Low blood pressure – symptoms, threats. How to cure low blood pressure? [WE EXPLAIN]

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Some are born with it, others acquire. Low blood pressure is much rarer than high blood pressure, but just as dangerous. When it is secondary, it is a symptom of serious cardiovascular disease. Treatment for low blood pressure, however, can be limited to a proper diet and active lifestyle.

Low pressure – what is it?

Low blood pressure, hypotension, hypotension, or hypotension are different names for the same condition associated with low blood pressure. It is sometimes referred to as hypotonia, although it is correctly the term “low muscle tone”.

A low pressure is said to be less than 100/60. What does this mean exactly? The first value is the systolic pressure and the second is the diastolic pressure. Low blood pressure is much less common than arterial hypertension, which is now considered a disease of civilization.

It usually affects young women, as well as people with a slim figure and actively practicing sports. Low blood pressure can also be a natural feature of the human body, present in the family for generations. Then it does not cause any discomfort or discomfort. It also doesn’t need to be treated.

Both low blood pressure and hypertension are diagnosed on the basis of a series of blood pressure measurements. Measurements should be performed on a different day, but under similar conditions. If each subsequent test shows a value less than 100 mmHg / 60 mmHg, low blood pressure is diagnosed.

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Low pressure – norms

The definition of low pressure will be clearer if we compare it to the norm. The optimal arterial pressure is considered to be when the systolic blood pressure is between 120 and 129 mm Hg and the diastolic blood pressure is between 80 and 84 mm Hg.

Normal heart pressure, i.e. the difference between diastolic and systolic blood pressure, is between 30 and 50 mmHg. Interestingly, there is also a normal high pressure, which is 130 – 139 mm Hg by 85 – 89 mm Hg. Low blood pressure is considered to be below normal.

It is very important to check your blood pressure regularly, so keep your own blood pressure monitor at home. We recommend the Omron M6 Comfort upper arm blood pressure monitor, which you can buy at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

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Low diastolic blood pressure

It happens, especially in the elderly, low lower pressure, i.e. diastolic, with simultaneous high upper, systolic pressure. In such cases, it may be a symptom of a stiffening of the arteries that gets worse with age. The condition is treated pharmacologically with drugs that will not lower the lower blood pressure, but will cause a lower systolic blood pressure.

It is worth mentioning that a large difference in heart rate also occurs in healthy people after strenuous physical exertion. But then the blood pressure returns to normal after 10 minutes of rest.

Low blood pressure – symptoms

The most common symptoms of sudden low blood pressure include:

  1. headache, dizziness
  2. nausea,
  3. headache and eye pain,
  4. increased sleepiness,
  5. reduced physical capacity and fatigue,
  6. chest pain and tightness
  7. spots in front of the eyes,
  8. palpitations,
  9. tinnitus
  10. shaking hands
  11. freezing of hands and feet,
  12. lack of energy and general fatigue,
  13. sleep disturbance,
  14. disturbance of concentration and attention.

Sometimes mental discomfort is also a sign of low blood pressure. It is all about inner anxiety and depressive moods.

Do you need a functional blood pressure monitor? Check the Medonet Market offer, where you will find models at attractive prices.

Low pressure – causes

There are three types of hypotension (low blood pressure). The first is called primary or spontaneous and affects 15 percent. society. It is characterized by a constant low pressure maintenance for no particular reason. It is often a family trait that is fostered by stress in everyday life. Low blood pressure of this type is not treated pharmacologically, diet and exercise are more often used as mitigating factors.

The causes of orthostatic hypotension include disturbances in circulatory regulation. Such low pressure affects approx. 30 percent. society, mainly seniors over 65 years of age. It does not bypass people with proper blood pressure, and often also those suffering from hypertension. It is about sudden low blood pressure after getting out of bed or chair. It appears unexpectedly and lasts for a short time. There is also a relationship between orthostatic low pressure and hot weather.

Secondary hypotension is low blood pressure resulting from serious, chronic ailments. What diseases can low blood pressure mean?

  1. Low blood pressure and the kidneys – hypotension may accompany adrenal insufficiency.
  2. Diabetes and low blood pressure Type II diabetes is one of the most popular diseases associated with hypotension.
  3. Hypothyroidism.
  4. Hypopituitarism.
  5. Neurosis and low blood pressure – hypotension may accompany the disease.
  6. Low blood pressure and dehydration – there is a relationship between hypotension and the state of dehydration of the body.
  7. Endocrine diseases.
  8. Menopause and low blood pressure – the period of the menopause is marked by the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, including hypotension.
  9. Hashimoto’s Disease – Low blood pressure is one of the main symptoms of the disease.

