sunlight to evenly illuminate the plant. Primadonna is a high-yielding hybrid that produces 16-18 kilograms of excellent tomatoes per square meter.

Gift of the Volga region

Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground

This variety is represented by real beauties of scarlet color with thin skin. If you do not know which tomatoes to grow in the warm-temperate climate of Our Country, give preference to the “Gift of the Volga” variety. The fruits of the variety are aligned, the return of the crop is friendly, stable. The ripening period is not suitable for growing in Siberia and the Southern Urals, since it is 103-109 days. The yield per square meter is average and does not exceed 5 kilograms. We focus on excellent taste. The plant is low about 50-70 centimeters in height.

Pink honey

Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Pink tomatoes have always been famous for their aroma and excellent taste. “Pink honey” is a mid-season variety, which is famous for such qualities as:

  • large-fruited;
  • richness of taste;
  • crack resistance.

The fruits are pale pink, fleshy. The shape is heart-shaped, each of them can reach a weight of 600-700 grams. Due to this, productivity is achieved. We draw attention to the fact that the bush is determinant, its height reaches 60-70 centimeters, but it will have to be tied up. Due to the large weight of the fruit, branches can break off. This variety appeared on the market recently, but quickly gained popularity. It can be grown both in drought conditions and in temperature extremes. It is quite cold hardy.


Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground

The early ripe variety “Dubok” is interesting for its small fruits and high yields. We have already said that undersized bushes with small fruits often lose their yield. The height of the bush in our case reaches 60 centimeters and discards a large number of brushes with flowers. The fruits are red round, very tasty. With proper care, you can easily collect 7 kilograms of tomatoes from one square meter. This is because the Dubka bush is covered with tomatoes in the fruiting stage. The ripening period is 85-105 days, even low temperatures do not interfere with fruiting. Due to precocity, the plant easily leaves late blight.

Hybrid “Polbig”

Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground

An early ripe hybrid is represented by medium fruits of a standard type. It is loved by gardeners for its resistance to Verticillium and Fusarium. The yield of the hybrid is standard, it is about 6 kilograms per square meter. The ripening period is 90-100 days, the fruits are aligned, do not crack and are well stored. The taste is excellent, due to this, the use of tomatoes is universal. The bush is undersized, reaches 60-80 centimeters.


Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Varieties of low-growing tomatoes are rarely late in terms of ripening speed. Most often they ripen early, up to 100 days. Variety “Titan”, on the contrary, is medium late and ripens in 118-135 days from the moment the first shoots appear after sowing the seeds. The bush is undersized, reaches a height of 55-75 centimeters, medium-sized fruits of excellent quality. They are stored for a long time, excellently processed, consumed fresh. The variety is high-yielding, about 4-4,5 kilograms are harvested from one plant.


Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground

The early ripe variety “Mystery” is sweet and unusually fragrant fruits on a determinant bush only 40-50 centimeters high. The yield is average, but worth it if you grow tomatoes for your own use. The whole family will love these tomatoes, they are very tasty and rich in vitamins and minerals. The ripening period is only 82-88 days, “The Riddle” is not afraid of late blight and root rot.

Lady fingers

Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Describing the best varieties of low-growing tomatoes, one cannot fail to recall this high-quality variety. “Ladyfingers” has every right to enter this list. It is valued for:

  • high yield (up to 10 kilograms from one bush);
  • excellent taste;
  • the ability not to tie up the bush and not remove stepchildren.

If we talk about the plant itself, then it is compact, not branched. Even if little attention is paid to it, the yield will be high. The fruits have an original appearance and are famous for their taste. The maturation period does not exceed 110 days.


Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground

The most common vegetables on our tables are traditionally cucumbers and tomatoes. The best low-growing outdoor varieties always describe small-fruited tomatoes. Variety “Torch” is unique. A bush of 40-60 centimeters brings a crop of up to two kilograms. This is provided that one fruit has a weight of only 60-90 grams. But the taste is excellent, which ensures its universal use and universal popularity. Wherever today in the country it is possible to grow tomatoes in the open field, the Fakel variety gives consistently high yields. The ripening period must be taken into account, it is 111-130 days. High quality seeds, if weather conditions allow, they can be sown directly into the ground.


Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground

This variety of tomatoes for open ground is represented by medium-sized fruits weighing 150 grams. The bush of the plant is compact, it stops growing on its own and reaches a height of about 60 centimeters. The variety is very resistant to a large number of diseases: fusarium, TMV, Alternaria, anthracnose. The ripening period is no more than 115 days. Fruits differ in the high density and a thick wall. Due to these qualities, they are perfectly stored for a long period.


Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Low-growing tomatoes are a real find for those who do not like to spend a long time in the beds. It should be taken into account that when growing tomatoes, it is required to weed them, loosen the ground and apply a complex of mineral fertilizers, to which tomatoes are extremely positive. Among the presented variety of low-growing varieties and hybrids popular in Our Country, you can choose one of those that you like and take root on your site for many years.

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