Love stories from life: love long in 20 years

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! Life love stories are always interesting. There are as many stories as there are men and women in the world.

This is a real life story. How a woman fell in love with her best friend’s 15-year-old son. What came of this?

20 years long love

Sonya was happy. But not only because today she was a bride. Right at the wedding, Stas, the fifteen-year-old son of her best friend Christina, unexpectedly confessed his love to her. The one who today at the registry office signed her marriage.

Sonia later recalled this episode with a laugh more than once. The wedding was almost dead, the guests were slowly leaving. And then Stas came up – Stasik, as she used to call him. And very seriously, slightly stammering, right in the presence of the groom said:

– Sofia Andreevna, congratulations again. And I wish … He lowered his eyes, paused for a second, concentrated and, as if jumping into icy water, clearly pronouncing the words:

I wish … No, I know: you will divorce and marry me. After few years.

Over time, this episode was forgotten. A year has passed since the wedding, the second, the third. Sonya herself did not understand: why did she marry Cyril?

The boring guy began to turn into an even more boring guy. He did not know how to caress or arrange a holiday. I have never thought about Sofia’s gift: “You have all the money, and buy what you need”.

He was a faithful spouse, but he did not know how to create either warmth or a reliable rear for his wife. He went to bed not to whisper with his young wife and make love to her, but to sleep well.

Sex? Well, a couple of times a month it happened, sometimes even three times. Sophia thought more and more often: is this boring boredom really family happiness? Well at least Yanochka was born. Taking care of her daughter Sofia and spent the first years of marriage.

Love stories from life: love long in 20 years

Seeing off

Once Christina called: – Stas is being taken into the army. We arrange the farewell …

Wow! Stanislav has already grown up, he is going to the army. On the wires, Christina sat down next to Sonya and whispered:

– Do you see those girls? Both are drying up for Stas, they almost got into a fight recently, arguing which of them would go to see him off to the station.

– And who does he like more?

– Unclear! One sees off, then the other. He will return from the army, then he will choose …

A couple of months later, Christina called again and asked for a photo of Sofia and Yana. For Stas.

– What for?

– I don’t know, he writes that it will be pleasant for him to look at you and Yana.

A letter flew into the army, in which there was a photo of Sonya with her daughter. And life with Kirill came to an impasse. Sophia invited her husband to divorce, he did not really mind, although he did not understand what came over his wife.

On the other, down the aisle

Stanislav’s year of service flew by quickly. When he first saw Sonya after the army, he even clapped his hands! Despite the childish manifestation of feelings, Sonya understood how her friend’s son had changed – he grew up, matured, got stronger.

Before her was not a cute boy, but a real man. When Sophia was about to leave, the guy volunteered to see him off, and on the way he was looking for her hand all the time. She only chuckled to herself: “So he came back, not a boy, but a husband … Someone’s husband”.

And on February 17, 97 – this day Sonya remembered forever – it happened …

Christina gathered guests for some reason. There was no bread in the house, Sofia volunteered to run to the nearest supermarket.

Stas met her on the stairs. He put the bag of bread on the steps, took her face in his hands, looked for a long, long time, and then kissed it. As an adult. She responded with a kiss, but then, catching herself, broke free and ran into the apartment.

The next day he met her after work:

– I have the keys to my father’s workshop …

Who would have thought that yesterday’s boy, whom she was sometimes assigned to meet from school and feed her lunch, would turn out to be such a passionate and skillful lover! For three years they both lost their heads, but they hid their romance.

The fourth abortion was categorically forbidden by doctors – the term was too long. Sophia thought: “Why not give birth?” And although they did not talk about marriage, both were free. The age difference is only six years.

The call from Christina did not bode well. I thought: he would ask about business, about daughter, work. And she invited her friend to the wedding.

– Whose?

– Stasik is getting married! The girl is so pretty, smart. Sophia went to her friend’s antenatal clinic. She explained, begged, sobbed, insisting on an abortion.

I returned home, locked myself in my room. And I would have sat there not a single day, but the fever began. Only the realization that she had no right to let the midwife down made Sonya fight for her own life.