Low secondary pressure may also appear in pregnancy or as a consequence of alcohol abuse.

What is the risk of low blood pressure?

It’s hard to talk about the effects of low pressurebecause it is treated as a symptom or a companion rather than the disease itself. However, you can designate serious conditions that can occur with a sudden drop in pressure. Belong to them:

  1. tamponade,
  2. myocardial infarction,
  3. pulmonary embolism.

Also read: “The heart attack affects not only the heart”

How to raise low pressure?

The low, asymptomatic baseline pressure also does not require treatment. In unfavorable weather conditions, which lower energy levels and increase sleepiness, you can reach for coffee or strong black tea.

A quick and short pressure jump will also be ensured by physical exertion – running, exercising on an elliptical cross trainer, cycling. It is worth noting, however, that regular and prolonged exercise, even in people with low blood pressure, ultimately leads to a reduction in blood pressure to some extent and is rather recommended for people struggling with hypertension.

Are you looking for the right blood pressure monitor? We recommend the Start by iHealth upper arm blood pressure monitor with arrhythmia detection. Or maybe you prefer the iHealth Push blood pressure monitor with bluetooth function. The choice is up to you – both models are easy to use and handy.

How to cure low blood pressure?

Ultimately, pharmacological treatment is used in chronic orthostatic hypotension. This is one last resort. Before that, the doctor recommends changing the lifestyle, diet and habits. With low orthostatic pressure, first of all, you should ensure adequate hydration of the body.

Approx. 2-3 liters of fluid should be provided within XNUMX hours. It is also a good idea to take up physical exercises that will alleviate the disturbances in the regulation of the circulation.

The doctor may advise a person with low blood pressure to wear compression stockings, as well as massage and hydrotherapy. A good habit will be crossing your legs while sitting or sleeping with your torso at an angle of 20 degrees. Gradually rising from the bed will not hurt either – first to a sitting position, then to a standing position with support. Low blood pressure precludes the consumption of alcohol.

Secondary hypotension is most often associated with drug therapy, although the possibilities are limited. In the treatment of secondary low pressure, the following are used:

  1. dihydroergotamine – increases the tone of venous vessels,
  2. sympathomimetic drugs – stimulate alpha-adrenergic receptors,
  3. mineralocorticoids – retain sodium in the body, increasing the volume of circulating blood.

Do you want to monitor your pressure? Check out the wide range of blood pressure monitors available on Medonet Market.

Low blood pressure – what to eat?

It is important to mention how to eat in low blood pressure first. In addition to being well hydrated, it will be important to avoid very hot meals. In addition, the principle of more light meals over a few and heavy and plentiful meals will work.

In people with low blood pressure, increasing the daily salt intake is allowed. Normally it is 5-6 g, in this case even 10 g. However, it is important that its source is not highly processed food, such as crisps or fast food.

Potassium and low blood pressure? It is definitely worth taking care of the proper supplementation of this microelement. However, vegetables and fruits should be the source again.

Low blood pressure diet it should also be a source of folic acid, iron and vitamin B12, which counteract anemia – one of the diseases conducive to the development of hypotension.

What is the best thing to reach for in low blood pressure? Above all:

  1. wholemeal bread,
  2. cold cuts and smoked products,
  3. nuts,
  4. cheeses,
  5. pickled products (cucumbers, cabbage),
  6. cornflakes.

To improve your blood pressure, drink ginseng root regularly. Ginseng root now buy on Medonet Market.

Also learn: “What should a healthy diet be like?”

Low blood pressure in pregnancy

Lowering blood pressure in pregnant women is quite common, but is rarely associated with serious diseases of the coronary system. There are, however, specific culprits that cause low blood pressure – hormones. It is mainly progesterone responsible for maintaining the elasticity of blood vessels. In addition, the body of the future mother slows down the blood flow due to its increased volume.

While pregnant, it’s a good idea to check your blood pressure regularly. At Medonet Market you will find a PRIME + NOVAMA upper arm blood pressure monitor with ESH and IHB for pregnant women, which is safe and has a beautiful pink color.

It happens that during pregnancy the pressure value drops by as much as 10 mm Hg, and the first such decrease is noted in the first trimester. Insufficient hydration, lack of physical activity or standing stillness contribute to lowering blood pressure. In addition, in pregnant women, simultaneous low blood pressure and high pulse are observed.

The symptoms of low blood pressure in pregnancy are similar to the general symptoms – dizziness, weakness, fatigue and headache. To improve exercise, expectant mothers are advised to stay hydrated, drink chamomile infusion, rest and exercise (walking, dancing, yoga).

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