Low back pain – Our doctor’s opinion

Low back pain – Our doctor’s opinion

As part of its quality approach, Passeportsanté.net invites you to discover the opinion of a health professional. Dr Dominic Larose, emergency physician, gives you his opinion on the lumbago :

Low back pain – Our doctor’s opinion: understand everything in 2 min

Back pain is possibly the price we pay for our bipedal condition. The lumbar spine is a structure that was developed for four-legged mammals. An explanation that is worth many others?

The majority of adults will have back pain at some point. Strangely enough, it is usually not possible to clearly discover the lesion in question. This is not at all necessary since self-treatment, or conservative treatment, works most of the time.

So, trust the natural healing process and not rush to the doctor, much less demand imaging right away!

Of course, as soon as there are worrying signs mentioned in this sheet, it is essential to consult a doctor.


Dr Dominic Larose, M.D.


Opinion of Dr MARCIANO Sebastian from Urgences Médicales de Paris and sports doctor



Low back pain is one of the most frequent reasons in general medicine and occupational medicine. There is back hygiene to be had. It is not normal to have back pain, there are simple exercises to do even at home to prevent the appearance of the back and strengthen the muscle belts of the back but also of the abdomen because they are often linked.

A low back pain does not require stopping activity, the treatment is the movement as said Public Health France but in the event of a hyperalgesic form and not relieved it is necessary to remain pragmatic, to consult a general practitioner or a rheumatologist. 

It is not necessary to do imagery or x-ray on the first episode.

You should also be careful about taking anti-inflammatory drugs in self-medication, I recommend even the advice of your doctor by phone before taking it.


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