Don’t call again

For several years, Sophie, under various pretexts, refused to visit Christina’s home. She finally figured out what was going on between her son and best friend. Only once did Kristina manage to drag her friend to her place, assuring that she would not meet Stas.

But fifteen minutes later the doorbell rang for a long time – only my son always called. Christina hid her friend in the bedroom, and herself, referring to being busy, quickly dismissed the young. Sophia was crying quietly in her hiding place. All these years she convinced herself that she had fallen out of love, that everything was in the past. Yes, it was easy to believe without seeing him and not hearing …

Therefore, when, a couple of days later, Stas unexpectedly called her, she did not fight with herself. He had a free week, Sophie took sick leave and they hid in the country with friends.

Summer passed in a frenzy of love. They couldn’t get enough of each other. Stanislav assured that he loved only her, he always loved, he will always love. And Olga, his wife, that is, this is at the insistence of her parents, she does not mean anything to him.

And then … No, men are hard to understand. Once, having returned home a little earlier than usual, Stas found his wife in the arms of another. He moved in with his parents and became depressed. Christina understood that only Sophia could bring her son back to life, and she called her:

– Well, how long can you hide? Move to us.

Leaving her daughter to her parents, Sophie moved to Christina’s apartment. “Wow! Kristya has become almost my mother-in-law! ”And the“ almost mother-in-law ”, who at first was doted on in the“ daughter-in-law ”, suddenly began to admire her own son. “Stasik, how beautiful you are! The girls probably follow you in herds! “

The hints were nowhere clearer. One morning Sonya realized that she was leaving home today. After work, she returned to her daughter and parents. And neither Christina nor Stanislav called her. And for about ten years in that family they did not remember her.

Armor is strong

Sofia licked her wounds for a long time. She learned from someone that Stas got married again. And then she got married herself. Life was getting better. True, all these years Sonya tried not to travel through that metro station, which saw both her happiness and her despair.

But one day it was not possible to bypass this ill-fated station. Sonya was in a hurry for a business meeting, there was a huge traffic jam at the top – it was safer to go by metro. Suddenly someone hugged her – it was Christina. She said that she was going after her granddaughter, Stas’s daughter from her second wife.

– I really want to sit and chat again, as before …

– Since such a misfortune happened that we met, Chris … I’ll come somehow.

The year was 2017. It’s been 20 years since the young boy told Sonya that he would marry her. The babbling of a boy in love could have become a reality several times already. But he did not – Stanislav took other women to the registry office twice.

Deciding to meet with old friends, Sophia believed that she had long turned over the pages dedicated to their son. Everything turned out differently. The quiet feast was interrupted by a long ringing at the door.

Christina was talking to her son in the hallway. Sonya checked herself: there is no treacherous chill inside, which means there is no danger from meeting Stas. And he froze on the threshold of the kitchen and was silent for a long time, not taking his eyes off Sophia. Under this gaze, all her armor, which seemed so reliable and strong, flew off the woman, like a husk.

“God! Is it really all over again ?! ” – “I see you again: what happiness! Will you stay with me today? ” “Yes”.

No, they didn’t say a word. They read each other’s thoughts and became lovers again. After each meeting, Sofia, returning home, roared. Once the husband could not resist: “Is this Stas?” And, understanding everything from her face, he added: “I’m tired of your love stories.” They separated.

Personal holiday

This February – on the 17th, Sonya will celebrate a personal holiday: 20 years ago, Stas, returning from the army, kissed her for the first time.

Are you wondering how this love santa barbara ended? One could think of a happy ending: “They lived happily ever after …”. If the story had been invented, it would have been written. But the story is real. And life has its own laws and its own plots.

A few years ago, it seemed that a happy end would finally happen, that Sofia and Stanislav would get married. Stas asked Sonya for her hand and heart at the grave of her father, repeated his proposal in front of his own parents. My own father just sighed: “Stas, you have lost 20 years …”

A wedding date has already been set. But again it did not take place. Ask why? Do not know. Stas and Sonya still meet sometimes, part again, expect something from each other. It seems that they themselves can no longer figure out their strange relationship. They say they know better from the outside. Maybe you have some advice?

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