Low carb diet
A low-carb diet restricts fast carbohydrates, which, according to nutritionists, is useful for anyone who abuses sweets. When eating according to the menu for a week, it is possible to achieve a smooth weight loss and a stable result.

Benefits of a low carb diet

It is impossible to completely exclude carbohydrates from the diet, and it is almost impossible. They provide us with energy. But carbohydrates differ from each other, and one of the types in this diet should be excluded, namely, simple carbohydrates.

Simple carbohydrates are made up of just a few molecules and are quickly broken down and absorbed, sharply raising sugar levels, causing spikes in insulin in the blood. Such carbohydrates do not provide satiety, and after an hour you will want to eat something again. Unused sugar is stored in the form of fat reserves – in this way the body tries to reduce the concentration of sugar in the blood.

Reducing carbohydrates in food due to the exclusion of fast carbohydrates leads to a general improvement of blood vessels, reduces insulin surges, and allows you to maintain a stable feeling of satiety after eating without harming the figure, since slow carbohydrates saturate for a longer period, as well as proteins and fats.

Cons of a low carb diet

The restriction of carbohydrates leads to a decrease in the total caloric content of the diet, which is leveled off by an increase in the proportion of proteins and fats. They put additional stress on the liver and kidneys, and a possible lack of fiber can lead to constipation. The diet is prohibited for pregnant, lactating, and debilitated people.

Be careful! A reduced amount of carbohydrates sometimes causes weakness, increased susceptibility to infections and viruses, and irritability.

Menu for a week for a low-carb diet

The main diet consists of foods low in carbohydrates, the emphasis is on fats and proteins. Sweet, flour, soda, alcohol, milk chocolate, fruit juices with sugar, sour-milk products with additives, many cereals are completely excluded.

Day 1

Breakfast: 2 egg and milk omelette, tea without sugar

Dinner: a piece of beef or veal, stewed eggplant with cilantro

Afternoon snack: a glass of fat-free yogurt without additives, lettuce leaf

Dinner: whole wheat spaghetti, slightly undercooked (al dente) with chicken breast

Day 2

Breakfast: friable green buckwheat with cheese

Lunch: steamed white fish, cucumber, onion, bell pepper and tomato salad

Snack: fat-free kefir, a handful of peanuts without salt and glaze

Dinner: fat-free cottage cheese, orange

Day 3

Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, coffee

Lunch: brown rice with chicken breast

Snack: a glass of fat-free yogurt without additives

Dinner: green bean stew, boiled egg

Day 4

Breakfast: buckwheat with milk, tea

Lunch: chicken broth with greens and a piece of meat

Afternoon snack: a handful of dried apricots

Dinner: eggplant baked with cheese

Day 5

Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, coffee

Dinner: beef broth, baked broccoli, beef slice

Snack: tomato juice, slice of cheese

Dinner: orange, Beijing bean and greens salad

Day 6

Breakfast: green buckwheat with milk

Lunch: chicken broth with greens and a piece of meat

Snack: baked eggplant

Dinner: stewed cabbage with tomatoes

Day 7

Breakfast: omelet from 2 eggs and milk, tea without sugar

Lunch: boiled red fish or fish broth, cucumber and tomato salad

Afternoon snack: grapefruit, 3 dried prunes

Dinner: fat-free kefir, apple

The results

As a result of the diet, you can lose up to 3-5 kg ​​in a week, which is a fairly smooth weight loss without strong hunger strikes.

There is an opinion of some nutritionists that long-term restriction (or even reduction to a minimum) of carbohydrates leads to increased sensitivity when returning to their consumption in food. In other words, if you do not eat fast carbohydrates, and after stopping the diet, return them to the diet, they will be deposited “in reserve” faster than before the diet. From this it follows that you need to leave the diet smoothly, and it is better not to return to an excess amount of sweets and muffins at all, making your diet healthy and balanced.

Dietitian Reviews

– Excess weight often appears precisely from the uncontrolled use of fast carbohydrates without physical exertion. If you eat a candy immediately after a workout, nothing will happen, but with a sedentary lifestyle, “jamming” stress or hunger with buns will immediately affect the figure. Therefore, a reasonable restriction of carbohydrates will help maintain normal weight. If they are excessively reduced in the diet, problems are possible: fatigue, irritability, weakness, reduced immunity, digestive problems – since fiber is also carbohydrates, – says Dilara Akhmetova, consultant nutritionist, nutrition coach.

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