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A lotus birth is not very different from a traditional birth. The only difference is not cutting the umbilical cord. The essence of lotus birth is the natural, spontaneous detachment of the umbilical cord from the baby’s belly. Proponents of lotus birth believe that this process should not be interfered with. The umbilical cord falls off by itself between the 3rd and 10th day after birth.
Usually lotus birth takes place at home as this practice is not practiced in most hospitals. A midwife or doula helps the woman in labor. What is the reason for the skeptical attitude of specialists towards lotus birth? Is it safe?
Lotus birth – history
The history of lotus childbirth goes back almost 40 years. The first lotus birth took place in 1974 in the USA. The clairvoyant Claire Lotus Day was the woman in labor. The woman had the ability to perceive the aura of any human being.
She saw the umbilical cord-shaped aura around people with serious health problems. These visions led her to conclude that the umbilical cord did not need to be cut.
The woman claimed that she saw the child’s pain while cutting the umbilical cord. In addition, while observing the chimpanzees, she noticed that the animals left the entire placenta until it fell off itself. Hence the idea to use this practice in her labor.
Lotus childbirth – course
Lotus delivery is the same as traditional childbirth. The difference is that when the baby arrives in the world, the umbilical cord is not cut off. After the placenta is born, it is rinsed of blood to slow down decomposition, and is wrapped in gauze. Then they are placed in a bowl with salt.
Lotus childbirth – the philosophy of the lotus
The name lotus birth comes from the lotus flower which is considered to be the beginning of life. The lotus philosophy assumes that the period until the umbilical cord falls off is a holiday and the period of the transition of a child from fetal life to life in the outside world.
The lotus birth is supposed to make the baby calmer. People born this way have a milder disposition because just being born was not a stress or shock for them. The lotus birth is intended to give the baby self-confidence and good health. Most importantly, supporters believe that thanks to lotus birth, babies avoid birth trauma.
Lotus childbirth – threats
Many specialists are very skeptical about lotus birth. They believe that the placenta is unnecessary after birth. For this reason, they believe that leaving the placenta attached to the baby’s body can lead to serious infections and is unsanitary. It should be remembered that the placenta performs its function only in the fetal life, it begins to decompose outside the mother’s body.
Another argument of the skeptics is the large amount of thromboplastins in the placenta. They are responsible for blood clotting. If they enter the child’s body, they could lead to cardiovascular arrest, thrombosis and death.
In addition, scientists believe that it is also not a natural process, as most animals bite off the umbilical cord of the young to detach it from the placenta.
Lotus birth – Poland
Lotus birth in Poland is not popular. Most often it is chosen by residents of Australia, New Zealand and America. The skeptical attitude of gynecologists and obstetricians means that women in Poland do not decide to give birth to a lotus. If a woman wants to give birth this way, she usually does it at home.
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