Love movies to watch

Love is an unusual feeling. It pushes you to do incredible things and makes you do inexplicable things. This chemical reaction heals someone from incurable diseases, and someone passes away due to unrequited love. But if not for this feeling, so many wonderful musical works, poems, poems, songs would not have been written. We would lose ten great love movies to watch. We will talk about the best of them in this top.

10 Sweet November | year 2001

Love movies to watch

Nelson Moss saw nothing but a permanent job in his life. He is a workaholic without a family, children. And does not try to get out of his gray life. Everything suits him. But one day he meets an unusual girl Sarah. She loves to spiritually heal people, instilling in them what real happiness is. A girl needs to spend a month with a young man, but at the same time not allow herself any intimacy, emotional attachment or feelings with him.

After a while, Nelson realizes that he lived wrong. He begins to notice things that he would not have even looked at before. His worldview changed, and real values ​​​​appeared in life.

A film about love that is worth watching, if only because of the philosophical background!

9. Remember me | 2010

Love movies to watch Young guy Tyler is depressed from a misunderstanding of life and its cruelty. Relatives in the family do not notice or do not want to notice the son’s condition, which is why his mood only worsens. The father does not find time to talk with his son, because after the suicide of the youngest offspring, he withdrew into himself. The only one who supports Tyler and does not let him fall out of life is Aidan’s best friend. After some time, Tyler meets a beautiful girl and falls in love with her. The feeling is mutual. But for the sake of their love, the couple will have to sacrifice a lot and go through great difficulties, because the father of the beloved, who works as a policeman, did not fall in love with the newly-minted boyfriend. If you want a movie about true love, you should definitely watch this movie.

8. Dear John | 2010

Love movies to watch

This film about love, which occupies the 8th place in our top, is suitable for viewing by those who are separated from their loved one. Officer John met the beautiful girl Savannah on vacation. In two weeks of their meetings, the guy and the girl became a couple and fell in love with each other. But now the vacation is coming to an end, and it’s time for the officer to be promoted to the service. He planned to return to his beloved after a while, but the September 11 terrorist attack disrupted all plans. Now John has to stay at work for a while. Letters from Savannah came every week, but over time, John began to receive less and less love notes from the girl. And at one moment he received the last, farewell letter …

7. Safe haven | year 2013

Love movies to watch

A young girl is tired of living with a husband who does not put her in anything. She moves to a small provincial town to start a new life. There, the girl meets a guy who, at such a young age, became a widower. He takes a liking to the girl. But can she trust a man again? This film about love, which occupies the 7th place of the top, is worth watching for every person who is disappointed in love. A romantic fairy tale will once again restore faith in this wonderful and bright feeling.

6. Oath | year 2012

Love movies to watch

A film based on real events. The newlyweds go on their honeymoon, but this wonderful holiday is overshadowed by a car accident in which the groom’s beloved loses her memory. Now Leo, Paige’s husband, will have to fall in love with the girl who once considered him the most dear person to her. The picture, which occupies the 6th place in the top love films worth watching, is one of the best in the melodrama genre. A must see for every movie lover.

5. City of Angels | 1998

Love movies to watch

The film tells an incredible love story between a girl and a former angel. Seth is ready to give up his wings and the gift of eternal life for the love of Maggie, a beautiful girl who works as a doctor. The angel falls in love with her, and wants to spend his whole life with the beauty, dying on the same day. But is the life waiting for him the way he imagined it? The film, which occupies the middle of the top must-see love pictures, shows all the beauty, and, at the same time, the callousness of this world.

4. One day | 2011

Love movies to watch

She is romantic and vulnerable. He is ambitious and narcissistic. They met at graduation, and spent only one day together. But after that, they decided to remain friends and see each other only once a year. The idea of ​​lovers continues for a long time, but friends who love each other cannot continue to meet so rarely. This love story will not leave anyone indifferent. It will turn your mind upside down and make you look at the world in a new way.

3. Diary of memory | 2004

Love movies to watch

Noah and Ellie are in love with each other. They are from different social strata, so at first it was difficult for the young man to get the attention of the girl. Ellie’s parents did not support the girl in her choice, but despite this, the lovers spent the whole summer together. Then Noah had to go to the front. Coming back from the war, he learns that Ellie is engaged to a wealthy businessman. Realizing that this was bound to happen, Noah decides to repair his house and forget about his beloved for a while. But feelings make themselves felt, so the love story of the main characters is not over yet … A romantic picture with an incredible ending and an unpredictable plot, rightfully takes bronze in the rating of love films that are worth watching.

2. PS I love you | 2007

Love movies to watch

Holly and Jerry are the perfect couple. Everything is fine with them: complete mutual understanding and respect for each other. It would seem that they will live happily ever after. But Jeri dies and Holly is left alone. The girl falls into a depression that continues until she finds a gift from her late husband. Jerry cooked it before he died. The surprise of her beloved half brings Holly the desire to live and create. A film about love, which occupies the second line of our top, looks easy, in one breath. This is a melodrama with elements of comedy.

1. Last love on earth | 2011

Love movies to watch

An unusual virus has spread across the Earth. The epidemic has engulfed the entire population of the planet. The disease deprives people of sight, hearing, touch. Michael and Susan, having met, immediately fell in love with each other, but at first did not attach any importance to this. But when the disease gets to them, the couple realizes that they need to live not for the sake of material wealth, but for the sake of a loved one and feelings for him. Topping our list of must-see love movies, the film has a twisted plot, a solid script, and good actors who experience emotions rather than acting them.

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