Cherry tomatoes are an excellent example of how, at first glance, a familiar product can deliver not only taste, but also aesthetic pleasure. These small tomatoes are used by housewives in their kitchens and chefs of famous restaurants. Cherry tomatoes can be one of the ingredients of culinary masterpieces or decoration of ready meals. Farmers grow them industrially in specialized complexes, and farmers and farmers in their gardens. Breeders offer many such varieties of tomato. Their fruits differ in taste, and cultivation requires compliance with certain rules. So, the article proposes a list of the best low-growing cherry tomatoes that can be grown in the vastness of our country and have an excellent fruit taste. You can learn about them in detail, see photos of tomatoes and get acquainted with the nuances of cultivating a particular variety below.

For open ground

Low-growing cherry tomatoes can be successfully cultivated on an open plot of land. To do this, you need to select the appropriate variety and plant the pre-grown seedlings in nutrient soil in time during the period when weather conditions do not portend frosts and prolonged cold snaps. The best undersized varieties of cherry tomatoes for open ground include:

Florida petit

low growing cherry tomatoes 

A very popular variety of small-fruited tomatoes. Its bushes are undersized, no more than 30 cm high. They can be successfully cultivated in open ground, they are unpretentious and are able to produce a full crop under any weather conditions.

The variety is non-hybrid, Ultra-early. Its small light red fruits ripen together in 90-95 days. The weight of cherry tomatoes of this variety is in the range of 15-25 gr. Small tomatoes are used to decorate dishes and preserves. It is worth noting that the rolled fruits look very beautiful. The taste of canned Florida petit vegetables is wonderful. The yield of tomatoes is quite high 500 gr. from a bush or 3,5-4 kg from 1 m2 of the earth.

The variety of foreign selection is perfectly adapted to the open conditions of a temperate climate. Pre-grown seedlings of this variety at the age of 30-35 days can be dived into the soil in compliance with the scheme: 7-9 bushes per 1 m2. Plants are ultra-compact, standard. They do not need pinching and pinching. Bushes themselves regulate the measure of growth of green mass. From the farmer, only watering, loosening and top dressing of undersized cherry tomatoes is required. It is worth noting that the Florida petit variety is resistant to a number of diseases, including late blight.


low growing cherry tomatoes 

This variety has relatively large fruits. So, cherry tomatoes are commonly called plants whose fruits weigh less than 30 grams. Variety “Charm” bears fruit just such tomatoes. Their weight is 25-30 gr., The color is red, the shape is cylindrical. The inner cavity of the vegetable is fleshy and contains practically no free liquid. Tomatoes are intended for canning and cooking various vegetable salads.

Varietal tomatoes “Sharm” are grown in open ground, diving 7-9 bushes per 1 m2 soil. The height of undersized bushes does not exceed 40 cm. They must be watered in a timely manner, loosened, fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. The foliage of a heavily leafy plant can be thinned out if necessary.

Important! The Sharm variety is highly resistant to cold, so it can be safely grown in open ground even in the northern regions of Our Country.

Cherry tomatoes of this variety are disease resistant. Sharm fruits ripen in 90-100 days. The crop yield is high – 5-6 kg / m2.

Ildi f1

low growing cherry tomatoes 

An excellent, high yielding cherry tomato variety. As you can see in the photo above, Ildi f1 tomatoes are painted in a sunny, bright yellow color. Their shape is drop-shaped, the taste is excellent: the pulp is sweet, tender, juicy. These delicious little tomatoes are used to decorate dishes, and are also added to fresh vegetable salads and canned.

Tomatoes “Ildi f1” hybrid, undersized. The height of the bushes does not exceed 50 cm. The ripening period of delicious cherry tomatoes is only 85-90 days. It is recommended to grow undersized cherry tomatoes in open areas. The variety does not require compliance with special rules of agricultural technology. The yield of tomatoes “Ildi f1” is high – more than 6 kg / m2, subject to diving at 1 m2 soil 7-9 bushes.

Low-growing cherry tomatoes are not at all difficult to grow outdoors. So, the above varieties are resistant to low temperatures, bear fruit abundantly even in the presence of wet, cool summer weather.

Greenhouse varieties

Most cherry varieties are designed specifically for growing in greenhouse conditions. Such cultivation of low-growing tomatoes is especially relevant in the northern regions, in the Urals, in Siberia. Breeders recommend choosing one of the following varieties for greenhouse conditions:


low growing cherry tomatoes 

Ultra-early, high-yielding variety of cherry tomatoes. It is intended for cultivation in greenhouses, greenhouses and in unprotected conditions. The height of undersized bushes is only 30-50 cm, but at the same time they bear fruit in a volume of up to 8 kg / m2. Caring for determinant, undersized bushes is simple, it consists in watering, loosening, and top dressing. 1 m2 soil in a greenhouse should be planted 6-7 bushes. The variety is disease-resistant and does not require additional treatment with chemicals.

Tomatoes “Ladybug” have an ideal rounded shape, their surface is painted in an intense red color, the weight does not exceed 20 g. The pulp of cherry tomatoes is dense, very sweet and tasty. Tomatoes are great for canning and garnishing dishes. Cherry fruits ripen together in just 80 days, which allows you to get an early harvest.


low growing cherry tomatoes 

The cherry tomato variety is intended exclusively for protected ground. The height of the determinant, standard bushes of this variety is 0,5-0,6 m. Red tomatoes are formed on them in large numbers, weighing 20-25 g. The yield of cherry tomatoes is stable, but, unfortunately, low – only 3 kg / m2.

