Lotus childbirth: features, pros and cons – the opinion of the gynecologist, Tatiana Butskaya

In Russia, this is still a curiosity. But there are more and more fans of the new fashion – lotus childbirth, it seems, will take root. Many obstetricians and gynecologists are intimidated by this.

Once we have already told what lotus birth is. Four and a half years ago, such a service appeared only in some particularly advanced maternity hospitals. And now lotus births are becoming more and more popular. Our permanent expert Tatyana Butskaya and her colleagues – obstetricians-gynecologists talked about why this is not a very good trend.

First, let us recall, so to speak, the materiel. Lotus births came to us from the island of Bali. The placenta, mom and baby are three links in a chain that cannot be broken.

Doctor, obstetrician-gynecologist at the Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology named after Snegireva

“Indonesians compare a child to a lotus flower, where the flower is the child itself, the stem is the umbilical cord, and the root is the placenta. The essence of lotus delivery is in anticipation of the independent discharge of the umbilical cord and placenta, which occurs within 3-12 days after delivery. This is necessary in order for the placenta to transfer all vital energy and spirit into the child’s body, ”says Victoria Soboleva.

It is believed that with this approach, the child will receive additional blood, saturated with a huge amount of nutrients, iron and stem cells. The natives believe that this increases the future intellectual abilities of the baby, provides him with good immunity, and activates the protective functions of the body.

“The placenta during lotus delivery requires special storage and care to avoid infection,” the doctor adds.

Solid benefit or breeding ground for infection?

It all sounds great, authentic and attractive. But what is the danger? And the fact that the tissues of the umbilical cord and placenta after childbirth are very vulnerable to infection and reproduction. In addition, they inevitably start to rot. Essentially, the child remains attached to a piece of dead, decaying flesh. Brr … What should be the care to avoid this, it is not known. Some sprinkle coarse salt on the placenta, others ice. And at the same time perfumed additives to fight off the smell of decay.

But aesthetics is God bless her. It is scary that dangerous bacteria from the placenta and umbilical cord can enter the baby’s bloodstream and cause severe sepsis – blood poisoning. Also, with the child’s first breath, an instant restructuring of his circulatory system occurs. Now the baby is fully breathing with his lungs, and the lumen of the umbilical cord vessels narrows and no longer serves to transport nutrients and oxygen. Therefore, there is simply no biological sense in such a long-term preservation of the child’s connection with the umbilical cord and placenta.

What do professionals think about this? Here’s what.

Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category

“I am the deepest opponent of lotus birth! There is no scientific evidence that this is good. The rules of septic tanks are violated, there is a high risk of contracting an infection. The intake of large amounts of blood from the placenta into the baby’s body is more dangerous than good! Icteric conditions, hemolytic disease and other complications can be more severe.

Doctor, obstetrician-gynecologist at the Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology named after Snegireva

“Cutting the umbilical cord takes more than a minute to carry certain health risks to the baby. I believe that lotus birth is a very dangerous and not very pleasant sight. This is a return to the Mayan tribes and dancing with tambourines. We have enough cases when women, due to religious traditions, ask to give the placenta to the family for eating and performing the ritual … “

Obstetrician-gynecologist, head of the admission department of the clinical hospital “Lapino”

“Such a method can threaten a reverse reflux of blood from the baby to the placenta, but this happens very rarely. There is a danger of infection, because the placenta is a temporary organ and, leaving the uterus, stops feeding and nourishing, and, accordingly, is a target for microbes. In addition, there is an inconvenience in terms of changing clothes and washing a newborn if the placenta is with the baby for more than a day. But there are objective advantages in lotus birth. The placenta is a truly unique temporary organ that contains a huge amount of nutrients and hormones. So you really should handle it as gently and carefully as possible: the umbilical cord pulsates, the baby is on the mother’s chest, the placenta separates on its own.

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