“Testosterone” sang Kayah and for good reason, because there is a lot to talk about. It is a natural process for it to drop between the ages of 40 and 60, which does not mean that things should be left as they are.
The most severe for a man and a direct result of a decrease in testosterone is the weakening of erections and a decrease in sex drive. Self-confidence is not added by the accompanying tummy, decreasing energy and efficiency. It’s hard to feel great when you’re overwhelmed by the feeling that something is running out…
A few words about andropause
Andropause does not affect all men. In the age range of 40-49, it manifests itself in at most 5%, but after the age of 60, almost half of it is affected. Midlife crisis is a drop in testosterone levels and an undesirable rise in estrogen. It is difficult to clearly indicate the guilty factor, but we can distinguish conditions favorable to andropause:
lack of physical activity despite obesity,
alcohol abuse,
lack of a balanced diet,
hormonal deficiencies,
taking certain medications
The simplest diagnosis of andropause is The St. LOUIS ADAM. An affirmative answer to the first and seventh questions and 4 selected from the indicated symptoms suggest hormone therapy:
decreased sex drive,
lack of energy,
decrease in strength and/or endurance,
decrease in body height,
reducing the “joy of life”,
sadness and/or bad mood,
erection problems,
deterioration of sports abilities,
falling asleep after dinner
decrease in work efficiency.
I’d like a testosterone blister
Clinics with men’s hormonal renewal programs come out to meet the expectations. Most men, however, hide the decrease in testosterone, because as it is commonly believed, this hormone equals masculinity. Silencing the problem, however, does not make any sense, because there are plenty of testosterone-containing preparations in traditional and online pharmacies.
Hormonal treatment brings noticeable relief, and its effects come relatively quickly. Vitality and self-confidence return.
The active life of early birds
If problems with maintaining an erection are already present, you should try to make love in the morning, because testosterone levels are at their highest during these hours.
If sex life is disturbed with age, it is worth excluding possible atherosclerosis or hypertension. Untreated depression and severe stress destroy testosterone. It is also advisable to test for diabetes or talk to a sexologist.
Sex is not contraindicated for mature men with cardiovascular disease, because it only takes as much effort for the heart as a brisk walk. Sex life is also possible after removal of the prostate, then the erection proceeds without ejaculation.
Taking care of yourself for many years in your youth will reduce the likelihood of problems with hormones in adulthood. In preventing testosterone deficiency, healthy eating, physical activity, especially sex, thanks to which the testicles produce more of this hormone, so important for the body and mind, are not without significance.