The healing qualities of the rhizomes of the water lily have been known for over five thousand years. The roots of this perennial plant were originally used in religious rituals and ceremonies, and medicines from it were extremely expensive and were available only to the very wealthy inhabitants of the ancient world.
Dishes using lotus root are still extremely popular in East and Southeast Asia. The pulp of this tuber is pickled, dried, boiled, fried and baked, and also served in a candied form as a dessert.
The dish prepared with lotus root gives a special piquancy to its appearance. Due to the fact that the rhizomes are located in the bottom silt deep under water, they have special chambers for storing air supplies. On sections of the rhizome, these air chambers create a unique pattern resembling the lotus flower itself.
Chemical composition and calorific value
The rhizomes of the water lily are very rich in a variety of chemical elements and vitamins that are necessary for the human body. The chemical composition of the pulp is rich in such elements as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, selenium, phosphorus, etc.
The pulp of the tuber in its structure resembles an ordinary potato and is quite high in calories.
100 grams of tuber pulp contains: proteins – 2,6 g; fats – 0,1 g; carbohydrates – 12,3 g; calorie content – 74 kcal.
Benefit for health
The root of this plant is saturated with biologically active substances and vitamins. First of all, these are citric and succinic acids, beta-carotene, choline, as well as vitamins of groups B, A, C, D, E, K and PP, the benefits of which cannot be overestimated. These active substances help increase blood clotting, constrict blood vessels, and also have diuretic and laxative properties.
Of great importance is the content in the tubers of a large amount of iron and copper, which are necessary for the body to produce red blood cells (red blood cells that carry oxygen to cells). The root of the plant stimulates blood circulation, allowing the body to better fight external and internal infections.
Potassium relaxes blood vessels, reducing the workload on the heart, preventing heart attacks and strokes.
Vitamin B group pyridoxine has a fruitful effect on the nervous system. It allows you to quickly relieve headaches and irritability. Pyridoxine allows you to quickly calm down and get out of stressful situations.
It should be remembered that the use of lotus root is not recommended for everyone. Its active substances can provoke a serious deterioration in the condition of citizens suffering from diabetes.
Use in cooking
Lotus root dishes are still extremely popular in China and Japan, where it is used fresh and canned, adding to a variety of dishes. In our country, the lotus root is sold in vacuum packages and it is necessary to be able to choose only fresh tubers. The flesh of a young lotus root has a light orange color, and in older plants, the color of the flesh becomes darker.
Lotus root has a slightly bitter taste and should not be consumed raw. So that the pulp does not darken in the air, after opening the vacuum package, it should be placed in a vinegar solution. To remove bitterness while maintaining a crisp structure, it is recommended to boil the tuber pulp in water with the addition of vinegar before adding it to dishes.
We offer several recipes for Asian dishes with lotus, which can be prepared in European conditions, making your table more varied and festive.
lotus root salad
Boil the pre-sliced lotus root in vinegar water, then mix with finely chopped cucumber and sea salt, adding a little rice vinegar. The resulting mixture should be lightly crushed so that the flavors penetrate the ingredients. Add chopped ham and Korean mayonnaise, after which you can serve the finished dish on the table.
The composition of the dish:
- half a large Chinese cucumber fruit;
- dried ham – 1-2 slices;
- table rice vinegar – half tbsp. spoons;
- Korean mayonnaise – 1-1,5 tbsp. spoons;
- a teaspoon of sugar;
- sea salt;
- lotus root – ½ tuber.
Ginger Salad with Sesame
Finely chopped ginger and garlic are fried in an oiled frying pan until aroma appears. Finely chopped lotus root pulp, pre-boiled in vinegar water, is fried in the resulting mixture until translucent, after which chili peppers and onions are added. A few minutes before cooking, add sesame seeds and soy sauce, as well as sesame oil and other seasonings to taste. The finished dish is recommended to be consumed hot, but it can also be served chilled.
The composition of the dish:
- fresh ginger – a small piece to taste;
- Garlic – 2 cloves;
- green onions – 100-150 gr;
- chili – 2 pieces;
- vegetable oil – to taste;
- sesame seeds;
- soy sauce and sesame oil – 1 tbsp. l;
- salt and pepper to taste;
- lotus root – ½ tuber.
Chinese spicy salad
Long Chinese cucumbers with a neutral taste, cut into thin strips, mixed with finely chopped and slightly crushed garlic. Chili peppers are finely chopped along with the seeds and added to the salad along with a mixture of ground peppers. Soy sauce and vinegar are added in small quantities, and vinegar should be less than soy sauce.
In an almost ready salad, add finely chopped and pre-boiled in vinegar lotus root, which will give the dish a bright taste and excellent appearance. The salad should stand for an hour, after which it will become even more burning and piquant.
The composition of the dish:
- Chinese cucumber – 3 pcs;
- Garlic – 3 cloves;
- chili – 1 pieces;
- soy sauce and vinegar – to taste;
- black and red pepper – to taste;
- lotus root – ½ tuber.
Salads prepared with lotus root go well with boiled rice, which can be used as a side dish.