Low acid diets help with acid reflux, researchers concluded

Foods that are too acidic, rather than too much acid in the stomach, can be a major cause of reflexes, heartburn and other digestive ailments, suggests a study published in the Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology.

Many medications recommended for the treatment of acid reflux (acid reflux – PAP) help patients by reducing or neutralizing the acidity of the stomach. But similar effects can be achieved by a diet that maintains an acid-base balance. It involves eating more of the right vegetables, fruits, and cutting down on meat and processed foods.

These are the conclusions of a small study by Dr. Jamie Koufman, founder and president of the Voice Institute of New York, one of the world’s most famous reflex researchers. The scientist conducted them on a group of 12 men and 8 women suffering from this ailment, who were not helped by drugs.

She recommended them to follow a diet with low acidity, that is, one that allowed only foods and drinks with a ph value below 5 (ph 7 is neutral – PAP). The lower the ph, the more acidic the food is, e.g. strawberries have a pH of 3,5 and barbecue sauce is 3,7. These products therefore show increased acidity.

Two weeks after such a diet, 19 people improved, and 3 of them completely resolved.

Dr. Koufman says it is all to blame for the increased levels of pepsin, an enzyme secreted by glandular cells in the stomach, but in some patients it can also be produced in the esophagus. Then it is not enough to reduce the secretion of gastric acid. It is also necessary to follow a diet with a low ph.

This factor is measured from 0 to 6 points for acidic and 8 to 14 points for basic. For every one point drop in ph, the acidity of the food increases tenfold. So a food with a pH of 4 is 10 times more acidic than a food with a pH of 5.

For example, distilled water has a pH of 7, which is neutral. The acidity of the stomach varies from pH 1 to 4.

According to Dr. Koufman, processed foods tend to be more acidic, as required by food safety regulations (higher acidity is more protective against food contamination – PAP). Therefore, the scientist claims, greater consumption of such food increases the risk of esophageal cancer, as it more often causes chronic reflexes.

Dietitian people suffering from reflexes recommend products with a pH not lower than 5. You can eat melons and ripe bananas (they are high and medium alkaline), as well as lemons and lemon, which despite the taste make the body alkaline. However, you should avoid tomatoes and onions, it is better to reach for legumes and broccoli. As for meats, fish are recommended, and chickens can only be eaten without the skin.

Some foods are non-acidic, but they should be avoided because they make acid reflux worse. Dr. Koufman therefore advises against fatty meats, dairy products, caffeine, chocolate, sodas, alcohol and mint. He adds that nuts, garlic, cucumbers and spicy foods can also be unfavorable, because in some people they aggravate the symptoms caused by reflux.

People who do not suffer from severe reflux can consume products with a ph value of not less than 4. Therefore, they can also eat apples, raspberries and yoghurt.

The New York Times writes that Dr. Koufman recommends a low acid diet in Dropping Acid: The Reflux Diet Cookbook & Cure. He admits that it is quite drastic, but is in line with the recommendations of most specialists who promote the consumption of mainly vegetables and fruits, especially legumes, and limiting the meat of animal fats.

Other American nutritionists believe that an acid-base diet has overall beneficial effects on health, reducing the risk of diabetes and heart attacks. Two other books encourage her to do so: “Crazy Sexy Diet” and “The Acid Alkaline Food Guide”. The New York Times claims that there is no conclusive scientific evidence for such a “health” effect.


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns.

When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. low in particular nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and mono-diets can be debilitating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and can also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

To improve digestion and relieve the symptoms of heartburn and reflux, we recommend using RefluxoHerbs Stomach – a herbal mixture from which you will brew a tasty and effective infusion.

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