Tomatoes “Vershok” are grown in closed ground. Dive pre-grown seedlings of 7-8 bushes per 1 m2 earth. Cherry tomatoes take less than 90 days to ripen.

Important! Tomatoes “Vershok” are resistant to all diseases that are typical for a humid greenhouse environment.

Sum f1

low growing cherry tomatoes 

Somma f1 is a foreign hybrid of cherry tomato. The variety is represented by determinant, undersized bushes, the yield of which is record high and is more than 9 kg/m2. It is recommended to cultivate tomatoes exclusively in closed conditions. The culture is resistant to bacterial spot and TMV.

Important! Variety “Somma f1” is resistant to stressful conditions and does not slow down growth after diving seedlings into a greenhouse, greenhouse.

The fruits of the Somma f1 variety ripen in 85 days. Their shape is round, the color is bright red. The weight of each cherry tomato is only 10-15 gr. It is these vegetables that are often used to decorate culinary dishes. It is worth noting that the taste of small-fruited cherry tomatoes is wonderful. The pulp of vegetables is sweet, juicy and tender, while the skin is thin, smooth, barely noticeable when eaten.

Most farmers in greenhouses and greenhouses strive to grow indeterminate tomatoes with high yields. However, planting a few low-growing cherry tomatoes does not require a lot of land, and the harvested crop can please children and adults with its sweet wonderful taste. At the same time, small tomatoes will become an excellent natural and very tasty decoration for various culinary masterpieces, and by choosing high-yielding varieties such as Somma f1 or Ladybug, you can stock up on delicious canned cherry tomatoes for the winter.

For balcony

It’s no secret that undersized cherry tomatoes can be grown indoors, on a balcony or windowsill. To do this, breeders have bred a number of special varieties that have a compact root system and resistance to lack of light. Among these varieties should be noted:


low growing cherry tomatoes 

A wonderful variety of undersized cherry tomatoes, which allows you to collect more than 1 kg of vegetables from one bush. Compact bushes, no more than 50 cm high, can be successfully grown indoors. A small container or pot with a volume of just over 1,5 liters can serve as a container for them.

The unpretentious, ornamental plant “Minibel” begins to bear fruit abundantly already 90 days after sowing. The harvest will delight even the most sophisticated gourmets with its taste. Small vegetables weighing up to 25 gr. very sweet, their skin is tender. You can grow such tomatoes indoors all year round, which allows you to always have a natural, tasty decoration for dishes and a natural source of vitamins at hand.


low growing cherry tomatoes 

Low-growing tomatoes, the fruits of which can be a real treat for children. Small red-colored tomatoes are very sweet and berry-like. Their weight can vary: large tomatoes can weigh up to 50 grams, the mass of small tomatoes can be only 10 grams. You can grow this variety in pots, planters, on windowsills, balconies and loggias. The taste of vegetables is wonderful, they can be used for canning, as well as included in the menu of diet and baby food.

Bushes of the Vnuchenka variety do not exceed 50 cm. Their root system is compact and can fully develop in a confined space. The optimum temperature for cultivating the Vnuchenka variety is +20-+250C. With timely watering and feeding, from each bush at home it will be possible to collect more than 1,5 kg of fruit.

Important! It is recommended to feed the Granddaughter tomatoes every 3 weeks.

Balcony miracle

low growing cherry tomatoes 

The variety is quite well-known and is popular with experimental gardeners who, even in winter, do their favorite thing, growing tomatoes in pots. The height of the bushes of this cherry variety does not exceed 50 cm, however, more than 2 kg of vegetables can be collected from such a short plant. The taste of the fruit is wonderful: the pulp is very sweet and tender. Tomatoes weigh from 10 to 60 gr. Tomatoes ripen in just 85-90 days.

For the cultivation of the “Balcony Miracle” variety, a small pot is enough, with a volume of 1,5 liters or more. Low-growing plants are resistant to phytophthora.


It is possible to grow undersized indoor varieties of tomatoes all year round, which attracts farmers. The following undersized cherry tomatoes are the best for home use. The fruits of these varieties have an amazing taste, they can be used for canning, cooking various dishes and as decorations. Cultivating such cherry tomatoes is not at all difficult. Details about growing tomatoes indoors are described in the video:

Indoor tomatoes Growing tomatoes in winter

Cherry tomatoes are becoming more and more popular over time. They are grown by novice and experienced farmers for personal use and for subsequent sale. Breeders, in turn, are trying to meet the needs of gardeners, bringing out new varieties that are excellent in their taste and agricultural technology. The article also lists the best cherry tomatoes, which are time-tested and guaranteed to produce high quality tomatoes with excellent taste. They have earned a lot of positive feedback and comments on various sites and forums.


Elena Krivulets, 31 years old, Novokuznetsk
Along with tall, large-fruited tomatoes, I grow cherry tomatoes every year. My favorite variety is “Ladybug”. I always plant low-growing bushes in a greenhouse between indeterminate (tall) bushes, so they do not take up space at all. These small, sweet tomatoes are eaten by children with pleasure, and I use them mainly to create decorations for the table.
Evgenia Antonova, 54 years old, Barnaul
I grow tomatoes in both winter and summer. In the frosty season, tomatoes grow on my windowsill. I plant different varieties in pots, but my favorite is Balcony Miracle. I pre-sow the seeds for seedlings in small containers, after which I dive into a larger pot. Bushes profusely strewn with small red cherry tomatoes decorate my rooms. Guests, each time gathering at the “winter” table, are surprised at all the dishes that are decorated with such wonderful, delicious fruits.

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