“Love Letters of Great Men”

This book was invented by the creators of the film “Sex and the City” and given into the hands of Carrie Bradshaw. Viewers, inspired by the passages they read from the screen, went to bookstores … and such a book was not found.

This book was invented by the creators of the film “Sex and the City” and given into the hands of Carrie Bradshaw. The audience, inspired by the excerpts they read from the screen, went to bookstores … and no such book was found. Publishers could not pass by a unique chance: product advertising outpaced the product! And “Love Letters of Great People” became a book – first in English, and then in Russian. It presents all shades of love, from insane passion to domestic intimacy, all types of relationships: platonic infatuation, tender friendship, flirting, scandalous relationships … Robert Burns and Friedrich Schiller, Denis Diderot and King Henry VIII, Mark Twain and Charles express themselves in love Darwin, Byron, Napoleon and other characters known to us are not at all in this capacity. The most striking for the Russian ear are Mozart’s letters: “Dear little wife, I have several orders for you … I ask you to write me more detailed letters … I beg you to behave in such a way that neither your nor my good name will suffer …” To you doesn’t that remind you of anything?

Good book, 240 p.

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