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The film «Magic Land»

Bring pleasure, joy and warmth to your relationship with your child …

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The film “Consults N.I. Kozlov

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The film “Consult N.I. Kozlov and Marina Smirnova»

What should a mother do with a small child if the mother is business-oriented?

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​​​​​​​I often talk to parents who feel embarrassed and surprised that a child is seeking their attention with what they think is bad behavior: “But I take him to hockey, baseball and swimming! I don’t know what else to do with it! I don’t have the strength anymore!»

Instead of trying to increase the amount of time you spend with your child, I suggest something simpler and more fundamental: Upgrade the simple everyday moments when you slow down to connect with your child See→.

Dr. Neufeld often talks about the importance in the bonding space between parent and child of such simple things as pleasure, joy, and warmth. How do I express pleasure in my children, joy in their presence and warmth when I am with them? From time to time, especially when there is tension, negativity, or discord in the family, I stop and ask myself these paramount questions. I try to remember these feelings and fill them with daily communication with children.

— Pause during laundry to sit on the floor with your child for a couple of minutes, when your attention is completely with him.

Smile and give a surprise hug when you fix your car.

— Sit nearby, expressing interest while he searches for something on the Internet.

— Color together.

— Ask about interests.

Touch gently as you pass by to show that you think of him.

Turn on the radio and dance together.

— Delegate some important housework.

— Play a couple of minutes of tickler chasing.

— Walk together.

— Play a few rounds of Do Like Me.

— Plop down on the couch for a while.

— Bring a cup of hot chocolate.

Help with the household chore he has been putting off all day.

Turn dinner into a picnic.

— Light candles at dinner.

— Watch a movie together.

— Laugh and giggle together…

75 things for a happy childhood

​​​​​​​Instead of squandering your time trying to plan “together activities”, you will invest your energy in “scattering” the important moments of simple Oneness with your child throughout the day.

It never ceases to amaze me how sometimes, as I look back on what happened, I realize how intense that moment with a child was. Only later do I understand that I could never have planned or foreseen this charm of spontaneous communication … I could only be open to this possibility, bringing pleasure, joy and warmth to the relationship with the child.

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